2024.4.30, Fifth Man Sentenced For Forgery And Money Laundering Offences In Anti-Money Laundering Probe
(30亿元洗钱案第五人治罪 张瑞金判监15个月)
涉案金额3600万元 张瑞金判监15个月刑期最长
指示他人在中国伪造账目 再把钱转至香港及新加坡
控方:维护我国金融枢纽声誉 刑罚须起阻吓作用
张瑞金的代表律师来自Eugene Thuraisingam律师事务所和正气律师事务所。律师求情时说,张瑞金选择认罪,并自愿上交约九成的资产。他的高血压、糖尿病和抑郁症在还押期间恶化,但仍在调查期间配合调查,恳请法官判他不超过14个月的监禁。
Fifth Man Sentenced For Forgery And Money Laundering Offences In Anti-Money Laundering Probe
30 Apr 2024
On 30 April 2024, Zhang Ruijin (“Zhang”), a 45-year-old Chinese national, was convicted and sentenced to 15 months’ imprisonment for two counts of fraudulently using a forged document, an offence under Section 471 read with Section 465 of the Penal Code (“the Penal Code”), and one count of money laundering under Section 47AA of the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act (“CDSA”). An additional five charges were taken into consideration for sentencing.
Zhang was one of the 10 foreign nationals arrested on 15 August 2023, during a large scale, island-wide raid conducted by Police in relation to its investigations into a group of foreign nationals suspected of laundering the proceeds of their overseas organised crime activities into Singapore. During his arrest, Zhang was found in possession of cash and other assets which were suspected to be proceeds from his criminal conduct.
The Police subsequently seized and prohibited disposal of about S$131 million worth of assets in relation to Zhang, including cash, three vehicles and five properties. The State Court has also ordered the forfeiture of about S$118 million (about 90 per cent) of the assets to the State.
Background of the case
Investigations revealed that Zhang owned businesses in the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”), and had instructed for the creation of falsified books of accounts in relation to his business. He also procured forged documents to move funds from the PRC to Singapore, to conceal the source and provenance of the funds.
Between July 2020 and October 2020, Zhang had procured and submitted a forged loan document and a forged property sale contract to his relationship manager at CIMB Bank Berhad (“CIMB”) in response to the bank’s queries about deposits amounting to a total sum of HKD 145,679,100 which were credited into his CIMB account.
Zhang was also unable to provide a satisfactory explanation as to how he came by a sum of HKD 7,500,000 deposited in his CIMB bank account. Although he claimed that the funds were legitimately derived from, among others, profits from his companies overseas, he was not able to substantiate his claims with any documentary evidence.
Zhang was charged with the following offences:
Four counts of fraudulently using as genuine a document which he knew to be a forged document under the Penal Code; and
Four counts of money laundering offences under the CDSA.
Any person who is convicted of an offence under Section 471 read with Section 465 of the Penal Code may be punished with imprisonment for a term of up to 4 years, or with fine, or with both. Any person convicted of an offence under Section 47AA of the CDSA may be punished with a fine of up to S$150,000 or with imprisonment for a term of up to 3 years, or with both.
The Police take a serious stance against any person who may be involved in money laundering and deception using forged documents that compromises the integrity of Singapore’s financial system. We will continue to take tough enforcement actions against perpetrators, who will be dealt with in accordance with the law.
Related cases
Four of the accused persons arrested during the same raid, Su Wenqiang, a 32-year-old Cambodian national; Su Haijin, a 41-year old Cypriot national; Wang Baosen, a 32-year old Chinese national; and Su Baolin, a 42-year-old Cambodian national, were convicted and sentenced for money laundering offences earlier this month. Annex A sets out the sentencing outcomes of the five accused persons who have been convicted and sentenced so far in relation to this case.
Court proceedings for the remaining five accused persons related to the case are ongoing. Annex B sets out the offences which they have currently been charged with. Their assets, along with those of other persons linked to the case, will remain seized and prohibited until the State Courts have dealt with their cases.
30 April 2024 @ 11:45 AM
2024.4.29, 30亿洗钱案被告苏宝林星期一(4月29日)在国家法院认罪,是本案第四名认罪的被告,他被判监禁14个月。
30亿洗钱案被告苏宝林 判监14个月
2023年8月15日,警方从被告在那森路的住宅单位搜出约77万7220元现金;他也在2023年1月左右,使用约33万2281元购买丰田埃尔法混合动力汽车(Alphard Hybrid)。
Fourth Man Sentenced For Making False Representions And Money Laundering Offences In Anti-Money Laundering Probe
29 Apr 2024
On 29 April 2024, Su Baolin, a 42-year-old Cambodian national, was convicted and sentenced to 14 months’ imprisonment for one count of abetting another to make false representations under Section 424A read with Section 109 of the Penal Code 1871 and two counts of money laundering under Section 55 of the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act 1992 (“CDSA”). An additional 10 charges were taken into consideration for sentencing.
Su Baolin was one of the 10 foreign nationals arrested on 15 August 2023, during a large scale, island-wide raid conducted by Police in relation to its investigations into a group of foreign nationals suspected of laundering the proceeds of their overseas organised crime activities in Singapore. During his arrest, Su Baolin was found in possession of cash and other assets which were suspected to be proceeds from his criminal conduct.
The Police initially seized and prohibited the disposal of or dealing with about S$100 million worth of assets, consisting of cash, properties, jewelleries, luxury items and alcohol from Su Baolin, his wife and his companies. After accounting for his liabilities in respect of these assets, around S$72 million worth of assets were eventually seized or prohibited. The State Court has ordered the forfeiture of around S$65 million (about 90 per cent) of the assets to the State.
Background of the case
Investigations revealed that between 2019 and 2023, Su Baolin was involved in both punting on online gambling websites, and the operation and/or supervision of unlawful remote gambling activities abroad. He received benefits from the illegal activities in the form of Tether, a cryptocurrency more commonly known as “USDT”. Investigations found that on 3 August 2023, Su Baolin had liquidated a sum of USDT and received at least S$463,243 in cash. This formed part of the cash of S$777,220.50 that was seized by the Police on 15 August 2023. Sometime in January 2023, Su Baolin had also used USDT to purchase a Toyota Alphard. Su Baolin was unable to account satisfactorily how he came by the cash found in his house and the monies used to purchase the Toyota Alphard.
