FTX 2023.10.5……【Press】【U.S.】Today’s morning session was devoted to Bankman-Fried’s college friend (and later Alameda intern and FTX developer) Adam Yedidia.
来自法院的问候,我们的第一周即将结束。今天早上,检方将继续审问 SBF 的大学好友(后来成为 Alameda/FTX 同事)Adam Yedidia,然后他们将传唤 Paradigm 的 Matt Huang。FTX 首席技术官加里·王 (Gary Wang) 将会在那之后,检方表示这应该会带我们到本周末,并建议下周可能会传唤卡罗琳·埃里森 (Caroline Ellison) 和尼沙德·辛格 (Nishad Singh) 等其他知名证人。
到目前为止,陪审团提交的大部分证据包括 FTX 注册页面的屏幕截图以及现在臭名昭著的由吉赛尔·邦辰 (Gisele Bundchen)、汤姆·布雷迪 (Tom Brady) 和拉里·大卫 (Larry David) 等名人主演的 FTX 广告,主要是为了确定客户如何访问该平台以及为什么他们会信任交易所。
Bankman-Fried 的法律顾问 Mark Cohen 在声明中暗示,FTX 的垮台是一个失败的商业冒险的故事,而不是一个欺诈性的故事。这是一家陷入困境的加密初创公司。“萨姆没有欺骗任何人。Sam 无意欺骗任何人。Sam 真诚地尝试建立和运营 FTX 和 Alameda,”他说。
争论部分取决于 FTX 服务条款的解释。检方声称,这些条款“告诉客户加密货币属于他们,而不是 FTX”,并且“FTX 不会使用客户的钱”。但辩方表示,班克曼-弗里德有理由相信,根据服务条款,将客户资金借给阿拉米达是完全合适的。
在开庭陈述中,辩方似乎试图将涉嫌欺诈的责任从 Bankman-Fried 身上转移开,并破坏出庭作证的 FTX 内部人士的可信度。
它强调了 FTX 在倒闭时的规模,这限制了 Bankman-Fried 的监管。Bankman-Fried 的代表马克·科恩 (Mark Cohen) 昨天表示:“没有一个人、没有一位首席执行官,当然也不是山姆,可以无所不在、无所不能,尤其是在这样一个快速增长、复杂的企业中。”
辩方还表示,Alameda 首席执行官卡罗琳·埃里森 (Caroline Ellison) 对导致 FTX 崩溃的情况负有部分责任,因为她忽视了班克曼·弗里德 (Bankman-Fried) 对冲加密货币市场低迷可能性的指示。这意味着班克曼-弗里德并不是唯一做出决定的人。
今天上午的会议专门针对 Bankman-Fried 的大学朋友(后来是 Alameda 实习生和 FTX 开发人员)Adam Yedidia。
检方显然试图将重点放在奢侈支出上,展示了香港最初非常普通的 FTX 办公室的照片,然后是巴哈马群岛华丽的顶层公寓景观,以及板网球场的照片。
辩方试图反驳,强调顶层公寓是一套集体住宅,而不是班克曼-弗里德的私人公寓,他没有游艇,并询问 Yedidia 是否知道 SBF 开着一辆丰田卡罗拉。
辩方还试图强调 SBF 关心适当的商业行为,实施地理围栏以确保美国客户无法在该平台进行交易,并辩称 Alameda 持有 FTX 资金并不是秘密,甚至客户都知道这是因为这是存款指示。午休后我们回到盘问。
检方提供了一个有趣的细节:他们询问 Yedidia,SBF 是否真的像经常报道的那样睡在豆袋椅上。Yedidia 表示,SBF 以前在香港做的比较多。但是,当他们到达巴哈马群岛时,SBF 只偶尔在豆袋椅上小睡一下。
在今天下午的庭审中,检方介绍了下一位证人:Paradigm 联合创始人 Matt Huang,该公司向 FTX 投资了超过 2 亿美元。
Huang描述了会见SBF并讨论投资后,担心该公司没有传统的治理结构,还担心Alameda Research作为FTX客户可能会享受优惠待遇,例如能够更快地进行交易。他作证说,如果这是真的,这将削弱客户对 FTX 的信任,但他被引导相信阿拉米达没有优惠待遇。
检方随后将FTX首席技术官Gary Wang带入法庭,首先询问他一年前在哪里工作(自然是FTX),然后立即询问他在FTX工作期间是否犯有金融犯罪行为。(“是的。”)
王已经对欺诈相关指控进行了认罪,他讲述了他与班克曼-弗里德的友谊,然后重申了阿拉米达的特权,他声称,SBF 要求他在代码中写入:能够更快地下订单,拥有负余额,并且有能力拥有 650 亿美元的信贷额度。这些功能(其中一些是王实施的,一些是他审查的)并未公开披露。
Wang的证词明天继续。检方表示,下一位证人将是 BlockFi 首席执行官 Zac Prince 和 Pinecone 的 Elan Dekel。
今天早些时候,在 Yedidia 的盘问中,辩方询问他住在巴哈马顶层公寓是否与住在宿舍相似。
控方在回应中向法庭展示了一张顶层公寓的照片,里面有通风的白色家具和海景,并询问这张照片“与你在麻省理工学院与被告一起生活的经历相比如何?” 耶迪迪亚有何回应?“比较豪华。”

