『Singapore,新加坡』 10 Police news, Loanshark Harassment, conspiracy to commit cheating, social media impersonation scams, Anti-Scam, Money Mule, money laundering, rash act, Theft 2024.7.18-8.6

2024.8.6 The Police would like to remind members of the public to remain vigilant against social media impersonation scams. This variant involves scammers gaining access to WhatsApp accounts through the use of fake “WhatsApp Web” websites. The owners of the compromised WhatsApp accounts were led to the fake websites after conducting searches on online search engines. Such compromised accounts were subsequently used to contact and scam the account owner’s contacts. Since January 2024, at least 20 such reports have been lodged, with total losses amounting to at least $46,000.

Police Advisory On The Resurgence Of Social Media Impersonation Scams Involving Compromised Whatsapp Accounts

The Police would like to remind members of the public to remain vigilant against social media impersonation scams. This variant involves scammers gaining access to WhatsApp accounts through the use of fake “WhatsApp Web” websites. The owners of the compromised WhatsApp accounts were led to the fake websites after conducting searches on online search engines. Such compromised accounts were subsequently used to contact and scam the account owner’s contacts. Since January 2024, at least 20 such reports have been lodged, with total losses amounting to at least $46,000.

Users who intended to access their WhatsApp accounts using their desktops would search for the “WhatsApp Web” website using online search engines. Users would click on the first few search results without verifying if these belong to the official WhatsApp website. The users were then led to fake websites embedded with a genuine QR code which had been extracted from the official website of WhatsApp by the scammers. Scanning the QR code on these phishing websites would cause the user’s WhatsApp account to be linked to the scammer’s desktop. However, the users would still be able to access their WhatsApp account on their mobile phone/computer so they would not realise that their WhatsApp accounts have been compromised.

The scammers would use the compromised WhatsApp accounts to reach out to potential victims on the user’s WhatsApp contact list. The scammers would impersonate the WhatsApp account owner and deceive victims into transferring monies. Scammers would typically claim that the monies are needed urgently for various reasons (e.g. to pay for purchases) under the pretext that their bank accounts have been restricted (e.g. exceeded transfer limits). Victims would then be asked to transfer money to bank accounts or PayNow numbers provided by scammers.

警方就利用被盗 Whatsapp 账户进行社交媒体冒充诈骗的再度兴起发出警告

2024.8.3 On 23 July 2024, the victim, a commodity firm based in Singapore lodged a police report stating that it had fallen prey to a case of Business Email Compromise Scam. Investigations revealed that on 15 July 2024, their staff received an email from a “supplier” notifying him to transfer the payment for some goods to a new bank account based in Timor-Leste. Unbeknownst to the staff, the “i” in the supplier’s original email was replaced with a “l”. The staff then transferred a sum of USD 42.3 million to the purported supplier on 19 July 2024 and the funds was directed to the fraudulent bank account maintained in Timor-Leste. On 23 July 2024, the staff discovered the fraud after being informed by their genuine supplier that they had not received the payment.

International Cooperation Leading To The Biggest Recovery Of Over Usd 40 Million Linked To Business Email Compromise Scam

The Anti-Scam Centre (ASC) of the Singapore Police Force (SPF), in collaboration with Timor-Leste authorities and INTERPOL, has made the largest recovery of over USD 40 million (approximately SGD 53 million) in a case of Business Email Compromise Scam.

On 23 July 2024, the victim, a commodity firm based in Singapore lodged a police report stating that it had fallen prey to a case of Business Email Compromise Scam. Investigations revealed that on 15 July 2024, their staff received an email from a “supplier” notifying him to transfer the payment for some goods to a new bank account based in Timor-Leste. Unbeknownst to the staff, the “i” in the supplier’s original email was replaced with a “l”. The staff then transferred a sum of USD 42.3 million to the purported supplier on 19 July 2024 and the funds was directed to the fraudulent bank account maintained in Timor-Leste. On 23 July 2024, the staff discovered the fraud after being informed by their genuine supplier that they had not received the payment.