Su Baolin also conspired with one Wang Junjie to submit false financial information relating to his company, Xinbao Investment Holdings Pte Ltd (“Xinbao”), to the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore, despite being aware that the financial information submitted was false and unsupported by actual business activities. They did that so that Xinbao would appear progressively profitable, and to increase Su Baolin’s chances of obtaining a permanent residency status in Singapore at such time when an application was made with the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority.
In total, Su Baolin was charged with the following offences:
One count of submitting a false document under Section 465 read with Section 471 of the Penal Code (Cap 224, 2008 Rev Ed);
One count of conspiring with one Wang Qiming to submit a false document for the purpose of cheating a financial institution under Section 468 read with Section 109 of the Penal Code (Cap 224, 2008 Rev Ed);
Two counts of conspiring with one Wang Junjie to make false representations under Section 424A(1) read with Section 109 of the Penal Code (Cap 224, 2008 Rev Ed) and one similar count under Section 424A(1) read with Section 109 of the Penal Code 1871;
One count of making statements which he knew to be false in a statutory declaration under Section 14(1)(b) of the Oaths and Declarations Act (Cap 211, 2001 Rev Ed);
Three counts of refusing to sign a statement when required by a public servant of him to do so under Section 180 of the Penal Code 1871;
One count of making a false declaration in an application for a work pass under Section 22(1)(d) read with Section 20(1)(a) of the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act 1990); and
One count of a money laundering offence under Section 47(1)(c) of the CDSA (Cap 65A, 2000 Rev Ed) and two counts of money laundering offences under Section 55 of the CDSA.
Any person who is convicted for an offence under Section 424A of the Penal Code 1871 may be punished with imprisonment for a term of up to 20 years, or with fine, or with both. Any person who is convicted for an offence under Section 55 of the CDSA may be punished with a fine of up to S$150,000 or with imprisonment for a term of up to 3 years, or with both.
The Police take a serious stance against any person who may be involved in money laundering and deception that compromises the integrity of Singapore’s financial system. We will continue to take tough enforcement actions against perpetrators, who will be dealt with in accordance with the law.
Related cases
Three of the accused persons arrested during the same raid, Su Wenqiang, a 32-year-old Cambodian national; Su Haijin, a 41-year-old Cypriot national; and Wang Baosen, a 32-year-old Chinese national, were convicted and sentenced for various offences earlier this month. Annex A sets out the sentencing outcomes of the four accused persons who have been convicted and sentenced so far in relation to this case.
Court proceedings for the remaining six accused persons related to the case are ongoing. Annex B sets out the offences which they have currently been charged with. Their assets, along with that of other persons linked to the case, will remain seized and prohibited until the State Courts have dealt with their cases.
29 April 2024 @ 5:00 PM
2024.4.26, 洗钱案被告张瑞金加控五罪,张瑞金(45岁)星期五(4月26日)被加控四项抵触贪污、贩毒和严重罪案(没收利益)法令和一项使用伪造文件的罪名,加上原本面对三项使用伪造文件的控状,目前共面对八项控状。案件展期至下星期二(30日)让他认罪。
涉接收并持有3615万元赃款 洗钱案被告张瑞金加控五罪
2024.4.25, 涉30亿元洗钱案 控状和被缴获资产最多的王水明(43岁)有意在下个月5月14日认罪,料是本案第六名认罪的被告
涉30亿元洗钱案 控状和被缴获资产最多的王水明有意认罪
2024.4.24, Police Advisory On Fake Bulk Order Scams Targeting Retailers In The Renovation Industry(警方针对针对装修行业零售商的虚假批量订单诈骗提出警告)
The Police would like to alert members of the public to a re-emergence of fake bulk order scams. This scam variant targets the renovation industry, including renovation contractors, design firms, and suppliers of curtains, blinds, and fabrics. Since 12 April 2024, at least five victims have fallen prey, with total losses amounting to at least $25,000.
In this scam variant, scammers would pose as “customers” and contact businesses via call or WhatsApp message to order items in bulk. The scammers would typically request for additional items that the businesses do not stock, or in quantities that the retailers are unable to fulfil on short notice. The purported customer would then proceed to recommend a “supplier” for the victims to purchase the additional items.
Scammers may provide screenshots of fake payment documentation to assure the victims that they have made payment for the bulk order, which convinces the victims to make upfront payment for the orders placed with the “suppliers”. Victims would only realise that they had been scammed when they discovered they did not receive any payment from the “customer”, or when the “supplier” did not deliver the goods, or when both “customer” and “supplier” become uncontactable.
The Police would like to advise businesses and members of the public to remain vigilant, and adopt the following precautionary measures:
a.ADD –ScamShield App to protect yourself from scam calls and SMSes. Include, in your business processes, steps to verify the party that you are corresponding with in your business process.
b.CHECK – For scam signs with official sources (e.g. ScamShield WhatsApp bot @ https://go.gov.sg/scamshield-bot, call the Anti-Scam Helpline on 1800-722-6688, or visit www.scamalert.sg). Check for reviews of suppliers to establish their legitimacy before committing to a purchase.
c.TELL – Tell the authorities, family, and friends about scams. Report the scammers to WhatsApp, or the relevant messaging app.
2024.4.24, 30亿元洗钱案被告苏宝林再加控三罪,案展至4月29日让他认罪
涉30亿元洗钱案再加控 被告苏宝林下周料认罪
控状显示,2023年1月左右,苏宝林涉嫌使用约33万2281元购买丰田埃尔法混合动力汽车(Alphard Hybrid);2023年8月前后,他被指在那森路的住宅单位存放约77万7220元现金。这两笔款项相信来自非法线上赌博赃款,苏宝林无法合理解释资金来源。
另外,由于苏宝林拖欠华侨银行的房贷、信用卡债外加利息共超过2000万元,法庭允许银行变卖苏宝林位于升涛湾(Sentosa Cove)海洋通道(Ocean Drive)69号的地皮抵债。华侨银行在星期三以拍卖形式出售这块地皮,要价为2710万元。
2024.4.19, 30亿元洗钱案第四人 张瑞金有意认罪
2024.4.18, 新加坡警察部队星期四(4月18日)发文告说,商业事务局和七大警署于4月8日至15日展开为期一周的全岛执法行动,介于17岁至63岁的46男32女因涉嫌交出Singpass资料行骗,正被警方调查。
78 Investigated In Joint Operation With Govtech For Suspected Involvement In Relinquishing Singpass Credentials To Perpetuate Scams
A total of 46 men and 32 women, aged between 17 and 63, are being investigated for allegedly relinquishing their Singpass credentials to perpetuate scams, following an island-wide joint anti-scam enforcement operation conducted between 8 April 2024 and 15 April 2024.
