密码保护:Binance(币安加密货币交易所), Changpeng Zhao(“CZ”, 币安创始人赵长鹏) 2024.4 ✓Press ✓Judge ✓U.S.,美国
2024.4.29, CZ 量刑信将币安前首席执行官描绘成出身卑微,忠诚的家庭男人、朋友,对享乐主义冷漠。在周二宣判前,法庭收到了来自他的朋友和亲人的 161 封来信。请求对他明天的判决进行宽大处理。附:来信中赵长鹏现妻和前妻的信(中文原文)
2024.4.25, Friends, Family, Royalty Seek Mercy for Crypto’s Richest Man
2024.4.24, Binance’s founder and former chief executive, Changpeng “CZ” Zhao, should spend three years in prison for his role in enabling the crypto exchange to violate federal sanctions and money laundering laws, the U.S. Department of Justice said Tuesday night. The former CEO’s attorneys argued he should serve no jail time, citing the fine he paid and his “extraordinary acceptance of responsibility.”(美国司法部周二晚间表示,币安创始人兼前首席执行官赵长鹏因参与加密货币交易所违反联邦制裁和洗钱法而应入狱三年。这位前首席执行官的律师辩称,他不应该被判入狱,理由是他支付了罚款,而且他“非常愿意承担责任”。赵预计将于 4 月 30 日被判刑。赵长鹏在宣判前道歉。)



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