2025.1.4 Police hunt arsonists who lit Queensland home on fire three nights in a row
Organised crime investigators are hunting two arsonists believed to be responsible for setting a Gold Coast home alight three nights in a row.
Residents of the home in Main Beach were targeted between 11pm and 11.30pm on the nights of December 28 to December 30.
Police said the two men were travelling in an allegedly stolen car but they believe the jerry can they armed themselves with could lead to their arrest.
In the days after the attack, Hughes Avenue was busy with emergency services.
“Investigations have established a Sceptre branded jerry can, 5-litre variety and red in colour, was used in the execution of these offences,” QPS detective inspector Craig Bowman said.
In CCTV released by police, two men doused the home in fuel after they arrived under the cover of darkness.
They left as the blaze took hold.
Detectives from the Crime and Intelligence Command are ramping up their efforts to unmask them.
“Police are calling on anyone who recalls selling that brand of jerry can in the weeks prior to these offences, or any person who’s been seen filling jerry cans of this description,” Bowman said.
Bowman said an allegedly stolen silver Mitsubishi Outlander was used by the alleged arsonists.
Police have not disclosed any suspected motive in the attack.

2024.12.30 Driver cops $27,000 in fines for using phone 41 times behind wheel
A South Australian driver has been caught using their mobile phone a staggering 41 times while behind the wheel, resulting in $27,000 in fines.
New statistics have revealed that more than 28,000 drivers have been caught using mobile devices in the past three months alone.
“If it is not in a dock, then you cannot touch your phone,” Superintendent Shane Johnson said.
The 28,000 offenders is around two-thirds less than during the trial period earlier this year, but police were still frustrated to see 200 repeat offenders including the one who was caught 41 times.
“That person has had their licence suspended and police are currently conducting further inquiries in relation to that matter,” Johnson said.
Analysis of the data collected from mobile phone detection cameras reveals that the North-South Motorway camera at Regency Park recorded the highest number of offences, with more than 7000 drivers caught.
South Road in Torrensville followed closely with 6800 violations, while cameras in Darlington, Hindmarsh, and Gepps Cross also detected a substantial number of infringements.
It comes as the state’s authorities warn more mobile phone detection cameras are on the way.
Plans are underway to install two additional mobile phone detection cameras in the coming months, with the exact locations of those cameras yet to be determined.
Authorities are also considering tightening laws surrounding the use of smartwatches while driving.
2024.12.18 Dakabin property offences
Police are investigating a number of offences that have occurred around the Dakabin rail corridor since November 26.
Vehicles parked along Thompson Road, south of the train station and in the southern carpark of the Bob Brock Park have been targeted during daylight hours.
Offences include wilful damage, theft from vehicles, burglary and stealing of motor vehicle.
Burglaries have also been reported at Aster Street, Leigh Crescent and Braxlaw Crescent at Dakabin.
A burglary offence occurred at the Braxlaw Crescent address on December 3.
At about 1.45am, the residence was entered through the garage.
Keys have been stolen and used to steal two vehicles from the driveway.
The attempted theft of another vehicle in the same street occurred earlier that night.
One of the stolen vehicles was later recovered at 1.30pm at the corner of Hume Road and Pumicestone Road, Toorbul.
The second was located at 7.35pm on December 4 at a Young Road, Petrie address.
Between 8pm on December 4 and 4.30am on December 6, a vehicle was unlawfully entered at a residence on Whitehorse Road at Dakabin.
A wallet containing cash was stolen from the vehicle which was unlocked at the time.
The passengers side window was smashed to gain entry to a vehicle parked on Thompson Road at Dakabin on December 4.
Documents and a small amount of cash was stolen.
The offence occurred between 7am and 10.15am.
Between 10pm and 10.45pm on December 14, toolboxes on a vehicle parked in Surround Street, Dakabin were broken into and property stolen.
Locks were forced open on the tool boxes to gain entry.
City of Moreton Bay Council have placed a camera and messaging boards in the area warning motorists and residents to be vigilant.
Ensure your homes and vehicles are locked and remove your valuable from your vehicle.
Report suspicious activity and watch out for your neighbours if they are away during the holidays.

Police have released CCTV of four people who may be able to assist with their investigations into an armed robbery at an address in Wynnum on December 7.
Investigations indicate a woman was confronted by three masked people in a driveway of a Berrima Street unit block around 9.55pm.
One of the offenders was holding a large knife and demanded the woman’s vehicle keys.
The woman complied, and the trio fled the scene on foot.
The woman was not physically harmed during the incident and her car was not stolen.