During the operation, officers from the Commercial Affairs Department and seven Police Land Divisions mounted simultaneous island-wide operations. They rounded the 78 persons for investigation, including ten who were placed under arrest. The Government Technology Agency staff co-located at the Commercial Affairs Department also supported the operation by providing information related to the investigation.
Preliminary investigations revealed that these individuals had allegedly facilitated the scams in several ways:
a.Some subjects allegedly sold their Singpass credentials for S$10,000 each. The Singpass credentials were then misused to open new bank accounts and to register for new mobile phone lines. Most subjects would fail to receive the promised fees from the scammers.
b.Other subjects were alleged to have provided others with the means of accessing their own Singpass account without having ascertained the identity of whom they granted the access to.
Legislation amendments to better enforce against scams
In 2023, the Computer Misuse (Amendment) Bill and the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Offences (Confiscation of Benefits) (Amendment) Bill were passed by Parliament. These amendments seek to deter individuals from enabling or facilitating the commission of criminal activities by others and also help protect citizens and businesses usingSingpass in their everyday transactions.
The new offences under the amended legislation came into effect on 8 February 2024, setting out guardrails for the usage of Singpass accounts and empowering the Police to act more effectively against those who blatantly ignore these guardrails.
Police investigations are ongoing. The offence of disclosing a user’s Singpass credentials to facilitate an offence under Section 8A of the Computer Misuse Act 1993 (CMA) carries an imprisonment term of up to three years, or fine, or both. The offence under Section 3(1) of the Computer Misuse Act 1993 carries a fine of up to $5,000, or an imprisonment term of up to two years, or both. The offence of acquiring benefits from criminal conduct under Section 54(5) of the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act 1992 carries an imprisonment of up to 10 years, a fine of up to $500,000, or both.
The Police will spare no effort to track down cybercriminals responsible for perpetuating scams and will take tough enforcement actions against these perpetrators. To avoid being an accomplice in these crimes, members of the public should always reject seemingly attractive money-making opportunities promising fast and easy pay-outs for the use of their Singpass accounts. The Police would like to remind members of the public that individuals will be held accountable if they are found to be linked to such crimes.
The Police would like to caution members of the public not to disclose their Singpass credentials, passwords or 2FA details to unknown persons. Scammers can use these Singpass accounts to access a whole suite of digital facilities, including opening bank accounts, e-wallets and crypto accounts and registering for mobile phone lines, to perpetuate scams and other criminal activities.
For more information on scams, members of the public can visit www.scamalert.sg or call the Anti-Scam Helpline at 1800-722-6688. Anyone with information on such scams may call the Police Hotline at 1800-255-0000 or submit information online at www.police.gov.sg/iwitness. All information will be kept strictly confidential.
18 April 2024 @ 7:25 PM
2024.4.16, 30亿洗钱案被告王宝森判监13个月 充公800多万元资产
王宝森被起获的资产总值约809万4144元,包括约11万2871元现金、银行户头内的326万6884元,价值约443万零400元的一处房产和28万4000元的丰田埃尔法混合动力(Alphard Hybrid)汽车。上述资产在案件下判后全被充公。
另外,王宝森在2022年3月30日使用Hornet Bee国际贸易公司的147万6850元,支付汤林生路的柏皓(Park Nova)公寓单位10%的购屋款项。起初,王宝森否认公寓是由他所购,随后却指是售卖比特币所得,说辞前后不一,且同样无法合理证明资金来源。
王宝森的代表律师Adelphi Law Chambers的江国文求情说,与苏海金自愿交出逾九成资产相比,王宝森愿意上交所有被缴获资产。警方从苏海金处起获的资产,更超过王宝森的20倍。
276人涉诈骗或当钱骡 骗走逾700万元
30亿洗钱案首名认罪被告 苏文强判监13个月
苏文强一共面对11项控状,包括八项抵触贪污、贩毒、严重罪案(没收利益)法令的控状,指他使用从菲律宾非法线上赌博获得的50万元,购买马赛地AMG C63S汽车。
他也涉嫌用约11万6817元购买17个名牌包和首饰等奢侈品,以及30瓶贵州茅台和12瓶18年麦卡伦威士忌。另外,他被指用35万9877元,支付位于植物园附近鲁易士路(Lewis Road)优质洋房的月租和定金,以及乌节三翠林公寓单位的月租。上述款项全额或部分也是苏文强通过菲律宾非法线上赌博生意所得,而这门生意的对象以中国赌客为主。
跳洋房拒捕等罪 30亿洗钱案被告苏海金判监14月
新加坡警察部队2023年8月15日展开大规模逮捕行动,逮捕了十名涉及洗钱案的被告。其中,苏海金在武吉知马友和园(Ewart Park)优质洋房被捕时,慌忙中跳下二楼阳台,因骨折入院,隔天(16日)手脚打石膏在医院面控。
借公司总裁职位取得就业准证 再开设银行户头收巨额赃款
调查揭露,原籍中国的苏海金是Yihao Cyber科技公司的董事,公司在2017年成立,从事软件开发等业务。然而,公司在新加坡没有经营任何合法业务,也没有提供任何产品或服务;注册地址的办公室也由其他公司所有,苏海金只是利用地址接收信件。
苏海金也与代理公司LW Business Consultancy Pte Ltd的董事王俊杰(译音)共谋伪造公司2019年至2021年财年的财务报表,夸大公司收入的应收账款,提交给新加坡国内税务局和人力部。
苏文强苏海金刑满将遣返 不得再入境我国
调查显示,苏文强(32岁)持有中国、柬埔寨,以及瓦努阿图三个国家的护照;而控方早前也指苏海金(41岁)持有五本不同国家护照,其中柬埔寨和土耳其的护照未被起获,辩护律师则称,苏海金除了有塞浦路斯(Cyprus)护照,中国护照已因他三四年前放弃中国国籍而不能使用,圣卢西亚(Saint Lucia)护照也已取消。
王宝森面对两项抵触贪污、贩毒、严重罪案(没收利益)法令的控状,指他持有11万2000新元和几种外币,以及购买丰田埃尔法混能引擎(Alphard Hybrid)汽车的全额或部分款项来自非法线上赌博赃款。
Third accused in billion-dollar laundering case set to plead guilty
A THIRD individual accused in the billion-dollar money laundering case is set to plead guilty, court records on Thursday (Mar 28) showed.