Pursuant to the police report, the SPF swiftly engaged the Timor-Leste authorities, as well as INTERPOL through the INTERPOL Global Rapid Intervention of Payments (I-GRIP). On 24 July 2024, the ASC was alerted that a sum of USD 39 million was detected and frozen in the bank account maintained in Timor-Leste. On 25 July 2024, the authorities of Timor-Leste further informed that several subjects were arrested, leading to the recovery of over USD 2 million. Through protracted follow-up investigations, the Scientific Police Criminal Investigation, National Intelligence Services, Financial Intelligence Unit and other Law Enforcement Agencies of Timor-Leste arrested a total of seven suspects. Steps are being taken for the return of the stolen funds to the victim in Singapore.

The SPF remains committed to working closely with international counterparts to combat cross-border criminal activities and uphold the integrity of the global financial system. This successful recovery underscores the critical importance of international cooperation in combating transnational scam cases, where perpetrators operate in a borderless environment.

Director Commercial Affairs Department, Mr David Chew said, “Scams are a global threat that requires a global response from law enforcement, wherever the tentacles of this beast may reach. Today, money moves at the click of a button, law enforcement must be able to move as fast to protect our citizens from scams. When money flees across our borders, law enforcement must be able to not just sense-make but also have the available legal and international systems in place to speedily follow and seize it. This it can do with the help of supranational bodies like INTERPOL and law enforcement in the recipient country. The successful recovery of more than USD 40 million in this case stands as a testament to law enforcement’s ability to do this. This achievement underscores the invaluable crime-fighting role of cross-border partnership in safeguarding the global financial system. We make sure that the criminals and their money can run but they cannot hide from the long arm of the law. Although the money had left Singapore, through INTERPOL, the SPF was able to rely on law enforcement in Timor-Leste to follow and seize the money for the Singapore victim and arrest the perpetrators. This collaborative effort highlights the critical importance of a quick and effective response in addressing transnational fraud. We commend the swift and decisive action of INTERPOL’s Financial Crime and Anti-Corruption Centre (IFCACC), which played a pivotal role in the prompt interception of the USD 40 million. I would also like to thank the Timor-Leste authorities for their strong support and commitment in tackling transnational crime syndicates who prey on victims in Singapore.”

国际合作促成最大一起商业电子邮件诈骗案追回逾 4,000 万美元

新加坡警察部队 (SPF) 反诈骗中心 (ASC) 与东帝汶当局和国际刑警组织合作,在一起商业电子邮件诈骗案中追回了巨额资金,金额超过 4000 万美元(约合 5300 万新加坡元)。

2024 年 7 月 23 日,受害人是一家位于新加坡的商品公司,向警方报案称其遭遇了一起商业电子邮件诈骗案。调查显示,2024 年 7 月 15 日,该公司员工收到一封来自“供应商”的电子邮件,通知他将部分货款转入位于东帝汶的一个新银行账户。员工不知道的是,供应商原始电子邮件中的“i”被替换为“l”。随后,该员工于 2024 年 7 月 19 日向所谓的供应商转账 4230 万美元,资金被转入东帝汶的欺诈性银行账户。2024 年 7 月 23 日,在被真正的供应商告知他们没有收到付款后,员工发现了欺诈行为。

根据警方报告,新加坡警察局迅速与东帝汶当局以及国际刑警组织通过国际刑警组织全球快速干预支付 (I-GRIP) 进行了接触。2024 年 7 月 24 日,ASC 收到警报,在东帝汶的银行账户中发现并冻结了 3900 万美元。2024 年 7 月 25 日,东帝汶当局进一步通知,逮捕了几名嫌疑人,追回了 200 多万美元。通过长期的后续调查,科学警察刑事调查、国家情报局、金融情报部门和东帝汶的其他执法机构共逮捕了 7 名嫌疑人。新加坡正在采取措施将被盗资金返还给受害者。

2024.8.2 Officers from the Commercial Affairs Department and the seven Police Land Divisions conducted a two-week operation between 19 July 2024 and 1 August 2024. A total of 216 men and 107 women, aged between 15 and 71, are assisting in investigations for their suspected involvement in scams as scammers or money mules. The persons are believed to be involved in more than 1,100 cases of scams, comprising mainly e-commerce scams, investment scams, friend impersonation scams, internet love scams and job scams, where victims reportedly lost over $10 million.

