密码保护:Transcript: Office Of Public Safety Holds Briefing On Public Safety In New York City 2024.1.4 ☑Gov ☑U.S.,美国
Assistant Deputy Mayor Louis Molina, Public Safety: Good evening, everyone. My name is Louis Molina, the assistant deputy mayor for Public Safety. For those of you joining us for the first time, this discussion is a part of a series of briefings we hold about public safety in New York City to let you hear information directly from the source, the leaders working behind the scenes to keep our city safe.
Protecting public safety is a team effort, so each briefing brings features from different agencies, speakers and topics. But that team also includes you, the public. My ask of you if you are tuning in this evening is to take something you learn here today and share it with a friend, a family member, a neighbor. We stay safe by staying informed. If each of us passes along the information we learn about what the city is doing to increase safety, we, in turn, help to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
Today, I’m joined by New York City Sheriff Anthony Miranda, and members of his team: Lieutenant Kenneth Matos, Sergeant Richard Lois and Sergeant Francesca Rosa. The sheriff’s office is a critical arm of the public safety apparatus when it comes to enforcing laws in New York City.
负责公共安全的助理副市长路易斯·莫利纳(Louis Molina): 大家晚上好。我叫路易斯·莫利纳,负责公共安全的助理副市长。对于那些第一次加入我们的人来说,这次讨论是我们举办的有关纽约市公共安全的一系列简报的一部分,让您直接从消息来源听到信息,即在幕后工作以维护我们城市安全的领导人。
今天,纽约市警长安东尼·米兰达 (Anthony Miranda) 和他的团队成员:肯尼斯·马托斯 (Kenneth Matos) 副警监、理查德·路易斯 (Richard Lois) 警佐和弗朗西斯卡·罗莎 (Francesca Rosa) 警佐也加入了我的行列。在纽约市执行法律时,治安官办公室是公共安全机构的重要组成部分。
➤除了打击非法大麻店有成,治安官办公室的犯罪调查组在打击契约欺诈(deed fraud)方面也有成效。自2014年开始,纽约市治安官便着手调查契约欺诈,并于2019年正式成立工作组。
纽约市治安官办公室警官罗莎(Francesca Rosa)指出,纽约市在2014年时共有450件契约欺诈投诉,目前全市的投诉数量已经降至51件。



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