Today in Court
Today’s morning session was devoted to Bankman-Fried’s college friend (and later Alameda intern and FTX developer) Adam Yedidia.
Yedidia spoke about being assigned to work on a project to automate customer deputies and withdrawals. In this process, he learned that customer money was going into North Dimension, a bank account controlled by sister company Alameda Research, but this didn’t initially worry him because he thought Alameda was simply holding on to the money. This customer money was tracked in an account called fiat@ftx.com.
Later, Yedidia discovered that the automation process had a bug that inflated the amount of money in the fiat@ftx.com account—the actual amount was $8 billion, not the $16 billion recorded.
Concerned about the large number, Yedidia asked SBF (while on a paddle tennis court in the Bahamas) whether the companies were OK. Bankman-Fried responded that they had been “bulletproof” in 2021 but were not in 2022. It might take six months to three years to be bulletproof again, SBF allegedly said.

The prosecution is clearly trying to focus on lavish spending, showed photos of the original, very ordinary FTX offices in Hong Kong and then the gorgeous penthouse view in the Bahamas, and of the paddle tennis court.
The defense, trying to counter, emphasized that the penthouse was a group house and not Bankman-Fried’s personal apartment, that he didn’t have a yacht, and asked Yedidia if he was aware that SBF drove a Toyota Carolla.
The defense also tried to emphasize that SBF cared about proper business practices, implementing geofencing to ensure that US-based customers couldn’t trade in the platform, and argued that it was not a secret that Alameda held FTX funds—and that even customers knew this, because it was on deposit instructions. We return to cross-examination after the lunch break.

One amusing detail from the prosecution: they asked Yedidia whether SBF really slept in a bean bag chair, as was often reported. Yedidia said SBF used to do it more in Hong Kong; but, by the time they were in the Bahamas, SBF only took occasional naps on the bean bag.

More Witnesses Take the Stand
In today’s afternoon session, the prosecution introduced its next witness: Matt Huang, cofounder of Paradigm, which invested more than $200 million in FTX.
Huang described meeting SBF and, after discussing investment, being concerned that the company didn’t have a traditional governance structure, and also worried that Alameda Research might enjoy preferential treatment as an FTX customer, such as being able to trade faster. If this were true, he testified, it would erode customer trust in FTX, but he was led to believe that Alameda had no preferential treatment.

The prosecution then brought in FTX CTO Gary Wang, first asking him where he was working a year ago (FTX, naturally) and then immediately asking whether he had committed financial crimes while working at FTX. (“Yes.“)
Wang, who has already pleaded guitly on fraud-related charges, recounted his friendship with Bankman-Fried and then reiterated the special privileges for Alameda that SBF had, he claimed, asked him to write into the code: being able to place orders faster, having a negative balance, and the ability to have a $65 billion line of credit. These features—some of which Wang implemented and some which he reviewed—were not publicly disclosed.
Wang’s testimony continues tomorrow. The prosecution has indicated that the next witnesses will be Zac Prince, CEO of BlockFi, and Elan Dekel of Pinecone.