Wang Baosen, who is facing two money laundering charges in Singapore relating to money from illegal remote gambling, is slated to admit his guilt at a mention on Apr 16.
The 32-year-old has been in remand since being charged last August. He was arrested at a condominium in Tomlinson Road in the Orchard area.
According to one of the charges, he took possession of a black Toyota Alphard Hybrid Elegance in 2022, which allegedly represents his benefits from criminal conduct.
Assets worth more than S$18 million have been seized or subjected to prohibition of disposal orders, including more than S$3.3 million in four bank accounts and one property worth S$14.8 million.
The Chinese national’s court session comes after similar proceedings have been scheduled for Su Wenqiang on Apr 2 and for Su Haijin on Apr 4 to plead guilty.
Su Wenqiang, 32, a Cambodian national, faces a total of 11 charges.
Su Haijin, 41, a Cypriot national and a former director of food and beverage player No Signboard Holdings, : 9I7 0% currently faces one charge of unlawfully evading arrest and another charge of money laundering. He has a further mention on Apr 1.
On Wednesday, another accused, Vang Shuiming, 43, was slapped with six new charges related to fraud and forgery, bringing the total counts that the Turkish national faces to 22.
A total of 10 accused persons, including these four, were rounded up and charged in Singapore’s biggest money laundering case.
Billion-dollar money-laundering case: Man set to plead guilty, first among 10 suspects
Su Wenqiang is accused of laundering almost a million dollars by buying luxury goods, a car and renting upscale condominium apartments in Singapore.
SINGAPORE: A man who is among the 10 people charged in relation to a billion-dollar money laundering case in Singapore is set to plead guilty.
Su Wenqiang is the first in the group to make such an indication, with several others stating through their lawyers in previous court mentions that they would likely be claiming trial.
A date for him to plead guilty was set for Apr 2, after a pre-trial conference was held in chambers on Thursday (Mar 7).
Su, 33, is listed as Cambodian in charge sheets but his passport states that he is from Fujian, China.
He faces a total of 11 charges, a mix of money laundering, possessing proceeds from illegal remote gambling offences and lying to get work passes for himself and his wife.
The charges accuse Su of:
•Having S$601,706 (US$441,000) that comes at least in part from illegal remote gambling offences
•Using S$500,000 in illegal proceeds to buy a Mercedes Benz AMG C63S in January 2022
•Laundering about S$477,000 in illicit proceeds from the Philippines-based illegal remote gambling service by buying luxury bags, jewellery, liquor and paying for rents of luxury houses and condominium units
•Lying in an application for an employment pass in February 2022 that he would be employed as a sales director by Fleur Business Service
•Conspiring with another person to obtain a work pass for his wife, Su Yanping
According to past court hearings, an investigating officer on Su’s case said he was wanted in China and worked as an executive in a remote lottery business operating from the Philippines and Cambodia.
He has passports from China, Cambodia and Vanuatu and moved his two young children to Singapore with the intention of living here permanently and having them educated here.
He has been remanded for more than six months since his arrest in August last year.
The group of nine men and one woman, mostly originally from China, were caught in an islandwide raid by police.
The broader case revolves around a remote gambling operation based in the Philippines, targeting punters in China.
Some of the suspects were listed in wanted notices in China, but managed to set up shop in Singapore, with some running alleged shell companies from as early as 2019.
Checks of court records show that the other nine accused in the case are still at the pre-trial conference or case management conference stages.
Su is represented by Mr Sameer Amir Melber and Mr Nandwani Manoj Prakash from Gabriel Law Corporation.
控状显示,他涉嫌于2022年7月19日,提交厦门市立康行商贸有限公司2017年至2019年的伪造财务报表给瑞士宝盛银行(Julius Baer)。
$3b money laundering accused gets 6 new charges for submitting forged statements to Swiss bank
SINGAPORE – Vang Shuiming, one of the 10 accused in Singapore’s largest money laundering case, was handed six more charges on March 27.
Vang, 42, also known as Wang Shuiming, allegedly submitted forged financial statements from two companies – Xiamen Yetian Trading and Xiamen Likanghang Trading – to Bank Julius Baer & Co’s Singapore branch on July 19, 2022, as supporting documentation.
Bank Julius Baer & Co is a Swiss private bank that offers financing, investment advisory, custodial and wealth management services.
The financial statements mentioned in the new charges were from 2017 to 2019.
Vang now faces 22 charges in total – the most among the 10 accused.
Vang, who is listed as a Turkish national in his charge sheets, was among 10 foreigners arrested on Aug 15, 2023, in islandwide raids on luxury homes across Singapore, including in Tanglin, Bukit Timah, Orchard Road, Sentosa and River Valley.
During the March 27 hearing, Mr Wendell Wong from Drew & Napier asked why the latest charges against his client were tendered only now, when the defence had raised its position on the issue with banks earlier.
A police prosecutor said he did not have information on the matter, to which Mr Wong replied that he would bring up the issue to the courts at a later hearing.
Mr Wong asked to speak to Vang for 10 to 15 minutes over video link, and his request was granted by District Judge Shawn Ho.
Vang was previously charged with four counts of money laundering and 12 counts of submitting forged financial documents to banks.
The money laundering charges relate to about $2.4 million held in four bank accounts. The sums are purportedly benefits from an unlicensed moneylending business in China.
The forgery-related charges allege that Vang had submitted forged financial statements from three companies – Xiamen Mingxin Guarantee, Xiamen Yetian Trading and Xiamen Likanghang Trading – to UOB Kay Hian on June 28, 2022, as supporting documentation.
He allegedly submitted a forged bank statement to Citibank Singapore in March 2021.
According to past court hearings, cryptocurrency worth more than $3.8 million was withdrawn from Vang’s Binance account on Aug 17, 2023, while he was remanded.
The Commercial Affairs Department’s lead investigation officer for the case said this showed Vang had connections outside, which made him a high flight risk.
Vang’s brother, Wang Shuiting, is one of eight fugitives wanted by the Singapore police in connection with the case. The brothers are on China’s wanted list for illegal gambling activities.
