『UK,英国』 8 money laundering, fraud, scams, fake caller, Bitcoin, trial, sentenced, NCA, theft, robbery 2024.5.24-9.30

2024.9.30 A fugitive wanted for a violent robbery in Germany was captured in the City of London during a successful night of arrests.

Wanted fugitive arrested in the City of London
Press releases

A fugitive wanted for a violent robbery in Germany was captured in the City of London during a successful night of arrests.

At around 8pm on 4 July, Inspector Dan Green, from the Proactive Acquisitive Crime Team, was on plain-clothed patrol, heading up Gracechurch Street, when a man loitering in an outdoor seating area of a bar caught his eye.

Dan suspected the man was a distraction thief after seeing him folding away a piece of paper. This is a known tactic used by distraction thieves where they place the paper over a phone on the table drawing the victim’s attention away and then stealing their phone.

Dan also spotted a vehicle nearby which he recognised as linked to similar distraction thefts in the City.

“I strongly suspected the that the male was heading towards this car to make his escape, so I ran after him with the aim to detain him for a search,” Dan, who also leads the Proactive Acquisitive Crime Team (PACT), said. “When I managed get hold of him and I identified myself as police officer, he then very quickly pushed me away and ran off.”

“It was then a chase down Lime Street and into Leadenhall Market, where the suspect began to tire and slow down. I was on my own and I drew my baton as I wasn’t sure if this man was going to be violent as he already pushed me away once.

“I shouted at him to get on the ground, to which he complied. I then cuffed him and waited for backup to arrive.”

Uniformed officers arrived moments later and Dan went on to do a search of the suspect, where the paper used in the offence was found.

Ionut Mihai, also known as Ionut Bratianu, 37, was arrested for going equipped to steal and for theft. He was also found to be linked to other thefts in the City.

Officers then discovered that there was an international arrest warrant for Mihai for a violent robbery of a woman at a coffee shop in Germany in 2020. He had been sentenced to three years in prison for this offence, which he will serve once extradited.

Mihai was sentenced to 18-weeks in prison for theft in the City and extradition proceedings are currently ongoing.

Earlier that evening, Dan and Sergeant James Wood spotted two known bag thieves around Farringdon. Calling for backup from PACT officers, the team observed the two going in and out of various shops and pubs before officers moved in, as the two suspects headed into Mansion House underground station.

The two were searched and arrested outside the station: one of the men was arrested for failing to appear in court for a previous bag theft and the second was wanted in connection with two bag thefts in the City.

Following on from that, at around 7:30pm, PC Sam Gregory, also from PACT, spotted a man suspected of being in possession of drugs with the intent to supply.

Dan met up with PC Gregory and other PACT officers; and saw an exchange taking place.

Dan and his team swooped in on the buyer and the suspected dealer.

The buyer was issued a caution and the suspected dealer who was arrested for possession with intent to supply.

“I would say we’ve had a successful day thanks to the tenacious, hard work and dedication from the whole team,” Dan said. “We also charged a shoplifter for two counts of theft who the team had arrested earlier in the day as well.”

The Proactive Acquisitive Crime Team focuses on crimes such as theft of bags, phone snatches and shoplifting. The dedicated team is successfully bringing criminals to justice who prey on those out in the City and proactive arrests are disrupting those involved in serious organised crime.



7 月 4 日晚上 8 点左右,主动打击犯罪小组的警官丹·格林 (Dan Green) 正在进行便衣巡逻,正前往格雷斯彻奇街 (Gracechurch Street) 时,一名在酒吧户外座位区徘徊的男子引起了他的注意。



“我强烈怀疑这名男子正朝着这辆车走去,想逃跑,所以我追上了他,想把他拘留起来进行搜查,”丹说,他也是主动打击犯罪小组 (PACT) 的负责人。“当我设法抓住他并表明自己是警察时,他很快就推开了我,跑开了。”

“然后我们沿着莱姆街追到了 Leadenhall 市场,嫌疑人开始感到疲倦并放慢了速度。我独自一人,我拔出了警棍,因为我不确定这个人是否会使用暴力,因为他已经推开过我一次了。