Police Investigate 323 Scammers And Money Mules In Island-Wide Enforcement Operation

Officers from the Commercial Affairs Department and the seven Police Land Divisions conducted a two-week operation between 19 July 2024 and 1 August 2024. A total of 216 men and 107 women, aged between 15 and 71, are assisting in investigations for their suspected involvement in scams as scammers or money mules. The persons are believed to be involved in more than 1,100 cases of scams, comprising mainly e-commerce scams, investment scams, friend impersonation scams, internet love scams and job scams, where victims reportedly lost over $10 million.

The persons are being investigated for the alleged offences of cheating, money laundering or providing payment services without a licence. The offence of cheating under Section 420 of the Penal Code 1871 carries an imprisonment term of up to 10 years and a fine. The offence of money laundering under the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act 1992 carries an imprisonment term of up to 10 years, a fine of up to $500,000, or both. The offence of carrying on a business to provide any type of payment service in Singapore without a licence under Section 5 of the Payment Services Act 2019 carries a fine of up to $125,000, an imprisonment term of up to three years, or both.

The Police take a serious stance against any person who may be involved in scams, and perpetrators will be dealt with in accordance with the law. To avoid being an accomplice to crimes, members of the public should always reject requests by others to use your bank account or mobile lines as you will be held accountable if these are linked to crimes.

警方在全岛执法行动中调查 323 名诈骗犯和钱骡

商业事务部和七个警务分区的警员于 2024 年 7 月 19 日至 2024 年 8 月 1 日进行了为期两周的行动。共有 216 名男性和 107 名女性,年龄在 15 至 71 岁之间,因涉嫌以骗子或钱骡的身份参与诈骗而协助调查。这些人涉嫌参与了 1,100 多起诈骗案件,主要包括电子商务诈骗、投资诈骗、冒充朋友诈骗、网络爱情诈骗和求职诈骗,受害者据报损失了超过 1000 万美元。

2024.7.31 The Police are looking for the person shown in the images below to assist with investigations into a case of shop theft which occurred on 26 May 2024 in the vicinity of 3 Temasek Boulevard.

Appeal For Information – Shop Theft

The Police are looking for the person shown in the images below to assist with investigations into a case of shop theft which occurred on 26 May 2024 in the vicinity of 3 Temasek Boulevard.

警方正在寻找下图中的人,以协助调查 2024 年 5 月 26 日发生在淡马锡大道 3 号附近的商店盗窃案。

2024.7.29 The Police are investigating 123 persons, aged between 15 and 74, for their suspected involvement in unlicensed moneylending activities, following an islandwide operation conducted between 17 and 23 July 2024.

123 Persons Investigated For Unlicensed Moneylending Activities During Seven-Day Islandwide Police Operation

The Police are investigating 123 persons, aged between 15 and 74, for their suspected involvement in unlicensed moneylending activities, following an islandwide operation conducted between 17 and 23 July 2024.

During the seven-day operation, officers from the Criminal Investigation Department and the seven Police land divisions conducted simultaneous raids island-wide. Preliminary investigations revealed that seven persons had allegedly harassed debtors at their residence and 56 persons are believed to be runners who had assisted in unlicensed moneylending activities by carrying out Automated Teller Machine (ATM) transfers.

The remaining 60 persons allegedly opened bank accounts and provided their ATM cards, Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) and/or Internet Banking tokens to unlicensed moneylenders to facilitate their unlicensed moneylending activities.

Investigations against all the persons are ongoing.

Under the Moneylenders Act 2008, when a bank account, ATM card or Internet Banking token of any person is used to facilitate moneylending by an unlicensed moneylender, that person is presumed to have assisted in carrying on the business of unlicensed moneylending. First-time offenders found guilty of the offence of carrying on or assisting in a business of unlicensed moneylending shall be punished with imprisonment term of up to four years, a fine of not less than $30,000 and not more than $300,000 and caning of not more than six strokes. First-time offenders found guilty of the offence of acting on behalf of an unlicensed moneylender to commit or attempt to commit any acts of harassment shall be punished with imprisonment term of up to five years, a fine of not less than $5,000 and not more than $50,000 and caning of not less than three and not more than six strokes.

The Police will continue to take tough enforcement action against those involved in the unlicensed moneylending business, regardless of their roles, and ensure that they face the full brunt of the law. This includes taking action against those who open or give away their bank accounts to aid unlicensed moneylenders.