A High Court judge in October 2023 refused bail for Vang, saying there was a risk of Vang absconding as he had obtained passports from Turkey, Vanuatu and Cambodia by making donations to these countries.
Assets worth more than $240 million in the name of Vang and his wife have been seized or are subject to prohibition orders in Singapore. Vang also has more than $35.5 million in assets abroad.
He will return to court for a pre-trial conference on April 4.
The Straits Times reported in October 2023 that Rainbow Centre, the operator of three special education schools, acknowledged it had received donations from Vang and two of the 10 charged. According to its annual report, Vang donated $30,000.
If convicted of money laundering, Vang can be fined up to $500,000 and jailed for up to 10 years for each offence.
If convicted of using a forged document as a genuine one, he can be jailed for up to four years and fined for each offence.
Su Wenqiang, a 32-year-old Cambodian national, faces 11 charges, the second-highest among the 10 accused.
He is set to be the first among them to plead guilty on April 2.
Su Haijin, who faces two charges, is set to plead guilty on April 4.
So far, the assets seized in the case include 207 properties, 77 vehicles, more than $1.45 billion in bank accounts, and over $76 million in cash in various currencies.
Thousands of bottles of liquor and wine, cryptocurrency worth more than $38 million, 68 gold bars, 483 luxury bags, 169 branded watches and 580 pieces of jewellery have also been seized.
2024.3.27文告,2024 年 3 月 20 日,新加坡警察部队 (SPF) 商业事务部 (CAD) 和马来西亚皇家警察 (RMP) 武吉阿曼商业犯罪调查部 (CCID) 在马来西亚吉隆坡进行联合行动,以削弱跨国诈骗集团。
2023年10月1日至2024年1月31日期间,超过3,000名受害者成为工作诈骗的受害者,总损失至少达4570万元。根据这些报告,SPF 进行了广泛的调查,并与 RMP 共享信息,以侦查和捣毁针对新加坡人的工作诈骗犯罪集团。当在马来西亚吉隆坡活动的马来西亚犯罪集团被查获时,这些努力得到了回报。 2024 年 3 月 20 日,CCID/RMP 的官员对马来西亚吉隆坡的一处公寓大楼进行突击搜查,逮捕了三名男性和两名女性马来西亚人,年龄在 23 至 28 岁之间,涉嫌参与洗钱工作以及其他针对新加坡人的诈骗。初步调查显示,该犯罪团伙于今年年初开始实施诈骗活动。据信该犯罪团伙涉及新加坡警方至少 40 起报案,总损失超过 82 万元。
这五名马来西亚人已被 CCID/RMP 还押以接受进一步调查。
Five Persons Arrested In Joint Transnational Scam Operation By Singapore Police Force And Royal Malaysia Police
On 20 March 2024, Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) of the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) of the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP) conducted a joint operation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to cripple a transnational scam syndicate.
Between 1 October 2023 and 31 January 2024, more than 3,000 victims have fallen prey to job scams, with total losses amounting to at least $45.7 million. Pursuant to these reports, the SPF carried out extensive investigative probes and shared information with the RMP in order to detect and dismantle job scam crime syndicates targeting Singaporeans. The efforts paid off when the Malaysian criminal syndicate that was operating in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia was located. On 20 March 2024, officers from CCID/RMP conducted a raid at an apartment complex in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, leading to the arrest of three male and two female Malaysians, aged between 23 and 28, for their suspected involvement in laundering proceeds of job and other scams targeting Singaporeans. Preliminary investigations revealed that the syndicate started their scam operations early this year. The syndicate is believed to be involved in at least 40 Singapore police reports, with total losses of more than $820,000.
The five Malaysians are remanded by CCID/RMP for further investigation.
Director CAD, Mr David Chew said, “Job scams were the top scam type in terms of number of cases reported in 2023 and the second highest scam type in terms of losses to victims. Job scams continue to rise in 2024 and is a crime of serious concern. To counter this transnational scam threat, the Singapore Police Force works closely with the Royal Malaysia Police to detect and deter these transnational syndicates who target our citizens. I would like to thank Director CCID, Commissioner Dato‘ Sri Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf and his officers for their strong support and commitment in tackling transnational crime syndicates who prey on our citizens. We will continue to take tough action to afford these criminals no safe haven. Working with our foreign counterparts, we will detect, disable and bring to justice criminal syndicates wherever they choose to operate”.
The best defence against this persistent threat of job scams is a vigilant public. The Police remind members of the public to be wary of proposals of scammers on dating apps or communication/social media platforms offering them easy commission to perform tasks such as boosting products on e-commerce platforms, completing surveys, or generating traction on social media contents. You should never pay money into unknown bank accounts to earn a commission for your work. You should never relinquish your Singpass credential as part of job application.
45 Investigated For Their Suspected Involvement In E-Commerce Scams Involving Concert Tickets In Anti-Scam Enforcement Operation
A total of 25 men and 20 women, aged between 17 and 57, are assisting with investigations for their suspected involvement in e-commerce scams involving concert tickets following an anti-scam enforcement operation conducted between 26 February 2024 and 5 March 2024.
Since January 2024, at least 1,241 victims had fallen prey, with total losses amounting to at least $571,000, specific to e-commerce scams involving concert tickets. Majority of the cases involved Taylor Swift concert tickets.
In this variant, victims would come across listings of concert tickets for sale through online platforms such as Telegram, X, Facebook, Carousell and Xiaohongshu. Scammers then would redirect the interested victims to WhatsApp/Telegram/WeChat for further interactions. Victims would then be instructed to make payments for the tickets via PayNow, bank transfers or virtual credits (e.g. iTunes cards).
Victims would realise they had been scammed when the scammers did not deliver the tickets, unable to show any proof of authenticity or become uncontactable. For victims who received their tickets, they would realise they had been scammed when tickets were found to be invalid at the concert venues.
With Carousell suspending the sale of Taylor Swift concert tickets on its platform, the Police would like to alert members of the public that scammers have pivoted to other platforms, in particular, Telegram.
During the operation, officers from the Commercial Affairs Department and the seven Police Land Divisions rounded up 45 persons for investigations. Preliminary investigations revealed that they had allegedly facilitated the scams through several ways;
a.Most of them opened new bank accounts and relinquished them to the scammers or gave away their existing bank accounts to scammers.
b.Some used their banking credentials or Singpass credentials allegedly to apply for fake trading accounts, fake jobs or loan schemes, and their credentials were phished and misused instead.
c.One of them had allegedly attempted a job task which required him to receive and transfer money through his bank account, for a commission of as high as $60.