37 岁的 Ionut Mihai(又名 Ionut Bratianu)因携带盗窃装备和盗窃而被捕。他还被发现与该市其他盗窃案有关。

警官随后发现,米哈伊(Mihai)因 2020 年在德国一家咖啡店暴力抢劫一名妇女而收到了国际逮捕令。他因这项罪行被判处三年监禁,被引渡后将服刑。

当晚早些时候,丹和警官詹姆斯·伍德在法灵顿附近发现了两名已知的偷包贼。在 PACT 警员呼叫增援后,该小组观察到两名嫌疑人进出各种商店和酒吧,随后警员赶到现场,两名嫌疑人前往 Mansion House 地铁站。


紧接着,晚上 7 点 30 分左右,同样来自 PACT 的警员 Sam Gregory 发现一名男子涉嫌持有毒品并意图贩卖。



2024.9.4 Police are appealing for information after a teenager was bitten by a dog in a Leicester park. Between 4pm and 4.30pm on Monday 2 September, a 15-year-old boy was approached by a dog, described an Alsatian/German Shepherd type breed, while on the path known as Black Path.

Leicestershire Police News(莱斯特郡警察局发布)
Appeal after teenager bitten by dog
Published:14:32 04/09/2024

Police are appealing for information after a teenager was bitten by a dog in a Leicester park.

Between 4pm and 4.30pm on Monday 2 September, a 15-year-old boy was approached by a dog, described an Alsatian/German Shepherd type breed, while on the path known as Black Path.

This is between Linney Road and Bishopdale Road near to what is also known locally as Rainbow Park.

The dog, which was on a lead with its owner walking nearby, bit the boy on the arm before running off.

PC Rae Sidat, who is the investigating officer, said: “This boy sustained a serious bite wound which not only required hospital treatment but an operation to close the wound.

“I would like to speak to anyone who may have seen this dog, or the incident itself to get in touch. If this is your dog, or you know the person who owns it, we would also like to speak to you.”

Anyone who has information is asked to contact police on 101 quoting 24*526318.


9 月 2 日星期一下午 4 点至 4 点 30 分之间,在一条被称为“黑路”的小路上,一只狗接近了一名 15 岁的男孩,据了解,这是一条阿尔萨斯犬/德国牧羊犬品种。

该地点位于 Linney 路和 Bishopdale 路之间,靠近当地人所称的彩虹公园。


调查官雷·西达特 (Rae Sidat) 表示:“这个男孩被咬伤严重,不仅需要住院治疗,还需要手术治疗伤口。



2024.9.3 A couple accused in China of leading a fraud worth 262.5 billion yuan ($37.7 billion) are facing a British investigation into how they built up a multi-million pound property portfolio in the UK, according to a court ruling.

Chinese Suspects in $37 Billion Loan Fraud Face UK Investigation

LONDON, ENGLAND – OCTOBER 07: A general view of The National Crime Agency building in Westminster on October 7, 2013 in London, England. The NCA replaces SOCA, the Serious Organised Crime Agency, which was formed in 2006. Dubbed “the British FBI”, the NCA will be tasked with tackling the most serious of crimes in the UK and replaces a number of existing bodies. (Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images) (Dan Kitwood/Photographer: Dan Kitwood/Getty )

(Bloomberg) — A couple accused in China of leading a fraud worth 262.5 billion yuan ($37.7 billion) are facing a British investigation into how they built up a multi-million pound property portfolio in the UK, according to a court ruling.

The UK’s National Crime Agency is scrutinizing whether the collection of student rental properties acquired by Wenjun Tian and his wife were bought using money from criminal activities, the ruling showed. They’re suspected in China of bagging some £1.2 billion ($1.6 billion) stemming from a 14 year fraud that used a string of shell companies to apply for fraudulent loans as well as stock market manipulation.

A London court on Friday rejected their appeal against an order to disclose details about their assets. They will be allowed to keep their UK real estate assets worth over £14 million if they are later proved to be legitimately purchased, the ruling said.

In total, Chinese authorities said some 1,010 loans were taken out by 59 shell companies under the control of Tian.

Lawyers for the couple declined to comment. The NCA gave a “one-sided, partisan and misleading account of the evidence,” they said during the hearing.

The NCA’s investigation was based on information from Chinese authorities who acted out of political motivation as part of its “transnational repression” of citizens, the lawyers argued. The court did not find evidence of the couple having a political profile as government officials or as political dissidents in China.

Tian and his wife moved to the UK using the now-scrapped investor visa program, helped by a controversial wealth management firm Dolfin Financial UK Ltd.