CCTV footage shows four masked people approaching Berrima Street address from the direction of Bay Terrace.
Anyone who recognises the offenders, or has any information, dashcam or CCTV that can assist investigations, is urged to contact police.
2024.12.2 Copper theft costing WA millions as criminals steal estimated 15,000m of cabling in Perth
Copper theft costing WA millions as criminals steal estimated 15,000m of cabling in Perth
In short:
Thieves have stolen an estimated 15,000 metres of cabling from light poles on a principal shared path in Mirrabooka.
Main Roads WA estimates it spends $2-$3 million a year replacing stolen cabling and says theft is increasing.
What’s next?
The department has taken various measures to try and prevent theft but says the criminals “just seem to be one step ahead of us”.
Thieves have stolen an estimated 15,000 metres of cabling from light-poles along a path in the Perth suburb of Mirrabooka.
Main Roads says the theft of cables, valuable for the copper inside, is an ongoing problem that costs millions of dollars per year to remediate.
Acting director of metropolitan operations James Pinnington said the latest hit had taken out a 1.8-kilometre stretch of lighting for a principal shared path in Mirrabooka.
“At the moment our crews have gone out and made [the area] safe … and they’re just in the process of trying to quantify how much cable’s been stolen and then looking at a plan to try and remediate the damage,” Mr Pinnington told Nadia Mitsopoulos on ABC Radio Perth.
He said the thieves had left significant damage in their wake.
“There’s bits of cable sort of being cut and stripped and left lying around and it’s quite a time-consuming process to go across all of the different pits, where our cables come in and out of, to try and determine what has been damaged and what needs to be replaced,” Mr Pinnington said.
He said it was an ongoing problem across the Main Roads network.
“We’re probably looking at around 800,000 metres of cable stolen over the last five or six years and that’s having a widespread impact across the network, in terms of lighting being out,” he said.
“Obviously the cost to replace is really starting to rack up as well.
“At the moment, probably $2 million to $3 million a year worth of cable replacement is required.
“It’s hard to really quantify, because at the moment the amount of cable being stolen year on year is increasing.”
‘Hitting some brick walls’
Mr Pinnington said the cable at the Mirrabooka path would be replaced, but thieves often took the opportunity to revisit sites and steal the replacement cabling.
“We’re in the process of trialling a number of different methods to prevent the cable being re-stolen,” he said.
“At the moment we’re really hitting some brick walls with that.
“We make some changes and, unfortunately, these thieves are well-motivated and well-prepared and they’re figuring out ways to get around what we’re doing in terms of reducing that risk.”
Mr Pinnington said copper thieves often targeted locations hard to see from the roadway, came prepared and sometimes wore clothing that suggested they were legitimate maintenance workers.
Lockable lids for the pits have not been successful at keeping cabling secure.
Main Roads has been talking with WA Police about the thefts, but said theft was hard to prevent because there were so many power poles across the network.
“It’s very hard to be everywhere all at once and I guess the people that are doing this just seem to be one step ahead of us at the moment,” Mr Pinnington said.
铜线盗窃案造成西澳数百万美元损失,犯罪分子窃取了珀斯约 15,000 米的电缆
2024.9.27 Chinese national living unlawfully in Australia denied bail over phishing scam involving millions of fraudulent texts
Chinese national living unlawfully in Australia denied bail over phishing scam involving millions of fraudulent texts

In short:
Jiahui Liu has been refused bail over his alleged involvement in a major phishing scam in which 4.9 million fake texts were sent to Australian phones.
The Chinese national was living in Australia on an expired visa and denied knowing he was part of a scam.
What’s next?
The case will return to court in October.
A Chinese national charged over an elaborate phishing scam involving millions of fraudulent text messages had been living in Australia unlawfully and trying to avoid detection, a court has heard.
Jiahui Liu, 30, was arrested by cybercrime detectives on Tuesday after police executed a search warrant at his share house in the Townsville suburb of Aitkenvale.
Police allege he used a SIM box device to send 4.9 million text messages purporting to be from Centrelink, Medicare, Australia Post, Commonwealth Bank, Transurban, and Linkt.
Victims were allegedly directed to websites in an attempt to steal their money and personal information.
Mr Liu was refused bail in the Townsville Magistrates Court on Friday after a Mandarin interpreter was brought in to assist proceedings.
Police prosecutor Sergeant Tim Madsen said the alleged offending was serious.
“It’s clearly used to facilitate either a criminal organisation or individuals in order to defraud members of the community in Australia,” Sergeant Madsen said.
Defendant denied knowledge of the scam
Mr Liu is facing one charge of possessing equipment for the purpose of obtaining identity information.
