Scam victims in Australia 2023.4……【媒体报道】➤(17 Apr 2023)多丽丝·麦卡利斯特 (Doris McAllister) 一生都在努力工作以养活自己。她15岁开始工作,离婚后自己攒钱买房。她与乳腺癌和生活中遇到的所有其他问题作斗争。因此,去年,当这位 75 岁的老人看到一家国际银行提供丰厚的存款回报时,她决定将毕生的 260,000 澳元积蓄转移到其他银行,以帮助确保她的退休生活。“我感觉自己处于世界之巅,因为我想,‘现在我的余生都准备好了’”她说。“我不必工作。我不必回头看看下一澳元的来源。”六周后,当她需要提款时,她意识到自己被骗了。
➤(21 Apr 2023)当莎拉·凯(Sarah Kay)意识到她被骗走了 25,000 澳元时,她的反应是身体上的。“我刚刚进入完全恐慌模式,我只是感到非常恶心,”她说。在 30 岁时,莎拉省吃俭用,靠当老师的工作攒钱在珀斯买了她的第一套房子,这场骗局立即耗尽了她来之不易的积蓄。“我努力工作的一切都被取消了,因为我绝对是一个储蓄者,未雨绸缪,”她说。“我努力工作以在我的银行账户中达到这个数额。”她没想到的是接下来为了获得补偿与她的银行进行的漫长且基本上没有成功的斗争。莎拉说她一直都把钱放在 NAB 银行,但称他们在诈骗事件后对待她的方式是“直率、粗鲁和非常无礼的”。


发表 2023 年 4 月 17 日星期一凌晨 4:02

多丽丝·麦卡利斯特 (Doris McAllister) 一生都在努力工作以养活自己。


因此,去年,当这位 75 岁的老人看到一家国际银行提供丰厚的存款回报时,她决定将毕生的 260,000 澳元积蓄转移到其他银行,以帮助确保她的退休生活。








去年 11 月,金融监察员审理了她的案件,银行为其员工在处理这位 75 岁老人的银行转账时采取的行动进行了辩护。


在 McAllister 女士的案例中,她的钱无法追回。




发表 2023 年 4 月 21 日星期五凌晨 3:33

当莎拉·凯(Sarah Kay)意识到她被骗走了 25,000 澳元时,她的反应是身体上的。


在 30 岁时,莎拉省吃俭用,靠当老师的工作攒钱在珀斯买了她的第一套房子,这场骗局立即耗尽了她来之不易的积蓄。




莎拉说她一直都把钱放在 NAB 银行,但称他们在诈骗事件后对待她的方式是“直率、粗鲁和非常无礼的”。

Sarah 是成千上万无法从四大银行获得赔偿的受骗澳大利亚人之一,四大银行只在少数情况下向客户提供赔偿。

企业监管机构 ASIC 周四发布的一份报告称,银行的资源配置跟不上快速增长的诈骗威胁,导致对许多案件的反应不足。

去年 7 月,Sarah 的手机接到了一个电话。

“他们知道我是一名老师,他们知道我住在哪里,他们知道我的 NBN 代码,”她说。




在她不知情的情况下,他们能够访问她的网上银行并在一次交易中窃取 25,000 澳元。

她收到了 NAB 的警告短信,急忙打电话给银行,但为时已晚。他们告诉她钱没了。


与许多诈骗受害者一样,Sarah Kay 认为她的银行应该因未能阻止可疑交易而向她赔偿。

但 ASIC 发现很少有受害者得到大银行的赔偿。


她甚至提出与银行以 50-50 的比例分摊责任,并接受仅支付她一半存款的补偿——但她表示被拒绝了。

“NAB 完全反对,”她说


NAB 坚持认为,她是让骗子最终访问她账户的人。

经过长时间的谈判,莎拉从她的银行收到了 5,000 澳元。但她表示,整个投诉过程让她觉得自己处于非常不利的地位。

Doris McAllister spent her whole life working hard to support herself.

She started working when she was 15. She saved to buy a house on her own after a divorce. She fought breast cancer and all the other problems life threw her way.

So, last year, when the 75-year-old saw an international bank offering a good return on deposits, she decided to transfer her life’s savings of $260,000 across to help secure her retirement.

“I was feeling on top of the world because I thought, ‘Now I’m set for the rest of my life,’” she said.

“I don’t have to work. I don’t have to look over my shoulder for where the next dollar is going to come from.”

Six weeks later, when she needed to make a withdrawal, she realised she had been conned.

Scammers had pretended to represent the Singapore-based bank DBS, and had tricked her into transferring her life’s savings to them.

“They made it sound so perfect, and I lost the lot,” she said.

Before she was scammed, she was planning her first overseas holiday: a trip to New Zealand with a group of friends.

Now she is living on the pension and trying to pick up catering work on weekends when she can.

“[Losing] any amount of money is bad, but when it’s such a high amount, it’s worse because, at my age, I know I can’t start again,” she said.

When Sarah Kay realised she had been scammed out of $25,000, her reaction was physical.

“I just went into complete panic mode and I just felt violently sick,” she said.

At the age of 30, Sarah had scrimped and saved working as a teacher to buy her first home in Perth, and the scam immediately gutted her hard-earned savings buffer.

“Everything I’ve worked hard for [was] removed, because I am definitely a saver and saving for a rainy day,” she said.

“I’ve worked hard to achieve that amount in my bank account.”

What she did not expect next was the lengthy and largely unsuccessful battle with her bank to be compensated.

Sarah said she had banked with NAB all her life, but described the way they treated her after the scam as “blunt, rude and very disrespectful”.

Sarah is among thousands of scammed Australians who have been unable to get compensation from the big four banks, which have only been reimbursing customers in a small minority of cases.

The banks’ resourcing has not kept pace with the rapidly growing threat of scams, leaving the response to many cases lacking, a report released on Thursday by corporate regulator ASIC said.

Unsatisfied, Sarah decided to fight her bank, lodging a complaint directly and then going further to the ombudsman, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.

She even offered to split the responsibility with the bank 50-50 and accept compensation for just half her savings — but said that was rejected.

“NAB was completely against it,” she said

“When I expressed my concerns, [they said], ‘We are not liable.’”

NAB has maintained she was the one who gave the scammers ultimate access to her account.

After lengthy negotiations, Sarah received $5,000 from her bank. But she said the entire complaint process made her feel like she was at a significant disadvantage.

“It’s very distressing,” she said.



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