奥兰治县妇女和其他三人因涉嫌价值数百万美元的医疗保健业务诈骗而被起诉(美国) 2023.7.19……【Attorney】【U.S.】➤Orange County Woman and Three Others Arrested on Indictment Alleging Multimillion-Dollar Health Care Business Scam
➤美国加州中区检察官办公室 新闻稿
塔米·勒 (Tammy Le),48 岁,来自圣克莱门特 (San Clemente),是 CareAccess MSO Inc. 的前所有者兼首席执行官。CareAccess MSO Inc. 是一家总部位于喜瑞都的公司,旨在帮助初级保健医生团体管理其业务事务。今天早上,她被逮捕。
Macy Zia,50 岁,来自富勒顿,曾任 CareAccess 高级会计经理;
Galen Clark,31 岁,来自西米谷,前 CareAccess 信息技术经理;和
Chris Ruiz,52 岁,来自帕萨迪纳,是 Auxilium Health Network 的所有者,Auxilium Health Network 是一家位于阿卡迪亚的独立医师协会 (IPA)。
所有四名被告均被指控一项串谋实施电信诈骗罪。勒、齐亚和鲁伊斯被指控犯有六项电汇欺诈罪。克拉克据称于 2020 年 11 月参与了这一阴谋,被指控犯有三项电汇欺诈罪。Le还被指控一项严重身份盗窃罪和一项洗钱罪。
根据周二返回的起诉书,从2020年1月到2021年7月,被告合谋通过虚假陈述CareAccess的业务范围及其预期收入,从受害人那里骗取金钱——一家受害公司被骗向CareAccess贷款,而另一家受害公司则被骗收购Le的公司。起诉书称,两名受害者都不知道 CareAccess 的脆弱状态。
据称,Le 促使 CareAccess 与一家位于新泽西州的金融公司签订合同,该公司将向 CareAccess 提供贷款,以换取收取其公司应收账款的权利,其中包括应收 Auxilium 和其他 IPA 的费用。
被告据称通过对 CareAccess 的业务表现作出虚假陈述,包括向 IPA 发送该公司据称开具的虚假发票副本,诱导贷方。伪造发票附有电子表格,其中包含据称参加 IPA 的患者人数。欺诈性发票和电子表格夸大了 CareAccess 的费用金额以及贷方将贷给其的金额。
据称,为了阻止贷款人发现欺诈行为,Le 安排 Ruiz 担任 Auxilium 的联系人,当贷款人代表联系时,他核实了欺诈性发票和电子表格中包含的虚假信息。
据称,Le、Zia 和 Ruiz 导致该贷方将约 610 万美元的贷款汇入 Le 控制的银行账户。
此外,从 2020 年 11 月开始,被告(现在包括克拉克)据称招揽一家位于犹他州的医疗保健投资公司投资并最终收购 CareAccess。被告据称向该投资者提供了虚假报告,夸大了其业务业绩和客户群规模。
通过这些虚假陈述,被告据称导致投资者提供约 1270 万美元用于收购 CareAccess,其中 Le 据称指示将其中 220 万美元存入她的银行账户,后一金额的很大一部分将被被告用于个人利益。
收购后几个月内,CareAccess 申请破产保护。
美国助理检察官 Valerie L. Makarewicz 和重大欺诈科的 David H. Chao 正在起诉此案。


Orange County Woman and Three Others Arrested on Indictment Alleging Multimillion-Dollar Health Care Business Scam
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney’s Office, Central District of California

LOS ANGELES – The owner of a now-shuttered health care business management services company and three other people were arrested today on a nine-count federal grand jury indictment alleging they defrauded lenders and investors out of millions of dollars via false claims that the owner’s struggling business was booming.

Tammy Le, 48, of San Clemente, the former owner and CEO of CareAccess MSO Inc., a Cerritos-based company that purported to help primary care physician groups manage their business affairs, was arrested without incident this morning.

Also arrested today were:

  • Macy Zia, 50, of Fullerton, a former senior accounting manager at CareAccess;
  • Galen Clark, 31, of Simi Valley, a former CareAccess information technology manager; and
  • Chris Ruiz, 52, of Pasadena, the owner of Auxilium Health Network, an Arcadia-based independent physician association (IPA).

All four defendants are charged with one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Le, Zia and Ruiz are charged with six counts of wire fraud. Clark, who allegedly joined the conspiracy in November 2020, is charged with three counts of wire fraud. Le also is charged with one count of aggravated identity theft and one count of money laundering.

Le and Zia are expected to make their initial appearances this afternoon in United States District Court in Santa Ana. Clark and Ruiz are scheduled to make their initial court appearances this afternoon in federal court in downtown Los Angeles.

According to an indictment returned on Tuesday, from January 2020 to July 2021, the defendants conspired to fraudulently obtain money from their victims by falsely representing the scope of CareAccess’ business and its anticipated revenue – one victim company was duped into loaning money to CareAccess while the other victim company was deceived into acquiring Le’s company. Neither victim knew the weak state of CareAccess, the indictment alleges.

Le allegedly caused CareAccess to contract with a New Jersey-based finance company that would make loans to CareAccess in exchange for rights to collect against her company’s accounts receivable, including fees due from Auxilium and other IPAs.

The defendants allegedly induced the lender by making false statements regarding the business performance of CareAccess, including by sending fake copies of invoices the company purportedly issued to IPAs. The bogus invoices were accompanied by spreadsheets containing the number of patients purportedly enrolled with the IPAs. The fraudulent invoices and spreadsheets inflated the amount of fees due to CareAccess and the amount of money the lender would loan to it.

To impede the lender’s ability to detect the fraud, Le allegedly arranged for Ruiz to be the point of contact at Auxilium and, when contacted by the lender’s representatives, he verified the false information contained in the fraudulent invoices and spreadsheets.

Le, Zia and Ruiz allegedly caused this lender to wire approximately $6.1 million in loans into a Le-controlled bank account.

Also, starting in November 2020, the defendants, now including Clark, allegedly solicited a Utah-based health care investment company to invest in and eventually acquire CareAccess. The defendants allegedly provided this investor fraudulent reports that inflated its business performance and the size of its customer base.

Through these misrepresentations the defendants allegedly caused the investor to provide approximately $12.7 million for the acquisition of CareAccess, of which Le allegedly directed $2.2 million to be deposited in her bank account. A substantial portion of the latter amount was to be used by the defendants for their personal benefit.

Within months of the acquisition, CareAccess filed for bankruptcy protection.

An indictment is merely an allegation. All defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

The FBI is investigating this matter.

Assistant United States Attorneys Valerie L. Makarewicz and David H. Chao of the Major Frauds Section are prosecuting this case.


Ciaran McEvoy
Public Information Officer
(213) 894-4465

Updated July 19, 2023



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