07 March 2024 @ 11:22 AM
2024.3.1, 至少有 334 名受害者遭遇涉及泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift) 1 月和 2 月演唱会门票销售的诈骗,损失高达 213,000 美元。警方于3月1日发表声明,强调困扰网络平台的演唱会门票诈骗案件数量惊人。
(Police News)
The Police would like to remind members of the public to be discerning online shoppers, especially when seeking to buy concert tickets from third-party resellers, in light of the upcoming Taylor Swift concerts. In January and February 2024, at least 334 victims have fallen prey with total losses amounting to at least $213,000, specific to concert ticket scams featuring Taylor Swift concerts.
In this variant, victims would come across listings of concert tickets for sale through online platforms such as Telegram, X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook, and Xiaohongshu. Scammers then would redirect the interested victims to WhatsApp/Telegram/WeChat for further interactions. Victims would then be instructed to make payments for the tickets via PayNow, bank transfers or virtual credits (e.g. iTunes cards).
Victims would realise they had been scammed when the scammers did not deliver the tickets or become uncontactable. For victims who have received their tickets, they would realise they have been scammed when tickets are found to be invalid at concert venues or when scammers refuse to provide physical tickets or any proof of authenticity.
With Carousell suspending the sale of Taylor Swift concert tickets on its platform, the Police would like to alert members of the public that scammers may pivot to other platforms, in particular, Telegram.
01 March 2024 @ 1:30 PM
2024.2.20 原定星期三(2月21日)进行审前会议的30亿洗黑钱案被告之一陈清远星期二(2月20日)被加控六项罪名,包括两项伪造文件、两项使用伪造文件以及两项与女友王秋娇共谋使用伪造文件欺骗渣打银行、掩盖女友银行户头流入的资金源头的罪状。陈清远是相隔五个月后再度被加控的第五个涉案者,前四人分别是苏宝林、苏文强、苏剑锋和王水明,至今已有一半涉案者被加控了新罪状。最新控状显示,陈清远被指在2021年7月怂恿一人伪造Xiamen Yihong和Sunshine Coast这两家中国公司的银行流水单。渣打银行在2021年8月就王秋娇银行户头的两笔资金流入,即304万2556新元以及10万美金(约13万4000新元),要求他们提供详情。陈清远被指在同年9月怂恿一人伪造收入证明书以及中国当局发出的个人所得税账单,以此欺骗渣打银行。陈清远也涉在2021年12月22日前与女友王秋娇共谋伪造2020年7月10日和11日的收入证明书,显示这两份资金收入是从上述两家中国公司开出,并把伪造文件提交给渣打银行。
涉伪造文件骗银行 30亿元洗钱案被告陈清远加控六罪
伪造罪控状显示,陈清远涉嫌在2021年7月,教唆一人伪造在中国的两家公司Sunshine Coast和厦门毅宏(译音)的收入证明。
2024.2.8 近期涉及網購演唱會黃牛票的電子商務詐騙案猖獗,新加坡自今年1月以來,已有583人受騙,損失逾22萬新元(約78萬令吉)。新加坡執法單位展開聯合行動,逮捕涉及新加坡演唱會門票詐騙的4人,另有11人助查。新加坡警察部隊發文告說,商業事務局、七大警署和新加坡政府科技局聯合二手交易平台Carousell,在1月31日至本月6日展開聯合行動,共有年齡介於18歲至27歲的1男3女被捕,另有7男4女,包括一名15歲少年在內的嫌犯正在協助調查。初步調查顯示,被捕的4人涉嫌通過開設新的銀行戶頭,或為了金錢利益,將銀行或Singpass戶頭交給犯罪團夥,為團夥的詐騙勾當提供便利。騙子會利用獲取的Singapass戶頭開設新的銀行戶頭和手機服務,並進一步利用這些信息註冊Carousell戶頭,用來售賣演唱會黃牛票。文告稱,這些騙案主要涉及美國歌壇天后泰勒絲(Taylor Swift)、英國酷玩樂團(Coldplay)、日本藝人Yoasobi、中國歌手薛之謙和韓國男團Enhypen等在新加坡的演唱會。
Four Arrested For Their Suspected Involvement In E-Commerce Scams Involving Concert Tickets In A Joint Operation Between Anti-Scam Command, Carousell And Govtech
One man and three women, aged between 18 and 27, were arrested for their suspected involvement in the recent spate of e-commerce scams involving the sale of tickets, mostly to the concerts of Taylor Swift, Coldplay, Yoasobi, Joker Xue, and Enhypen, following a joint operation conducted between 31 January 2024 and 6 February 2024, by the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD), seven Police Land Divisions, Carousell and the Government Technology Agency (GovTech).
Since January 2024, at least 583 victims have fallen prey, with total losses amounting to at least $223,000. In these cases, scammers pretending to be “sellers” would post concert tickets for sale on online platforms such as Telegram, Carousell, Twitter, Facebook and Xiao Hong Shu. Victims who expressed interest to purchase the tickets would be redirected to contact the sellers on WhatsApp or Telegram or WeChat. In some cases, the sellers provided fake screenshots or videos of the tickets and / or the ticket purchase receipts. The sellers would promise to email the tickets or transfer tickets to the victims’ Ticketmaster accounts once the payment was successful. Victims would only realise that they had been scammed when the sellers asked for additional payments, delayed delivery of tickets, become uncontactable, or when the tickets were found to be invalid on the concert day.
During the one-week operation, officers from the CAD and the seven Police Land Divisions arrested the four persons through simultaneous island-wide operations. Preliminary investigations revealed that the four persons had allegedly facilitated the scam cases by opening new bank accounts and relinquishing them to the scammers, or relinquishing their Singpass credentials, and bank accounts and/or Internet banking credentials, for monetary gains. The relinquished Singpass credentials were misused by the scammers to open new bank accounts and mobile lines. The Singpass credentials and mobile lines were then further exploited by the scammers to open Carousell accounts to make the fake concert tickets listings.
