FTX 2023.11.4……【Press】【U.S.】Explainer: Sam Bankman-Fried’s conviction – what’s next?
FTX founder, Sam Bankman-fried, is guilty to all charges: crypto community reacts
“The end of the Wild West”: What awaits crypto after the Bankman-Fried’s case
FTX’s top lieutenants ‘will likely’ be sentenced after Sam Bankman-Fried: Bloomberg
Legal expert says FTX founder set for “double time” in prison
➤加密货币律师约翰·E·迪顿 (John E. Deaton) 认为,在 12 人陪审团一致判定 FTX 创始人对所有七项罪名有罪后,萨姆·班克曼·弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 最有可能在监狱里度过数十年。“如果他的刑期低于 1​​0 年,我会收回我的话,但我保守地认为,他至少会被判 30-40 年。” 迪顿认为班克曼-弗里德选择了刑期尽可能长的道路。
根据迪顿的分析,在政府与三位大证人(卡罗琳、王等)达成协议后,检察官不会打算向山姆提供妥协。FTX 的前老板有三个选择:1)认罪,承认一切,将自己交给法庭摆布;2)不认罪,作证并希望能够说服至少一名陪审员在整个审议过程中投无罪票,实现陪审团悬而未决,然后达成协议;3) 前往司法部,同意认罪,并在充分了解他所捐赠的一些政客的情况下,提出同意配合他违反竞选财务法的行为,并获得减轻刑期的建议。我建议他尝试第三种选择。也许司法部已经太妥协了,不会感兴趣。🤷‍♂️但萨姆知道他是如何规避规则的,而且我敢打赌他知道一些明知他违反规则的政客的名字。但选择第二个选项,他的监禁刑期至少是选择选项一的两倍。
迪顿 的观点与 Lesperance & Associates 董事总经理 David Lesperance 的说法相呼应,后者认为,Bankman-Fried 面临大约 20 年的监禁。
美国地区法官刘易斯·卡普兰(Lewis Kaplan)将班克曼-弗里德的判决定为2024年3月28日。
➤萨姆·班克曼·弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried) 的定罪可能标志着一个转折点,将迎来严格的监管和加密世界透明度的新时代。
Skybridge Capital 首席执行官安东尼·斯卡拉穆奇 (Anthony Scaramucci) 称 SBF 宣判之日“从各方面来说都是令人悲伤的”。同时他承认“这也是伸张正义的好日子”。
➤FTX 创始人 Sam Bankman-Fried在欺诈审判中被判犯有全部七项罪名。据专家称,他的高级盟友卡罗琳·埃里森、加里·王和尼沙德·辛格也可能被判刑。然而,他们可能会被判很少或根本不会入狱。
接受彭博社采访的刑事辩护律师和金融经纪人 表示 ,这三人可能会在只关押非暴力罪犯的最低安全营中服刑。
高管招聘公司 Riviera Partners 的合伙人克里斯·赖斯 (Chris Rice) 表示,无论结果如何,审判都将损害三人的声誉:“我认为他们将无法像过去那样在组织内以相同的水平运作。”

John E Deaton

After the Government flipped the 3 big witnesses with shorter prison terms (Caroline, Wang, etc.), the prosecutor wasn’t going to offer Sam a deal. He had 3 choices:

1) plead guilty, admit to everything and throw himself on the mercy of the Court;

2) plead not guilty, testify and hope he could convince at least one juror to vote not guilty the entire deliberations and achieve a hung jury and then cut a deal;

3) go to the DOJ and agree to plead guilty AND offer to agree to cooperate with how he violated campaign finance laws WITH THE FULL KNOWLEDGE of some of the politicians he donated to and get a recommendation of a lighter prison term.

I would’ve recommended he try for the 3rd option. Maybe the DOJ is too compromised and wouldn’t be interested. 🤷‍♂️ But Sam knows how he circumvented the rules and I bet he knows some names of politicians who knew he was breaking the rules. You don’t get the type of access this guy got without greasing some palms.

But by choosing the 2nd option he guaranteed a prison sentence at least DOUBLE what he would’ve gotten choosing option 1.

Sam Bankman-Fried’s conviction may signal a turning point, ushering in stringent regulations and a new era of transparency in the crypto world.

Skybridge Capital CEO Anthony Scaramucci called the day of SBF’s sentencing “sad in every way.” At the same time, he acknowledged that “this is also a good day for justice.”

Experts interviewed by Bloomberg believe that the verdict against the founder of FTX marks the end of the era of the “Wild West exchanges.”

“The days of wild west exchanges, scammy assets, fraud, and an industry living off in the corner of the Internet are over.”
Brian Mosoff, chief executive officer of Ether Capital Corp.

In denying Bankman-Fried’s release from jail to prepare for trial, Kaplan said he could potentially face a “very long sentence.”

Kaplan wrote in a 2007 article about corporate crime that “crimes committed by white collar criminals out of a studied calculation of likely costs and benefits of engaging in the criminal behavior perhaps are especially reprehensible.”

FTX’s top lieutenants ‘will likely’ be sentenced after Sam Bankman-Fried: Bloomberg
November 3, 2023 at 12:07 pm

Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of FTX, has been found guilty on all seven counts in his fraud trial. According to experts, it is likely that his top allies, Caroline Ellison, Gary Wang, and Nishad Singh, will also be sentenced. However, they will likely get little or no prison time.

Criminal defense lawyers and financial brokers interviewed by Bloomberg suggest that the trio might serve their sentence at a minimum security camp holding only non-violent offenders.

Chris Rice, a partner with Riviera Partners, an executive recruiting firm, said the trial will damage the trio’s reputation no matter what the outcome will be:

“I don’t think that they’re going to be able to operate at the same level within an organization as they had in the past.”

According to Bloomberg, the three individuals who were found guilty of fraud charges may face other forms of punishment if they are not jailed. One of the alternatives being considered is capital punishment, as the group made millions of dollars from fraud.

Additionally, they may also be required to pay restitution to their victims. All three have already pleaded guilty to the charges and agreed to cooperate with the U.S. government.

Sam Bankman-Fried will likely get 20 years in prison as the prosecution has presented a strong case against him. In an exclusive interview with crypto.news, David Lesperance, managing director at Lesperance & Associates and a lawyer with over three decades of experience in finance, said that Bankman-Fried’s decision to testify reflects his risk-taking personality, adding that this strategy seems to have backfired.

Sam Bankman-Fried’s sentencing is set for Mar. 28, 2024.



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