FTX 2023.10.15……【Press】【U.S.】Bloomberg is set to debut a documentary called “Ruin” on Oct. 25 via Bloomberg Television.
彭博社推出 FTX 纪录片 Sam Bankman-Fried
彭博社将于 10 月 25 日通过彭博电视台首映一部名为“Ruin”的纪录片。
这部电影深入探讨了FTX的故事,FTX 是一家由名誉扫地的Sam Bankman-Fried创立的加密货币交易所。它探索了 FTX 的崛起之路,展示了其创新战略、战术和最终的衰落。
《Ruin》是一部由彭博社记者制作和解说的专题纪录片,讲述了导致 FTX 垮台的事件以及 Bankman-Fried 在危机中所扮演的角色。
当班克曼-弗里德 (Bankman-Fried) 离开华尔街公司 Jane Street Capital 于 2019 年推出 FTX 时,他将这家加密货币交易所发展成为全球最大的交易所之一。然而,2022年底,FTX及其姊妹公司Alameda面临重大危机。两家公司均因客户资金严重短缺而破产。
目前,班克曼-弗里德正在纽约市接受审判。FTX 前员工和高管正在作证。班克曼-弗里德自己在推文和群聊中的言论也被作为对他不利的证据。
媒体广泛报道了 FTX 倒闭和 Bankman-Fried 的审判。畅销书作家 Michael Lewis 还写了一本关于 Bankman-Fried 和 FTX 的书,尽管它遭到了严厉的批评。
彭博社的纪录片预计将重点介绍围绕 FTX 的挑战、策略和争议。通过独家采访和未公开的镜头,影片展示了 FTX 的历程,深入了解了加密货币交易所的崩溃。

Bloomberg unveils Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX documentary
October 15, 2023 at 2:56 pm

Bloomberg is set to debut a documentary called “Ruin” on Oct. 25 via Bloomberg Television.

The film delves into the story of FTX, a cryptocurrency exchange founded by disgraced Sam Bankman-Fried. It explores FTX’s journey to prominence, showcasing its innovative strategies, tactics, and eventual downfall.

FTX’s rise and downfall

“Ruin,” a feature documentary produced and narrated by Bloomberg journalists, recounts the events leading to FTX’s downfall and Bankman-Fried’s role in the crisis.

When Bankman-Fried left the Wall Street firm Jane Street Capital to launch FTX in 2019, he grew the cryptocurrency exchange into one of the world’s largest. However, in late 2022, FTX and its sister firm, Alameda, faced a major crisis. Both companies went bankrupt due to a significant shortfall in customer funds.

Last December, Bankman-Fried was arrested in the Bahamas over allegations of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering.

Currently, Bankman-Fried is undergoing a trial in New York City. Former FTX employees and executives are testifying. Bankman-Fried’s own statements in tweets and group chats are also being presented as evidence against him.

The repercussions of FTX’s collapse have reverberated throughout the cryptocurrency industry. Venture capitalists, who were once active investors in cryptocurrency startups, have significantly reduced their involvement in the sector.

The FTX incident has served as a stark warning for the entire cryptocurrency sector, emphasizing the critical need for enhanced regulation and oversight. It highlights the importance of implementing measures to prevent similar incidents in the future, ensuring the stability and integrity of cryptocurrency exchanges and the industry as a whole.

The media has extensively covered the FTX collapse and Bankman-Fried’s trial. Bestselling author Michael Lewis has also written a book about Bankman-Fried and FTX, though it faced harsh criticism.

The Bloomberg documentary is expected to highlight the challenges, tactics and controversies surrounding FTX. Through exclusive interviews and unseen footage, the film provides a view of FTX’s journey, offering insights into the collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange.

It may also serve as a cautionary tale, prompting viewers to consider the risks and rewards associated with cryptocurrencies in today’s evolving financial landscape.



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