Gary Gensler: Some things to keep in mind if you’re considering investing in crypto assets 2024.1.8 ☑Gov ☑U.S.,美国
Those offering crypto asset investments/services may not be complying w/ applicable law, including federal securities laws. Investors in crypto asset securities should understand they may be deprived of key info & other important protections in connection w/ their investment.
Investments in crypto assets also can be exceptionally risky & are often volatile. A number of major platforms & crypto assets have become insolvent and/or lost value. Investments in crypto assets continue to be subject to significant risk.
Fraudsters continue to exploit the rising popularity of crypto assets to lure retail investors into scams. These investments continue to be replete w/ fraud- bogus coin offerings, Ponzi & pyramid schemes, & outright theft where a project promoter disappears w/ investors’ money.
加里·盖斯勒(Gary Gensler),现任美国证券交易委员会主席。

Gary Gensler

A thread 🧵

Some things to keep in mind if you’re considering investing in crypto assets:
11:40 PM · Jan 8, 2024

1 Those offering crypto asset investments/services may not be complying w/ applicable law, including federal securities laws. Investors in crypto asset securities should understand they may be deprived of key info & other important protections in connection w/ their investment.

2 Investments in crypto assets also can be exceptionally risky & are often volatile. A number of major platforms & crypto assets have become insolvent and/or lost value. Investments in crypto assets continue to be subject to significant risk.

3 Fraudsters continue to exploit the rising popularity of crypto assets to lure retail investors into scams. These investments continue to be replete w/ fraud- bogus coin offerings, Ponzi & pyramid schemes, & outright theft where a project promoter disappears w/ investors’ money.


2024 年 1 月 8 日,晚上 11:40

1 那些提供加密资产投资/服务的人可能不遵守适用法律,包括联邦证券法。加密资产证券的投资者应该明白,他们可能会被剥夺与其投资相关的关键信息和其他重要保护。

2 加密资产的投资也可能具有极高的风险,而且往往波动很大。许多主要平台和加密资产已经破产和/或失去价值。加密资产投资继续面临重大风险。

3 欺诈者继续利用加密资产的日益普及来引诱散户投资者陷入诈骗。这些投资继续充斥着欺诈行为——伪造的代币发行、庞氏骗局和金字塔骗局,以及项目发起人带着投资者的钱消失的公然盗窃。



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