Another seven men and four women, including a 15-year-old male teenager, are also assisting in investigations. Preliminary investigations revealed that in these cases, the subjects had unwittingly facilitated the scams through several ways;
- Most of them took on job offers on Telegram, to receive money in their bank accounts to buy Razer gift cards or to facilitate the receipt and transfer of money through their bank accounts; and
- A 21-year-old woman was asked to change her Carousell account moniker and email address, and later, the Carousell account was found to be taken over by the scammers.
- A 15-year-old male teenager gave away his Carousell account to the scammer, who had offered to top up the Carousell wallet.
2024.2.2 新加坡警方商业事务局和七大警署于今年1月19日至2月1日之间,在全国展开两周的执法行动。行动中共有248名男子和119名女子因涉嫌诈骗或充当钱骡须接受警方调查,年龄介于16岁至78岁。警方指出,这群人相信涉及超过1000起诈骗案,骗案形式包括求职、投资、电子商务、网络爱情、借贷和冒充政府官员等,总金额超过1000万元。
Police Investigate 367 Scammers And Money Mules In Island-Wide Enforcement Operation
Officers from the Commercial Affairs Department and the seven Police Land Divisions conducted a two-week operation between 19 January 2024 and 1 February 2024. A total of 248 men and 119 women, aged between 16 and 78, are assisting in investigations for their suspected involvement in scams as scammers or money mules. The suspects are believed to be involved in more than 1,000 cases of scams, comprising mainly investment scams, e-commerce scams, loan scams, fake friend call scams, job scams, internet love scams and Government official impersonation scams, where victims reportedly lost over $10 million.
The suspects are being investigated for the alleged offences of cheating, money laundering or providing payment services without a licence. The offence of cheating under Section 420 of the Penal Code 1871 carries an imprisonment term of up to 10 years and a fine. The offence of money laundering under the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act 1992 carries an imprisonment term of up to 10 years, a fine of up to $500,000, or both. The offence of carrying on a business to provide any type of payment service in Singapore without a licence under Section 5 of the Payment Services Act 2019 carries a fine of up to $125,000, an imprisonment term of up to three years, or both.
2024.2.1 新加坡警方和印度尼西亚国家警察联合调查打击跨国假币集团,一个跨国假币集团涉嫌参与伪造、分销和贩运假币,印度尼西亚廖内省进行的一次突袭中逮捕了四名年龄在 39 岁至 51 岁之间的印度尼西亚男子。2023 年 9 月 21 日,新加坡警方 (SPF) 接到警报,发现新加坡一家赌场出现一张 10,000 新元的假钞,一对印度尼西亚夫妇据称试图用一张 10,000 新元的钞票兑换赌场筹码。当这对夫妇被告知这张纸币是假钞时,该男子又拿出了另一张10,000新元的纸币进行验证。这两张面值10,000新元的纸币被赌场扣留,并移交民航处调查。
Transnational Counterfeit Currency Syndicate Crippled In A Joint Investigation By Singapore Police Force And Indonesia National Police
In a joint investigation conducted by the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD), and the Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia Daerah Kepulauan Riau (Polda Kepri) of the Indonesia National Police (INP), one transnational counterfeit currency syndicate allegedly involved in counterfeiting, distributing and trafficking of counterfeit currency banknotes, was crippled. Four Indonesian men, aged 39 to 51, were arrested by the Polda Kepri, INP, in a raid conducted in the Riau Province, Indonesia.
On 21 September 2023, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) was alerted to a case of a counterfeit SGD$10,000 note presented at a casino in Singapore, where an Indonesian couple had allegedly attempted to exchange one SGD$10,000 note for casino chips. When the couple was told that the note was a counterfeit, the man produced another SGD$10,000 note for verification. The two SGD$10,000 notes were withheld by the casino and handed over to CAD for investigations.
Investigations revealed that the couple had travelled from Batam, Indonesia to Singapore on the same day and that the two notes were received from their business associate in Batam as payment for a business transaction and they wanted to use the notes at the casino for gambling. CAD thus shared the information on the counterfeit banknotes with INP for investigations.
Between 15 November 2023 to 20 November 2023, officers from Polda Kepri, INP conducted three separate raids in Indonesia at Riau Province and West Java Province, leading to the arrest of three Indonesian men, aged 39 to 48, for their suspected involvement in counterfeiting and distribution of counterfeit banknotes. A total of 390 pieces of Singapore banknotes of S$10,000 denomination suspected to be counterfeit were seized. Through follow-up investigations, Polda Kepri, INP identified and arrested the fourth 51-year-old Indonesian man recently.
As there was insufficient evidence to suggest that the couple were aware that the notes they were in possession of were counterfeit, the Police, in consultation with the Attorney-General’s Chambers, has taken no further action against the couple.
2024.1.24 马新两国警方联合展开跨国行动,突击柔佛州两个住宅单位,捣毁假朋友电话诈骗集团,逮捕5名涉案大马男子,该集团涉嫌干下500多起诈骗案,涉及金额超过140万新元。根据新加坡警方文告,新加坡商业事务局和马来西亚皇家警察柔佛商业犯罪调查部联合行动,在柔佛州捣毁一个涉嫌针对新加坡籍受害者的“假朋友”跨国电话诈骗集团。警方对受害者提供的线索进行分析后,马来西亚警方在1月16日突击柔佛州的两个住宅单位,逮捕5名年龄介于19岁至36岁的马来西亚男子。5名男子周二(23日)引渡到新加坡,并将于周三(24日)被控串谋欺骗罪。一旦罪成,被告可被判最高10年监禁和罚款。
Fake Friend Call Scam Syndicate Crippled And Five Men Arrested In Joint Transnational Scam Operation By Singapore Police Force And Royal Malaysia Police
In a joint operation conducted by the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) and the Johor Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) of the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP), a transnational scam syndicate allegedly involved in fake friend call scams targeting Singaporean victims was crippled in a raid conducted in Johor, Malaysia.
From January to November 2023, more than 6,300 victims have fallen prey to fake friend call scams, with total losses amounting to at least S$21.1 million. Pursuant to these reports, SPF and RMP collaborated and shared information on these scams. On 16 January 2024, officers from CCID/RMP conducted a raid on two apartments in Johor, Malaysia, leading to the arrest of five Malaysian men, aged between 19 and 36, for their suspected involvement in fake friend call scams targeting Singaporeans. Preliminary investigations revealed that the syndicate started their scam operations in June 2023. The syndicate is believed to be involved in more than 500 reports made, with total losses of more than S$1.4 million.
