JONATHAN VINCENT GLENN 2023.10.6……【Attorney】【U.S.】Vanessa Roberts Avery, United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, and Robert Fuller, Special Agent in Charge of the New Haven Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, today announced that JONATHAN VINCENT GLENN, 54, of Greenwich, waived his right to be indicted and pleaded guilty yesterday in Hartford federal court to defrauding investment clients through a “cherry-picking” securities scheme.
➤【美国】康涅狄格州投资顾问承认通过择优计划诈骗客户 270 万美元
美国康涅狄格州地区检察官凡妮莎·罗伯茨·艾弗里 (Vanessa Roberts Avery) 和负责联邦调查局纽黑文分部的特别探员罗伯特·富勒 (Robert Fuller) 今天宣布,来自格林威治的 54 岁乔纳森·文森特·格伦 (JONATHAN VINCENT GLENN) 放弃了被起诉的权利,于昨天在哈特福德联邦法院认罪,罪名是通过“择优挑选”证券计划欺骗投资客户。
根据法庭文件和法庭陈述,格伦拥有格伦资本有限责任公司(Glenn Capital LLC),也称为 GlennCap LLC,是一家总部位于格林威治的投资咨询公司。Glenn通过Glenn Capital为客户提供包括资产选择和资产配置在内的投资组合管理服务。格伦管理格伦资本的所有咨询客户账户,并被授权代表每个客户做出交易决策,而无需为每笔交易寻求批准。Glenn 代表顾问客户、本人或家庭成员进行交易,方式是直接在相关个人账户中进行交易,或在 Glenn Capital 的综合账户中进行大宗交易,然后在相关个人账户之间分配大宗交易。
通过这一计划,Glenn 诈骗了超过 45 名客户,金额总计超过 270 万美元。
Glenn 承认一项证券欺诈罪,最高可判处 25 年监禁和最高约 540 万美元的罚款。

Connecticut Investment Advisor Admits Defrauding Clients of $2.7 Million Through Cherry-Picking Scheme
Friday, October 6, 2023

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Connecticut

Vanessa Roberts Avery, United States Attorney for the District of Connecticut, and Robert Fuller, Special Agent in Charge of the New Haven Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, today announced that JONATHAN VINCENT GLENN, 54, of Greenwich, waived his right to be indicted and pleaded guilty yesterday in Hartford federal court to defrauding investment clients through a “cherry-picking” securities scheme.

“Cherry-picking” is a fraudulent securities trading practice in which the responsible individual executes trades without assigning those trades to a particular trading account until the individual determines whether or not the trade has become profitable or suffered losses. The responsible individual then allocates the profitable trades to favored accounts – often the individual’s own accounts – and assigns unprofitable trades to disfavored client accounts.

According to court documents and statements made in court, Glenn owned Glenn Capital LLC, also known as GlennCap LLC, an investment advisory firm headquartered in Greenwich. Through Glenn Capital, Glenn provided clients with portfolio management services including asset selection and asset allocation. Glenn managed all of Glenn Capital’s advisory clients’ accounts and was authorized to make trading decisions on each client’s behalf without seeking approval for each trade. Glenn placed trades on behalf of advisory clients, himself, or family members by trading directly in the relevant individual account, or by placing block trades in Glenn Capital’s omnibus account and allocating the block trades among the relevant individual accounts. Glenn Capital’s Code of Ethics required Glenn to determine and document the specific allocation of each block trade prior to the execution, and to allocate block trades to individual accounts at an average price.

In pleading guilty, Glenn admitted that he defrauded clients by retroactively allocating profitable omnibus-account trades to favored clients, family, and personal accounts, and unprofitable omnibus-account trades to non-favored-client accounts. Notwithstanding the requirements set forth in the Code of Ethics, Glenn did not determine the allocation of block trades until after they were executed, when he knew if the trades were profitable in the hours following the execution. When a block purchase of an equity security increased in value in the hours after the purchase, Glenn generally realized the profits by selling the security. He then allocated those profits to favored-client, family, firm, and personal accounts. When a block purchase of an equity security decreased in value, Glenn generally allocated those block purchases to the non-favored-client accounts. Glenn did not inform his clients that he was “cherry picking.” Instead, he gave the false impression that he allocated trades fairly and according to a pre-determined allocation methodology.

Through this scheme, Glenn defrauded more than 45 clients of a total of more than $2.7 million.

Glenn pleaded guilty to one count of securities fraud, which carries a maximum term of imprisonment of 25 years and a fine of up to approximately $5.4 million. Glenn is released pending sentencing, which is scheduled for December 28.

This matter has been investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation with the assistance of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which has settled fraud charges with Glenn and GlennCap LLC.

This case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Heather L. Cherry.

Updated October 6, 2023

「摘櫻桃」詐騙45名投資者270萬 投資顧問認罪面臨最高25年刑期


根據檢方,這名涉案人員為一名叫做格林(Jonathan Vincent Glenn)的男子,現年54歲。他被指控通過「摘櫻桃」(cherry-picking)的證券欺詐騙局,對45名客戶進行了投資詐騙。


根據法庭文件,格林擁有並運營著一家名為「格林資金」(Glenn Capital LLC)的投資顧問公司。而格林則通過該公司,為客戶提供投資組合管理服務,包括資產選擇和資產配置。所有咨詢客戶的賬戶均由格林本人管理,並有權代表每位客戶做出交易決定,且無需就每筆交易尋求批准。







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