Dolfin, which invested over £10 million on their behalf in 2017, is now under special administration. The Financial Conduct Authority is investigating Dolfin for an alleged scheme to help clients unlawfully obtain investor visas. The administrators of Dolfin and its founders didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.

The money was a gift by Tian that came from selling his shares in a Chinese company Dongsheng International Investment Group Co. in October 2015, according to Dolfin’s records cited by the court. Tian moved to the UK in 2019, a year after his wife

The Chinese authorities issued arrest warrants against them in 2021 while the UK investigation began in 2022. The NCA declined to comment on the ongoing investigation.




彭博社周二(9月3日)报导,英国国家打击犯罪局(National Crime Agency,简称NCA)正在调查移民英国的华人田文军夫妇,在英国所购买的学生租赁物业是否是用犯罪得来的资金购买的。




2017年,田文军夫妇在英国投资了超过1,000万英镑。他们在多芬金融英国有限公司(Dolfin Financial UK Ltd.)的帮助下,利用当时的投资签证计划移民英国。目前这笔投资正处于特别管理阶段。

多芬的记录显示,这笔钱是田文军在2015年10月出售他的中国公司——东盛国际投资集团有限公司(Dongsheng International Investment Group Co.)得来的。




2024.9.2 We’re appealing for information about a theft of a bicycle in Aislaby near Whitby.

North Yorkshire Police News(北约克郡警察局发布)
Information sought after bike was stolen and recovered in a village near Whitby
Published:10:23 02/09/2024

We’re appealing for information about a theft of a bicycle in Aislaby near Whitby.

It happened overnight between Saturday night and Sunday morning (31 August and 1 September).

Thieves took the black, pink and silver Carrera bike from a property on Egton Road.

It was located in Aislaby a number of hours later.

The victim also reported that her vehicle had been entered but it is not believed any items had been taken.

We’re appealing for information about any witnesses who may have seen the bike or anyone suspicious in the area.

We are aware of other reports of a man acting suspiciously in the area on Sunday morning, who we have spoken to, and we would welcome any further information that could help our investigation.

Please email bethany.thompson@northyorkshire.police.uk if you have any information that could help our investigation.

Alternatively, you can call North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option 2 and ask for PC Thompson (1417), or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their website.

Please quote reference 12240159076 when passing on information.



此事发生在周六晚上至周日早上(8 月 31 日至 9 月 1 日)之间。

窃贼从埃格顿路的一处房产中偷走了这辆黑色、粉色和银色的 Carrera 自行车。





2024.8.23 A man has been sentenced to 16 weeks in jail and banned from entering the City of London for three years.

City of London Police Press releases
Shoplifter banned from City and sentenced

A man has been sentenced to 16 weeks in jail and banned from entering the City of London for three years.

Fathi Handuleh, 38, of Gibson Close, Tower Hamlets, was convicted of theft of 10 bottles of wine from a Co-op on Cheapside.

On 15 August, Handuleh was seen on CCTV in the wine section of the store, putting multiple bottles of wine in two bags he was carrying.

He then left the supermarket without paying for the wine which totalled £110.

City of London Police officers found Handuleh at St Paul’s station, where the 10 bottles of wine were found on him and he was arrested.

Westminster Magistrates’ Court also handed Handuleh a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO), banning him from entering the City of London for three years.

Detective Sergeant Helen Bentley, of the City of London Police, said:
“We hope that this CBO will give reassurance to businesses, retail staff and also members of the public who shop in the area. We will bring those committing crimes in the City to justice.
“A CBO will help us protect businesses and communities from various offences, including theft and anti-social behaviour, as well as act as a deterrent to others thinking of criminal activity.”

If Handuleh breaches his CBO, he could face further jail time.


一名男子被判处 16 周监禁,并被禁止三年内进入伦敦市。

38 岁的 Fathi Handuleh 来自塔哈姆莱茨区的吉布森克洛斯,他因从齐普赛德的一家合作社偷窃 10 瓶葡萄酒而被判有罪。

8 月 15 日,监控录像显示,汉杜勒出现在商店的葡萄酒区,他将多瓶葡萄酒装进他随身携带的两个袋子里。

然后,他离开了超市,没有支付价值 110 英镑的葡萄酒的费用。

伦敦市警察在圣保罗车站发现了汉杜勒,在他身上搜出了 10 瓶葡萄酒,并将他逮捕。


伦敦市警察局侦缉警长海伦·本特利 (Helen Bentley) 表示:
“我们希望此次 CBO 能够让企业、零售员工以及在该地区购物的公众放心。我们将把那些在市内犯罪的人绳之以法。
“CBO 将帮助我们保护企业和社区免受各种犯罪行为的侵害,包括盗窃和反社会行为,并对其他有犯罪想法的人起到威慑作用。”

2024.8.21 Three men have been found guilty of going equipped for theft, after City of London Police officers found card-skimming equipment during a vehicle stop.