The five men were extradited to Singapore on 23 January 2024 and will be charged in court on 24 January 2024 for conspiracy to cheat under Section 420 read with Section 120B and Section 108B of the Penal Code 1871. The offence is punishable with imprisonment of up to 10 years and a fine.

2024.1.19 新加坡历来规模最大的洗钱案有新进展,新加坡警察部队1月19日发文告说,在这宗洗黑钱案的调查过程中,警方再对55个房地产和15辆车发出禁止处置令,起获了另外189个名牌包、34件珠宝和5只名表。这使得迄今为止,起获或发出禁止处置令的总资产价值超过30亿新元。警方也通过国际刑警组织,向另外两名涉及洗钱案的嫌犯,发出红色通缉令。他们是33岁苏永灿(Su Yongcan)和29岁王火强(Wang Huoqiang),于2023年8月15日警方进行执法行动前已离开新加坡。
More Than S$3 Billion In Assets Seized Or Issued With Prohibition Of Disposal Orders; Interpol Red Notices Issued Against Two Fugitives In Anti-Money Laundering Probe
In the ongoing investigations into the group of foreign nationals suspected to be involved in laundering the proceeds of their overseas organised crime activities, the Police have issued prohibition of disposal orders in respect of another 55 properties and 15 vehicles. The Police also seized an additional 189 luxury bags, 34 pieces of jewellery and five luxury watches. This brings the total value of assets seized or issued with prohibition of disposal orders to more than S$3 billion to date.
In addition, warrants of arrest and Interpol Red Notices have been issued against Su Yongcan, a 33-year-old Cambodian national, and Wang Huoqiang, a 29-year-old Cambodian national, for money-laundering offences under Section 54(1)(c) of the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act 1992. They had left Singapore prior to the commencement of the Police’s operations on 15 August 2023. Additional case facts are as follows:
In relation to Su Yongcan, who previously held a passport issued by the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the Police seized more than S$16 million in cash and other foreign currencies and issued prohibition of disposal orders for seven properties and 10 vehicles. The Police also froze bank accounts with a total balance of more than S$145 million.
In relation to Wang Huoqiang, who previously held a passport issued by the PRC, the Police seized about S$188,000 in cash and other foreign currencies and issued a prohibition of disposal order for one vehicle. The Police also froze bank accounts with a total balance of more than S$5 million.

19 January 2024 @ 5:00 PM
On 19 December 2023, the Anti-Scam Centre (ASC) partnered and worked with Great Eastern and OCBC to avert losses of more than S$250,000 in a Government Official Impersonation Scam case.
In this case, a 67-year-old victim had received a phone call on 2 December 2023, from a first scammer who impersonated a Government official from China, alleging that the victim had suspicious funds in a bank account under her name in China and accused the victim of having committed a crime. The first scammer then transferred the victim’s call to a second scammer impersonating another Government official from China. On 13 December 2023, under the instructions of the second scammer, the victim opened a new UOB bank account under her name, purportedly to assist in investigations, and provided the internet-banking credentials of the account to the scammer. The victim was also told to withdraw all her money from other bank accounts and liquidate her insurance policies to deposit into the UOB account.
On 18 December 2023, on the instruction of the second scammer, the victim went to Great Eastern at Jurong East to liquidate her insurance policies. The surrender value monies were to be deposited into the victim’s OCBC account. This was detected by a Great Eastern customer service officer who found the victim’s account for the surrender suspicious. The victim claimed that the money was for the purchase of a house and renovation fees but was unable to provide more details when probed further. Despite having to make a loss for the early surrender of her four insurance policies, the victim insisted on proceeding with the surrender, further raising the suspicion of the Great Eastern customer service officer. He promptly escalated the case to OCBC, who reached out to the ASC for intervention.
The ASC immediately worked with OCBC to prevent the victim from making any further transactions while ASC officers swiftly engaged the victim at her residence, successfully convincing her that she had fallen for a scam. The ASC also acted on the UOB account which was under the control of the second scammer. The alertness of the Great Eastern customer service officer, and the timely intervention by OCBC staff and ASC officers prevented the victim from potentially losing over S$250,000.
Mr Beaver Chua, OCBC’s Head of Anti-Fraud, Group Financial Crime Compliance, said: “OCBC is committed to working closely with the Police to fight scams and protect customers’ funds.”
The Police would like to alert members of the public to a job scam variant where scammers impersonating as representatives of well-known platforms or online marketing companies, would entice victims by giving them commission for the completion of simple social media tasks to generate social media traction. In December 2023, at least 180 victims have fallen prey, with losses amounting to at least $2.6m.
Approach 1
In this scam variant, victims would receive unsolicited job offers from scammers after being added into chatgroups on WhatsApp or Telegram. In some cases, scammers may also claim to represent TikTok or online communications/marketing companies when they approached victims with job offers. Victims would be given tasks involving generation of social media traction. To perform these task, victims will be asked to follow influencers’ accounts on TikTok or Instagram, liking and subscribing to YouTube channels/videos, boosting accounts by following/liking/commenting on accounts and/or posts, or liking songs on Spotify. Upon completion of the “tasks”, the victims would receive a small commission. After victims were convinced that they could earn more commission, the scammers introduce more rewarding tasks to perform. In some cases, scammers would provide victims with fake employment contracts to reinforce the deception. To perform these tasks, victims had to create accounts on scam websites and then transfer increasingly large sums of monies to bank accounts or crypto wallets provided by the scammers. Victims would only realise that they had been scammed when their website account showed a negative account balance, and they were told to pay additional funds in order to “upgrade their accounts” or when they failed to withdraw their “earnings”.
Approach 2
Victims would receive unsolicited WhatsApp or Telegram messages, claiming that they had “won a giveaway” prize and would receive a small commission by completing “easy tasks” such as following an account on Instagram. After victims were convinced that they could earn money easily, scammers would introduce them to advanced tasks. Victims would be added to chatgroups where tasks involving generation of social media traction or transfer of monies as “investment” would be discussed. Victims would have to create accounts on scam websites and transfer monies to bank accounts or crypto wallets provided by the scammers. These are done with the pretext of earning higher commission. Victims would only realise that they had been scammed when they encountered a negative account balance on their job website and were told to pay additional funds to “upgrade their accounts” or when they failed to withdraw their “earnings”.