Unlicensed moneylenders will not hesitate to carry out persistent and dangerous harassment acts on the borrowers and their families, such as setting fire and splashing paint at their residences and locking the gates using chains or bicycle locks to confine the occupants. Members of the public are advised to stay away from unlicensed moneylenders to avoid the vicious cycle of harassment, and not to work with or assist them in any way as there are serious legal consequences. The public can call the Police at ‘999’ or the X-Ah Long hotline at 1800-924-5664 if they suspect or know of anyone who could be involved in unlicensed moneylending activities.

2024 年 7 月 17 日至 23 日,警方在全岛范围内开展了一次行动,目前正对 123 名涉嫌参与无牌放贷活动的人员展开调查,这些人员年龄在 15 岁至 74 岁之间。

2024.7.27 Su Jianfeng, last convict in S$3B money laundering case, deported to Cambodia. Su Jianfeng, the last of the ten individuals convicted in Singapore’s landmark S$3 billion money laundering case, was deported to Cambodia on 26 July and barred from re-entering Singapore, according to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA). Including Su, eight individuals convicted in the case were deported to Cambodia.

Billion-dollar money laundering case: Last of 10 offenders deported to Cambodia
About S$187 million worth of assets linked to Su Jianfeng or held under his wife’s name have been seized including cash, properties, vehicles, luxury goods, cryptocurrency and alcohol.

Su Jianfeng, the last of the 10 offenders in Singapore’s S$3 billion money laundering probe, appears in court via Zoom video-call for sentencing on Jun 10, 2024.(Court sketch)

SINGAPORE: Su Jianfeng, the last of 10 people convicted in the S$3 billion money laundering case, has been deported to Cambodia.

He was deported on Jul 26 and barred from re-entering Singapore, the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) said on Sunday (Jul 28) in response to queries from CNA.

“Su is the last of the 10 accused persons arrested on Aug 15, 2023, and convicted and sentenced for money laundering and other offences, to be deported,” added ICA.

Su, a 36-year-old Vanuatu national with roots in Fujian, China, was given 17 months’ jail on Jun 10.

He was the last of 10 offenders to be sentenced in the multibillion-dollar money laundering probe in Singapore that cast a light on foreign nationals buying up luxury properties in the country.

The case, which concluded in June, involved billions of dollars worth of assets such as hard cash, luxury properties, branded goods, cryptocurrency and alcohol.

About S$944 million (US$697 million) in assets seized in relation to the 10 criminals was forfeited to the state.

Su’s jail term was the longest of the nine men and one woman prosecuted over the case, where illegal proceeds from Southeast Asian gambling centres aimed at Chinese punters were converted into luxury goods and properties in Singapore’s priciest neighbourhoods.

Su had pleaded guilty to one charge each of possessing S$550,903 in criminal benefits and fraudulently using a property sale contract to explain the source of about S$2 million deposited into his Maybank account. Another 12 charges were taken into consideration for sentencing.

About S$187 million worth of assets linked to Su or held under his wife’s name have been seized including cash, properties, vehicles, luxury goods, cryptocurrency and alcohol.

This is among the highest across the 10 offenders in the probe.

Su has agreed to have at least 95 per cent of the seized assets forfeited to the state.


Including Su, eight individuals who were convicted were deported from Singapore to Cambodia.

The others were Zhang Ruijin, Su Baolin, Su Haijin, Su Wenqiang, Wang Baosen, Chen Qingyuan and Lin Baoying.

Cambodia authorities later expelled Zhang from the country.

The country’s General Department of Immigration did not specify where Zhang was deported to but noted he holds a passport from Saint Kitts and Nevis, a tiny island nation in the Caribbean.

The remaining convicts, Vang Shuiming and Wang Dehai, were deported to Japan and the United Kingdom respectively.

洗钱案最后一名被告苏剑锋 刑满被驱逐到柬埔寨







2024.7.25 The Police have arrested a 45-year-old man for his suspected involvement in cases of rash act, possession of guns without licence, possession of offensive weapons and possession of scheduled weapon.

Man To Be Charged For Rash Act And Other Offences

The Police have arrested a 45-year-old man for his suspected involvement in cases of rash act, possession of guns without licence, possession of offensive weapons and possession of scheduled weapon.