City of London Police Press releases
Three men guilty of going equipped for theft after cash machine skimming tools found in vehicle

Three men have been found guilty of going equipped for theft, after City of London Police officers found card-skimming equipment during a vehicle stop.

Cristian-Petrut Zaharia, 19, and Ioan Zaharia, 52, of Leytonstone and Sandu Vasilca, 30, of Ilford, were all arrested on 25 June 2024.

At around 8:40pm that evening, the control room spotted the three, believed to be involved in skimming, inside a vehicle which had entered the City of London.

CCTV cameras spotted the car heading to Cheapside before pulling up on the side of the road.

Cristian-Perut Zaharia was then seen getting out of the back seat of the vehicle, went up to an ATM machine with a bank card for a very short moment before heading back into the car.

Officers stopped the vehicle on Gresham Street at around 9pm. A search was carried out where items typically used for skimming cash machines were found, as well as dispenser covers, tape, hook picks, screwdrivers, superglue and chisels. A large sum of cash was also discovered.

Detective Constable James Crellin, of the Criminal Investigations Department at the City of London Police, said:

“This successful prosecution highlights our work in catching the offenders and preventing further crimes being carried out.

“Due to our effective CCTV across the City, our control room officers were able to pinpoint their location, which led to the arrests.

“It’s also a warning to those thinking of committing crimes in the City, we will catch you and bring you to justice.

“The impact of this type of crime can be devastating for the victims, who might find their accounts drained of money.”

Cristian-Petrut Zaharia and Sandu Vasilca were found guilty at the City of London Magistrates’ Court of going equipped for theft, following a trial. Ioan Zaharia had pleaded guilty to the offences in an earlier hearing.

Ioan Zaharia has been remanded to appear at the Old Bailey for sentencing.

Cristian-Petrut Zaharia and Vasilca have both been bailed and will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on 6 September.

Fraud at ATMs is rare, but it is important all cardholders are aware of the importance of covering their PIN and staying safe at a cash machine.

The most common types of incidents at an ATM are card entrapment and card skimming. To trap a card, fraudsters insert a device into the machine to prevent a card from being ejected. The fraudster then removes the card once you have left the cash machine.

To skim a card, fraudsters insert a device into an ATM which will copy the magnetic stripe details from your card.



2024 年 6 月 25 日,来自莱顿斯通的 19 岁的克里斯蒂安-彼得鲁特·扎哈里亚 (Cristian-Petrut Zaharia)、52 岁的伊恩·扎哈里亚 (Ioan Zaharia) 和来自伊尔福德的 30 岁的桑杜·瓦西尔卡 (Sandu Vasilca) 均被捕。




晚上 9 点左右,警察在格雷沙姆街拦下了这辆车。警察进行了搜查,发现了通常用于盗刷自动取款机的物品,以及取款机盖、胶带、钩形镐、螺丝刀、强力胶和凿子。警察还发现了一大笔现金。

伦敦警察局刑事调查部门侦缉警员詹姆斯·克雷林 (James Crellin) 表示:







克里斯蒂安-彼得鲁特·扎哈里亚 (Cristian-Petrut Zaharia) 和瓦西尔卡 (Vasilca) 均已获得保释,并将于 9 月 6 日出庭威斯敏斯特地方法院。

自动取款机上的欺诈行为很少见,但所有持卡人都必须意识到保护好自己的 PIN 码和确保自动取款机安全的重要性。

ATM 最常见的事故类型是卡套和卡盗刷。为了卡套,诈骗者会在机器中插入一个装置,以防止卡被弹出。然后,一旦您离开自动取款机,诈骗者就会将卡取走。

为了盗刷卡,诈骗者会将一个设备插入 ATM,该设备会复制卡上的磁条详细信息。

2024.8.1 Today, the National Crime Agency can reveal that they have shut down a platform used by hundreds of criminals to defraud victims across the world.

