密码保护:深圳市南山区“天玑汇富”平台曾献彬、尹明犯非法吸收公众存款罪案 2023.12.28 ☑资金清退
Myanmar rescue operation frees 525 Thais from call scam gangs 2023.12.29 ☑Press ☑Thailand,ประเทศไทย,泰国
A recent rescue operation in Laukkaing town, northern Myanmar, freed 525 Thais from the clutches of call scam gangs. However, only one-third of them were identified as actual victims of human trafficking. The revelation was made during a teleconference between Deputy National Police Chief Surachate Hakparn, stationed in Bangkok, and senior police officials in Chiang Rai, the northernmost province of Thailand.
The police operation carried out between November 18 and December 15, led to the rescue of these Thai nationals from Laukkaing. The majority of the rescued individuals were repatriated through China, while the rest were returned via the border in the Mae Sai district of Chiang Rai, according to Chiang Rai Police Commander Manop Senakul.
From the total number of rescued individuals, investigators determined that 174 were genuine victims of human trafficking. These individuals were enticed with lucrative job offers to administer gambling websites. However, upon accepting these offers, they were coerced into working as call scammers. If they expressed a desire for freedom, they were informed that it would cost them between 200,000 to 700,000 baht (US$5,858-20,505). If they couldn’t afford this, they were held captive and forced to continue their scam call duties, reported Bangkok Post.
➤缅甸救援行动将 525 名泰国人从电话诈骗团伙中解救出来 大多数获救的泰国人并未被贩运
最近,缅甸北部 Laukkaing(老街) 镇的一次救援行动将 525 名泰国人从电话诈骗团伙的手中解救出来。然而,其中只有三分之一被确定为人口贩运的实际受害者。这一消息是周三晚上在驻曼谷的国家警察副局长苏拉查特·哈克帕恩 (Pol Gen Surachate Hakparn) 与泰国最北部省份清莱的高级警察官员之间的电话会议上透露的。
警方于 11 月 18 日至 12 月 15 日期间开展行动,从 Laukkaing 解救了这些泰国国民。清莱警察指挥官马诺普·塞纳库尔表示,大多数获救人员是通过中国遣返的,其余人则通过清莱美塞县边境返回。
在所有获救人员中,调查人员确定 174 人是人口贩运的真正受害者。这些人被管理赌博网站的丰厚工作机会所吸引。然而,一旦他们上钩,他们被迫充当电话诈骗者。如果他们想要自由,他们就会被告知,这将花费他们 200,000 至 700,000 泰铢(5,858 美元至 20,505 美元)。据《曼谷邮报》报道,如果他们负担不起,他们就会被强行拘留并被迫继续履行拨打诈骗电话的职责。
苏拉查特没有解释剩下的人如何最终为诈骗团伙工作。不过,他确实透露,在被遣返回泰国的 525 人中,有 20 人受到逮捕令通缉。这一复杂案件继续展开,揭示了该地区人口贩运和剥削的令人不安的现实。
深圳市福田区“合拍在线”平台刘东等人非法吸收公众存款案 2023.12.11 ☑资金清退
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