Judge Lewis Kaplan chastised the defense several times today—particularly during the cross-examination of Adam Yedidia—for asking repetitive questions. At one point, he asked the lawyers to sidebar with him over this issue, at which point a white noise machine was turned on for privacy.

During Yedidia’s cross-examination earlier today, the defense asked him whether living in the Bahamas penthouse was similar to being in a dorm.
The prosecution, during their response, showed the court a photo of the penthouse with its airy white furniture and ocean views and asked how the picture “compared to your experience living with the defendant at MIT?” Yedidia’s response? “More luxurious.”
That’s all for today’s live coverage of the trial of Sam Bankman-Fried. We’ll be back tomorrow.

FTX co-founder testifies against Sam Bankman-Fried, saying they committed crimes and lied to public
Updated 6:03 AM GMT+8, October 6, 2023

NEW YORK (AP) — Prosecutors went to the heart of their case against FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried on Thursday as the company’s co-founder began his testimony, telling a New York jury that he and Bankman-Fried committed financial crimes and lied to the public before the cryptocurrency trading platform collapsed last year.

Gary Wang, 30, said he committed wire, securities and commodities fraud as the chief technical officer at FTX after also sharing ownership in Alameda Research, a cryptocurrency hedge fund that he and Bankman-Fried started in 2017 and eventually used to withdraw $8 billion in FTX funds illegally. He said Bankman-Fried directed the illegal moves.

His assertions came on the second day of testimony at a trial expected to last up to six weeks as prosecutors try to prove that Bankman-Fried stole billions of dollars from investors and customers to buy luxury beachfront real estate, enrich himself and make over $100 million in political contributions aimed at influencing cryptocurrency regulation.

Bankman-Fried, 31, who has been jailed since August, was brought to the United States from the Bahamas last December after he was charged in Manhattan federal court. He has pleaded not guilty.

Before the trial began Tuesday, prosecutors promised to use testimony from Bankman-Fried’s “trusted inner circle” to prove he intentionally stole from customers and investors and then lied about it. Defense lawyers say Bankman-Fried had no criminal intent as he took actions to try to save his businesses after the cryptocurrency market collapsed.

In just over a half hour of testimony, Wang said he and Bankman-Fried allowed Alameda Research to withdraw unlimited funds from FTX “and we lied to the public.”

Wang said not only was Alameda Research permitted to maintain negative balances and unlimited open positions, but the computer code that controlled its operations was written to provide a line of credit of $65 billion, a number so large that Judge Lewis A. Kaplan questioned Wang briefly to ensure he was talking about billions rather than millions.

Wang testified that the special computer code features were directed by Bankman-Fried, a man he met over a decade ago at a high school summer camp after moving to the United States from China and growing up in Minnesota.

Wang said he was paid $200,000 in salary, along with owning 10% of Alameda and 17% of FTX, enough shares to be a billionaire before the businesses collapsed.

He said money flowed so freely at Alameda that he was able to borrow a million dollars for a home and between $200 million and $300 million to make investments.

Wang is the first of a trio of former top executives slated to testify against Bankman-Fried after pleading guilty to fraud charges in cooperation deals that could win them substantial leniency at sentencing.

The others are Carolyn Ellison, Alameda Research’s former chief executive and a former girlfriend of Bankman-Fried, and Nishad Singh, the former engineering director at FTX.

Earlier in the day, jurors heard testimony from Adam Yedidia, who said he developed software for FTX before quitting the company when he learned last November that Alameda had used money from investors to pay creditors.

He said he lived with Bankman-Fried and other top executives in June or July of 2022 when he told Bankman-Fried one day that he was concerned that Alameda owed FTX a large debt. He said he wanted to know if things were OK.

“Sam said something like, ‘We weren’t bulletproof last year. We’re not bulletproof this year,’” he recalled. When he asked how long it might take to become bulletproof again, he said a seemingly nervous and worried Bankman-Fried responded that it could take three months to three years.



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