密码保护:FTX 2023.10.13……【Press】【U.S.】The FTX trial, day eight: Defrauding lenders
BlockFi CEO testifies that the company wouldn’t have loaned to Alameda Research if they had any idea what was really going on
The FTX trial, day seven: Sam, I guess
Recordings of the now infamous all-hands meeting capture Caroline Ellison admitting to conspiring with Sam Bankman-Fried to misappropriate FTX customer…
The FTX trial, day six: A constant state of dread
“Alternate” balance sheets, bribes, Saudi financing, and a painfully intertwined personal and professional life were among the topics described by Sam…
The FTX trial, day five: Sam Bankman-Fried for president
Caroline Ellison testifies about Sam Bankman-Fried’s appetite for risk, involvement in Alameda Research, and even his presidential aspirations.
The FTX trial, day four: The fraud was in the code
The jury got a taste of code review as they examined a falsified “insurance fund” and the infamous FTX → Alameda Research “backdoor”.
The FTX trial, days 2–3: “FTX defrauded its customers”, says former employee
Meanwhile, the defense tries to argue that if Sam Bankman-Fried was a criminal, he would’ve bought a fancier car.
The FTX trial, day one: Jury selected in Sam Bankman-Fried case
The death penalty is not on the table, the judge reassured one
FTX 审判第八天:欺诈贷方
BlockFi 首席执行官作证说,如果 Alameda Research 知道到底发生了什么,该公司就不会贷款给他们
FTX 审判第七天:Sam,我猜
现在臭名昭著的全体会议录音显示,卡罗琳·埃里森 (Caroline Ellison) 承认与山姆·班克曼·弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 合谋盗用 FTX 客户……
FTX 试验第六天:持续的恐惧状态
FTX 审判第五天:萨姆·班克曼-弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 竞选总统
卡罗琳·埃里森 (Caroline Ellison) 就山姆·班克曼·弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 的风险偏好、对阿拉米达研究公司的参与,甚至他的总统抱负作证。
FTX 审判第四天:欺诈行为存在于代码中
陪审团在检查伪造的“保险基金”和臭名昭著的 FTX→Alameda Research“后门”时尝到了代码审查的滋味。
FTX 审判,第 2-3 天:前员工称“FTX 欺骗了客户”
FTX 审判第一天:Sam Bankman-Fried 案陪审团选定