NCA shuts down major fraud platform responsible for 1.8 million scam calls

Today, the National Crime Agency can reveal that they have shut down a platform used by hundreds of criminals to defraud victims across the world.

Russian Coms, established in 2021, is thought to be behind financial losses in the tens of millions. An estimated 170,000 people across the UK are believed to be victims.

The platform allowed criminals to hide their identity by appearing to call from pre-selected numbers, most commonly of financial institutions, telecommunications companies and law enforcement agencies. This enabled them to gain the trust of victims before stealing their money and personal details.

Between 2021 and 2024, over 1.3 million calls were made by Russian Coms users to 500,000 unique UK phone numbers. Of those who reported to Action Fraud, the average loss is over £9,400.

Three individuals have been arrested by the NCA, two of whom are believed to have been involved in the creation and development of the platform. They have been released on conditional bail. Law enforcement partners in the UK and overseas, supported by Europol, will take joint action against users over the coming months.

Russian Coms was available as a handset and, latterly, as a web app, marketed through Snapchat, Instagram and Telegram. According to adverts shared across social media, the service included “unlimited minutes”, “hold music”, “encrypted phone calls”, “instant handset wipe”, international calls, voice changing services, and 24/7 support.

An example of a typical scam involved offenders spoofing the number of a bank to gain the trust of a victim, before convincing them that their account had been subject to fraudulent activity. They would then be persuaded to transfer their money to another account in order to safeguard their savings.

The fraudsters were able to access victims’ money in a number of ways. They impersonated reputable companies and stole funds for goods which were never delivered; gained full access to bank accounts; and arranged for the collection of physical debit and credit cards from victims on the pretence that they needed replacing.

Victims of all ages suffered losses, and calls were made to individuals in 107 different countries around the world, including the USA, New Zealand, Norway, France and the Bahamas.

The handset could only be used to make spoofed calls. It was loaded with a number of fake applications that had no functionality, to make it look like an everyday smartphone if seized by law enforcement. This was in addition to several VPN apps, allowing the user to hide their IP address, and a burn app that instantly wiped the phone after being activated. A six-month contract cost between £1,200 and £1,400, depending on collection and delivery.

The web app was marketed as a “flagship service”, allowing full access to the Russian Coms web phone for £350 per month, to be paid using cryptocurrency.

In March, following months of intelligence gathering and painstaking investigative work, two men aged 26 and 28 were arrested in Newham, London, by NCA officers. They are believed to be the platform’s developers and administrators. That month, the platform was taken down.

On 12 April 2024, a suspected close affiliate and handset courier, a 28-year-old man also from Newham, was arrested.

This week, a further user was arrested in Potters Bar by the Eastern Region Special Operations Unit. Action will continue over the coming months.

Adrian Searle, Director of the National Economic Crime Centre within the National Crime Agency, said:

“Criminals are increasingly using technology to carry out fraud and other crimes on an industrial scale, causing very real harm to victims in the UK and across the world.

“The NCA and our partners here in the UK and overseas are going after both the criminals and the technology they exploit.

“Whilst this use of technology, which can be called ‘crime as a service’, promises anonymity, unbeknown to the criminal users, the services also store the users’ data, so we can identify who they are and how they operate.

“Users of Russian Coms, and all those tempted to try out similar services, should know that these services cannot be trusted.”

Fraud accounts for approximately 40% of all crime against individuals in England and Wales, and over 80% of it is believed to be technology-enabled.

T/Assistant Commission Nik Adams, from the City of London Police, said:

“Fraud is a devastating crime which can have a huge impact on victims, both financially and psychologically, and can hugely impact people’s trust in others and services they rely on.

“It is absolutely imperative that everyone takes steps to protect themselves from fraud. If you receive a phone call out of the blue from your bank, financial provider or other official organisation, even if you think it is legitimate, hang up and redial the number on the back of your bank card. No official organisation will pressure you to make an immediate financial decision or put pressure on you to reveal your personal details.

“If you have been a victim of fraud, know that it is not your fault and it is never too late to get help. Reports of fraud should be made to your bank immediately and to Action Fraud as soon as possible, either online at actionfraud.police.uk or by calling 0300 123 2040. Charity Victim Support also provided free and confidential advice.”

Lord Sir David Hanson, Minister of State at the Home Office with Responsibility for Fraud’, said:

“Fraud is a crime that can devastate lives, and anyone can be affected.