Between February to April 2023, the Police received multiple reports of damaged residential windows of a HDB block along Jelapang Road. The damages to the windows were believed to be caused by the impact of projectiles fired somewhere in the vicinity of the block.

Through extensive ground enquiries, officers from Jurong Police Division established the identity of the man and arrested him along Jelapang Road on 2 May 2023. An assortment of clay and metal pellets, liquid gel balls, seven catapults, four airsoft pistols, one replica rifle which was capable of discharging water gel pellets, two samurai swords, and modified boxes which were believed to be used for target practices were seized as case exhibits.

Preliminary investigations revealed that the man had allegedly shot metal pellets using a catapult from his residential unit towards several metal signages along Jelapang Road on multiple occasions. The pellets also caused damages to the windows of nearby residential units.

The man will be charged in court on 26 July 2024 with the following offences:
a.Rash act under Section 336(a) of the Penal Code 1871. The offence carries an imprisonment term of up to six months, or with a fine of up to $2,500, or both;
b.Possession of gun without licence under Section 13(3) of the Arms and Explosives Act 1913. The offence carries an imprisonment term of up to three years and a fine not exceeding $5,000 for every such gun;
c.Possession of offensive weapons under Section 453 of the Penal Code 1871. The offence carries an imprisonment term of up to two years, or with fine, or with both; and
d.Possession of scheduled weapon under Section 7 of the Corrosive and Explosive Substances and Offensive Weapons Act 1958. The offence carries an imprisonment term of up to five years and caning with not less than six strokes.

The Police have zero tolerance for such brazen and reckless acts which could have potentially caused hurt to members of the public. We will not hesitate to take stern action against those who blatantly disregard the law.

警方逮捕了一名 45 岁男子,他涉嫌参与鲁莽行为、无证持有枪支、持有攻击性武器和持有管制武器等案件。

2023 年 2 月至 4 月期间,警方接到多起报告,称 Jelapang 路一栋 HDB 住宅楼的窗户受损。窗户受损的原因据信是大楼附近某处发射的弹丸撞击造成的。

经过广泛的实地调查,裕廊警署的警员确认了该男子的身份,并于 2023 年 5 月 2 日在 Jelapang 路将其逮捕。警方缴获了各种粘土和金属弹丸、液体凝胶球、七把弹弓、四把气枪、一把能够发射水凝胶弹丸的仿制步枪、两把武士刀,以及据信用于射击练习的改装盒子作为案件证物。

初步调查显示,该男子涉嫌多次用弹射器从其住宅单元向 Jelapang 路的多个金属标牌发射金属弹丸。弹丸还对附近住宅单元的窗户造成损坏。

该男子将于 2024 年 7 月 26 日在法庭上被指控以下罪行:
a.根据 1871 《刑法》第 336(a) 条规定,鲁莽行为。该罪行可判处最高六个月监禁,或最高 2,500 元罚款,或两者并处;
b.根据 1913 《武器和爆炸物法》第 13(3) 条,无证持有枪支。该罪行可判处最高三年监禁,并且每支枪支罚款不超过 5,000 元;
c.根据 1871 《刑法》第 453 条,持有攻击性武器。该罪行可判处最高两年监禁,或处以罚款,或两者并处;
d.根据 1958 《腐蚀性、爆炸性物质和攻击性武器法》第 7 条,持有管制武器。该罪行可被判处最高五年监禁和不少于六下鞭刑。


2024.7.18 Officers from the Commercial Affairs Department and the seven Police Land Divisions conducted a two-week operation between 5 and 18 July 2024. A total of 413 men and 252 women, aged between 15 and 79, are assisting in investigations for their suspected involvement in scams as scammers or money mules. The suspects are believed to be involved in more than 3,600 cases of scams, comprising mainly friend impersonation scams, e-commerce scams, internet love scams, investment scams and job scams, where victims reportedly lost over $19 million.

Police Investigate 665 Scammers And Money Mules In Island-Wide Enforcement Operation

Officers from the Commercial Affairs Department and the seven Police Land Divisions conducted a two-week operation between 5 and 18 July 2024. A total of 413 men and 252 women, aged between 15 and 79, are assisting in investigations for their suspected involvement in scams as scammers or money mules. The suspects are believed to be involved in more than 3,600 cases of scams, comprising mainly friend impersonation scams, e-commerce scams, internet love scams, investment scams and job scams, where victims reportedly lost over $19 million.