“That’s why this action from the NCA is so significant, shutting down an illegal platform used by hundreds of criminals, and disrupting the flow of funds that their networks rely on to operate.

“It also sends a vital message to others committing fraud – law enforcement is monitoring you, you will be caught, and you will be dealt with using the full force of the law.

“But this new government knows that more needs to be done to tackle fraud and we will continue to collaborate with law enforcement and industry to better protect the public and businesses from this appalling crime.

“I am grateful to the NCA, and their partners, whose tireless dedication makes today’s news possible.”

1 August 2024

NCA(The UK’s National Crime Agency) 关闭造成 180 万起诈骗电话的大型欺诈平台

Fake caller app shut after thieves duped thousands

The UK’s National Crime Agency has shut down an online platform that it says was used by criminals to steal money from thousands of people around the world.

The Russian Coms platform allowed fraudsters to pretend to be callers from a bank or telecoms firm in order to steal money or personal details, the NCA said.

The body said that between 2021 and 2024, over 1.3 million calls were made by Russian Coms users to 500,000 unique UK phone numbers.

About 170,000 people in the UK are believed to be victims, with the average reported loss more than £9,400.

The NCA said the platform had been used to make calls to people in 107 different countries around the world, although it did not give an estimate for how many global victims there were.

The agency said it had arrested three people over the platform, who have been released on conditional bail.

The Russian Coms platform was established in 2021. It was available as a handset and then a web app, and allowed the user to make calls that suggested they were coming from a reputable company.

Some of the scams included criminals “spoofing” the number of a bank to pretend to be a legitimate caller, before persuading the victim to transfer money out of their account.

Fraudsters also impersonated companies to steal money for goods that were never delivered.

The NCA said the handset could only be used to make spoofed calls, although it was loaded with fake apps to make it look like an everyday smartphone.

The web app cost £350 a month, with payments to be made using cryptocurrency.

The NCA said fraud now accounts for about 40% of all crime against individuals in England and Wales, with over 80% of it believed to be technology-enabled.

“Criminals are increasingly using technology to carry out fraud and other crimes on an industrial scale, causing very real harm to victims in the UK and across the world,” said Adrian Searle, director of the National Economic Crime Centre within the NCA.

“The NCA and our partners here in the UK and overseas are going after both the criminals and the technology they exploit.”

Earlier this year, police broke up a gang accused of using a technology service that helped criminals use fraudulent text messages to steal from victims.

The Labhost site allowed scammers without technical skills to bombard victims with messages designed to trick them into making payments online.

2024.5.24, Chinese takeaway worker Jian Wen jailed for money laundering after £3bn Bitcoin seizure. Wen, 42, tried to buy properties in London, including a £23.5m seven-bedroom Hampstead mansion with a swimming pool and a £12.5m home with a cinema and gym. Sentencing, the judge said: ‘Even on the most generous view, your involvement in this wallet continued for almost a year. I do not accept that in respect of this wallet you did no more than perform a limited role under direction. This was a wallet that you held, you made the transfers, you made the trips to Dubai, you conducted all the communication with third parties. The properties were purchased in your name, you gave the Powers of Attorney. ‘In respect of this wallet you exercised a degree of autonomy and acted for your own benefit.’ The judge said she did not agree that Wen’s involvement had ‘any element of exploitation’. She added: ‘I do not agree with counsel that characterises you as a victim.’ Wen has been in custody since her arrest in March 2022. Sentencing Wen, who did not react, to 80 months imprisonment, the judge said: ‘Only a custodial sentence is appropriate. I sentence you to the least possible sentence that I can.’

UK woman Jian Wen jailed for laundering bitcoin tied to US$5.6 billion China fraud
Wen went from staying in the basement of the Chinese takeaway where she worked in London to living in a mansion and going on shopping sprees at Harrods
She says she is a victim and only followed instructions from a woman described as the ‘mastermind’ by her lawyers

A woman was sentenced to six years and eight months in jail for laundering massive amounts of bitcoin linked to an alleged US$5.6 billion investment fraud in China.

Jian Wen, a former fast food worker who transformed her life with a luxurious lifestyle, was found guilty of one count of money laundering relating to about 150 bitcoin for a Chinese woman between 2017 and 2022. In the wider operation, the police seized over 61,000 bitcoin, now worth over US$4 billion.

“This was an offence which was sophisticated and involved significant planning,” Judge Sally-Ann Hales said Friday, as she handed down the sentence. “I am in no doubt that you knew what you were dealing with.”

Wen, who holds British and Chinese citizenship, consistently denied all allegations against her and is appealing against her conviction. She said she was a victim and only followed instructions from a woman described as the “mastermind” by her lawyers.

Wen did not know the money was obtained in a fraud, her lawyer said. She was not accused of any role in the underlying fraud in China. Instead she was “duped and used” and she “bitterly regrets her involvement” with the alleged mastermind, her lawyer Mark Harries said during the Friday hearing.

The prosecution insisted that Wen was driven by greed and financial gains and was the decision maker for the cryptocurrency wallet in her control.

In March, the jury found Wen guilty of one count of money laundering after the prosecution showed thousands of pieces of evidence including WhatsApp messages between Wen and the alleged mastermind in a nearly two-month long trial.

The trial also highlighted the role of a series of intermediaries and professionals in London and Dubai who helped the two women launder bitcoin and buy assets in the UK, Europe and Dubai.

Wen, 42, went from living in the basement of an East London Chinese takeaway where she was employed, to a six-bedroom mansion in a leafy suburb, spending thousands on luxury shopping sprees at Harrods after she started working for the now-arrested woman fugitive.

Separately, the woman’s lawyer said in a statement that she denies the allegations of fraud against her. He said that she acquired substantial holdings of bitcoin through lawful means.

Chinese takeaway worker Jian Wen jailed for money laundering after £3bn Bitcoin seizure
Wen, 42, tried to buy properties in London, including a £23.5m seven-bedroom Hampstead mansion with a swimming pool and a £12.5m home with a cinema and gym.

A former Chinese takeaway worker found guilty of money laundering after police seized more than £3bn worth of Bitcoin has been jailed for more than six years.

Jian Wen, 42, came to the attention of police when she tried to buy some of London’s most expensive properties, including a £23.5m seven-bedroom Hampstead mansion with a swimming pool and a nearby £12.5m home with a cinema and gym.

The investigation led to the UK’s biggest-ever cryptocurrency seizure when more than 61,000 Bitcoin were discovered in digital wallets.

The cryptocurrency was worth £1.4bn at the time but its value has now risen to more than £3bn, while 23,308 Bitcoin, now worth more than £1bn, linked to the probe remains in circulation.

The Bitcoin allegedly came from a £5bn investment scam carried out in China between 2014 and 2017.

Wen was not involved in the fraud but was said to have acted as a “front person” to help disguise the source of the money, some of which had been used to buy cryptocurrency and smuggled out of China on laptops.

She was found guilty of one count of money laundering, relating to 150 Bitcoin, now worth nearly £8m, between October 2017 and January 2022 last month following a retrial at Southwark Crown Court.

Wen was jailed for six years and eight months today by Judge Sally-Ann Hales KC, who told her: “I am in no doubt you came to enjoy the better things in life.

“The evidence showed you and, to some extent, members of your family were generously rewarded for your service.”

The court heard Wen, who has been in custody as a Category A prisoner since 3 March 2022, plans to appeal the conviction.

Mark Harries KC, defending, said she “was a victim long before she became a criminal” and “was undoubtedly duped and used” by the alleged mastermind of the operation.

Mr Harries said she was “plucked from the most humble of backgrounds”, working and living in “shabby Chinese restaurants” into a “lifestyle of luxury” funded by the Bitcoin.

Wen lived in a £5m six-bedroom house rented for £17,000 a month near Hampstead Heath and travelled the world, spending tens of thousands of pounds on designer clothes and shoes in Harrods.

She drove a £25,000 E-Class Mercedes and sent her son to the £6,000-a-term Heathside preparatory school, the court heard.

She bought two apartments in Dubai for more than £500,000 and looked into buying a £10m 18th century Tuscan villa with a sea view.

But efforts to buy multimillion-pound properties in London triggered anti-money laundering checks and none of the purchases went ahead because the source of the Bitcoin could not be explained.

Wen, who had declared an income of just £5,979 in the 2016/17 financial year, could not explain the source of the funds and police first raided her home on 31 October 2018.

She accepted she was involved in an arrangement dealing with some of the cryptocurrency but said she did not know or suspect it was from the proceeds of crime.

The court heard that once the Bitcoin had been converted into fiat currency loaded on to black prepaid cards which could be used anywhere in the world.