The suspects are being investigated for the alleged offences of cheating, money laundering or providing payment services without a licence. The offence of cheating under Section 420 of the Penal Code 1871 carries an imprisonment term of up to 10 years and a fine. The offence of money laundering under the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act 1992 carries an imprisonment term of up to 10 years, a fine of up to $500,000, or both. The offence of carrying on a business to provide any type of payment service in Singapore without a licence under Section 5 of the Payment Services Act 2019 carries a fine of up to $125,000, an imprisonment term of up to three years, or both.

The Police take a serious stance against any person who may be involved in scams, and perpetrators will be dealt with in accordance with the law. To avoid being an accomplice to crimes, members of the public should always reject requests by others to use your bank account or mobile lines as you will be held accountable if these are linked to crimes.

665人涉欺诈或当钱骡受查 涉案金额逾1900万元










2024.7.18 The Police have arrested a 15-year-old male teenager for his suspected involvement in two cases of loanshark harassment.

Teenager Arrested For Loanshark Harassment

The Police have arrested a 15-year-old male teenager for his suspected involvement in two cases of loanshark harassment.

On 17 and 18 July 2024, the Police were alerted to two cases of loanshark harassment along Woodlands Ave 6 and Yishun Ave 11, where the main door and gate of the two units were splashed with grey paint and debtor’s notes were left on the main gate of both the units.

Through ground enquiries and with the aid of images from Police cameras, officers from Woodlands Police Division established the identity of the teenager and arrested him on 18 July 2024. Two debtor’s notes were seized as case exhibits.

The teenager will be charged in court on 19 July 2024 under the Moneylenders Act 2008. For first time offenders, the offence of loanshark harassment carries a fine between $5,000 and $50,000, with imprisonment of up to five years and caning of up to six strokes.

警方逮捕了一名 15 岁男孩,他涉嫌参与两起高利贷骚扰案件。2024 年 7 月 17 日和 18 日,警方接到报警,称兀兰 6 道和义顺 11 道发生了两起高利贷骚扰案件,两个单位的大门和大门被泼上灰色油漆,两个单位的大门上都留有债务人的纸条。

通过实地调查和警方摄像机拍摄的图像,兀兰警署的警员确认了这名少年的身份,并于 2024 年 7 月 18 日将其逮捕。两张债务人的纸条被扣押作为案件证物。

2024.7.18 The Police have arrested a 30-year-old woman for her suspected involvement in a case of loanshark harassment.

Woman Arrested For Loanshark Harassment

The Police have arrested a 30-year-old woman for her suspected involvement in a case of loanshark harassment.

On 4 July 2024 at about 2.10pm, the Police were alerted to a case of loanshark harassment along Rivervale Drive, where the gate of a residential unit was secured with a bicycle lock.

Through follow-up investigations and with the aid of images from Police cameras, officers from Ang Mo Kio Police Division established the identity of the woman and arrested her on 17 July 2024. One bicycle lock was seized as case exhibit. Preliminary investigations revealed that the woman is believed to be involved in other similar cases of loanshark harassment.

The woman will be charged in court on 19 July 2024 under the Moneylenders Act 2008. For first-time offenders, the offence of loanshark harassment carries a fine between $5,000 and $50,000, with imprisonment of up to five years, and caning of up to six strokes.

警方逮捕了一名 30 岁女子,她涉嫌参与一起高利贷骚扰案。2024年 7 月 4 日下午 2 点 10 分左右,警方接到报警,称 Rivervale Drive 发生一起高利贷骚扰案,一处住宅单位的大门被自行车锁锁住。

通过后续调查,并借助警方摄像机拍摄的图像,宏茂桥警署的警员确认了这名女子的身份,并于 2024 年 7 月 17 日将她逮捕。警方缴获了一把自行车锁作为案物。初步调查显示,这名女子被认为还参与了其他类似的高利贷骚扰案。


《“『Singapore,新加坡』 10 Police news, Loanshark Harassment, conspiracy to commit cheating, social media impersonation scams, Anti-Scam, Money Mule, money laundering, rash act, Theft 2024.7.18-8.6”》 有 1 条评论


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