Wen, who has a diploma in law and a business degree, was acquitted of a string of other money laundering charges and Mr Harries said she had wanted to make her and her son’s lives better, initially by legitimate means.

She was the “conduit”, with “her simple task the pressing of buttons for transactions of Bitcoin” and she had a “limited awareness of the extent of the criminal activity to which she had leant herself,” he said.

But prosecutor Gillian Jones KC said Wen was motivated by “greed” and her own “financial gain” not subjected to “coercion, intimidation or exploitation”.

Bitcoin money launderer sentenced to 80 months in prison

Awoman who studied law in both England and China was today sentenced to more than six years in prison for her involvement in a money laundering arrangement.

Jian Wen’s involvement was described as ‘sophisticated and involved significant planning’ by Her Honour Judge Hales KC sitting at Southwark Crown Court.

The former takeaway worker was convicted earlier this year of entering into or becoming concerned in a money laundering arrangement for her part in converting bitcoin into cash and other assets on behalf of another.

Wen was caught out by ‘know your client’ questions asked by Mishcon de Reya when she attempted, and failed, to buy multi-million-pound properties in London. She had attempted to purchase properties in London valued at £4.5m, £23.5m and £12.5m between autumn 2017 and late 2018.

She later purchased two properties in Dubai, both of which have since been sold.

The court heard that Wen laundered £809,832.54 worth of bitcoin.

Gillian Jones, prosecuting, said: ‘Her involvement was due to greed, and it was for financial gain.’

The bitcoin is alleged to have come from a fraudulent investment scam in China. There is no suggestion that Wen was involved in the fraud or knew anything about it, the court heard.

Mark Harries KC, defending, told the court Wen was a ‘victim’ and ‘if not pressure [then] influence]’ from others caused her ‘to act in the way that she did’ which she ‘bitterly regrets’. He added: ‘She had limited awareness of the extent of the criminal activity to which she lent herself.

‘She was undoubtedly duped and used and yes, of course the conviction indicates that position changed late in the day but perhaps at a time when escape was more difficult.’

The court heard Wen studied law in China before coming to the UK on a spousal visa. Wen, who now has British citizenship, returned to her studies after separating from her husband and obtained a diploma in law as well as a degree in economics.

Sentencing, the judge said: ‘Even on the most generous view, your involvement in this wallet continued for almost a year. I do not accept that in respect of this wallet you did no more than perform a limited role under direction. This was a wallet that you held, you made the transfers, you made the trips to Dubai, you conducted all the communication with third parties. The properties were purchased in your name, you gave the Powers of Attorney.

‘In respect of this wallet you exercised a degree of autonomy and acted for your own benefit.’

The judge said she did not agree that Wen’s involvement had ‘any element of exploitation’. She added: ‘I do not agree with counsel that characterises you as a victim.’

Wen has been in custody since her arrest in March 2022. Sentencing Wen, who did not react, to 80 months imprisonment, the judge said: ‘Only a custodial sentence is appropriate. I sentence you to the least possible sentence that I can.’


据天空新闻2024年5月24日报道,此前被判一项洗钱罪名成立的华裔英籍女子温简(Jian Wen音译)在当天被英国萨瑟克刑事法院判处6年8个月监禁。

今年3月18日,伦敦萨瑟克刑事法庭认定温简在2017年10月-2022年1月期间的,涉及150枚比特币。主审法官黑尔斯(Sally Ann Hales)原定于5月10日宣布量刑决定,但因事务安排繁忙推迟至半个月之后。她在最新的判决书中写道,温简参与了一宗复杂且涉及重大计划的犯罪行为。温简方面表示将对该判决提起上诉。


该案主犯钱志敏(在英国化名“Yadi Zhang”)于2017年9月持英联邦成员国圣基茨和尼维斯的伪造护照来到伦敦。她在离开中国时随身携带着一部装有加密钱包的黑色联想笔记本电脑,该钱包内存有用此前的非吸资金购买的比特币。




在庭审期间,温简承认自己参与了对部分加密货币的处理,但不知道是犯罪所得。她的辩护律师哈里斯(Mark Harrie)表示,温简出身底层,原本也是受害者,被钱志敏的蒙骗和利用。检察官琼斯(Gillian Jones)则回应,被告的作案动机是为了获取非法经济利益,而非受到胁迫、恐吓或剥削。





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