Police allege they located 1,265 SIM cards in the defendant’s bedroom and a SIM box capable of sending mass messages.
Acting Magistrate Kerri Fredericks said when interviewed Mr Liu told police he had found out about a “part-time job” on Chinese social media app WeChat.
“He told police he was initially sent the SIM box and 100 to 200 SIM cards in the mail,” Magistrate Fredericks said.
“He was told to hook it up to a computer and someone else had remote access to set it up.
“After this, he then sent photos of the SIM cards to someone known as the ‘Big C’ so they could be activated.”
The court heard Mr Liu would change the SIM cards each night and was paid in Chinese yuan for every night he operated the SIM box.
“He denied knowing they were scams and believed the messages were advertising,” Magistrate Fredericks said.
“He wasn’t suspicious about this work.”
Avoiding detection
The court was told Mr Liu arrived in Perth in December 2019 on a working holiday visa.
He moved to Townsville in March and police allege he took steps to avoid his whereabouts being known to authorities.
That included having a phone service registered in another name, directing his mail to a massage parlour, failing to update his details with government agencies, and living in a share house with no utilities recorded under his name.
The court heard his latest visa expired in August and he had been living unlawfully in Australia.
Legal Aid lawyer Carly Hoyer said Mr Liu had been unable to contact his family in China since his arrest on Tuesday.
“This has been a very distressing time for him,” Ms Hoyer said.
She said her client wanted to resolve the matter as quickly as possible so he could return home.
‘Unacceptable risk’
Mr Liu’s passport was seized after his arrest, which Ms Hoyer argued mitigated the risk associated with granting her client bail.
The court heard that if the defendant was released from custody, he would be taken to an immigration detention facility.
Magistrate Fredericks rejected the bail application.
“I am satisfied there is an unacceptable risk that if released, he may fail to appear or surrender into custody or an unacceptable risk he may commit a further offence,” she said.
Mr Liu was remanded in custody and the case will return to court in October.
據澳大利亞廣播公司(ABC)報導,該犯罪嫌疑人叫劉家輝(Jiahui Liu,音譯),現年30嵗,被捕前住在湯斯維爾(Townsville)艾特肯維爾(Aitkenvale)郊區的一棟合租房屋。9月24日,昆州警方對該房產執行搜查令後,劉家輝隨即遭到逮捕。
警方檢察官馬德森(Tim Madsen)警長表示,該嫌犯觸犯的罪行嚴重。他說:「(劉先生)顯然是為犯罪組織或個人提供便利,以詐騙澳大利亞社區成員。」
代理法官弗雷德里克斯(Kerri Fredericks)表示,劉先生在接受警方詢問時稱,他在中國社交媒體——微信上發現了一份「兼職工作」。
弗雷德里克斯說:「劉先生最初通過郵件收到了SIM盒和100到200張SIM卡。他被告知將其連接到計算機上,而其他人則可以遠程訪問來設置它。此後,他將SIM卡的照片發送給一個被稱為『Big C』的人,以便激活它們。」

2024.9.16 Seven teenagers charged following aggravated burglary across Melbourne’s North
(Victoria Police Breaking news)
Seven teenagers charged following aggravated burglary across Melbourne’s North
Published: Monday 16 September 2024 at 2:40 am
Moorabbin Crime Investigation Unit detectives have charged seven people following an aggravated burglary in Williamstown earlier this week.
It is alleged the offenders attended a gym on Ripon Street in Elsternwick in a stolen Kia Carnival and stole a Mazda 3 before fleeing the scene in both cars about 11pm on 12 September.
The group then allegedly broke into a property on Hannan Street in Williamstown armed with weapons.
Once inside they allegedly stole cash, jewellery and a Mercedes GT.
Police later recovered the stolen Mazda 3 on Bank Street in South Melbourne and arrested four people at the scene about 3am.
A 15-year-old Brighton girl was charged with burglary, aggravated burglary and three counts of theft of motor vehicle.
She has been remanded to a children’s court at a later date.
A 14-year-old Wheelers Hill boy, a 15-year-old Leongatha boy and a 15-year-old Cowes boy were charged with burglary, aggravated burglary and three counts of theft of motor vehicle.
All three were bailed to appear at a children’s court at a later date.
On 13 September, officers recovered the Kia Carnival on Dover Street in Williamstown.
A day later, detectives allegedly located three people at a property in Burwood East and recovered the Mercedes GT from an underground carpark.
A 15-year-old Pakenham girl and a 15-year-old Traralgon boy were charged with theft of motor vehicle.
Both were bailed to appear at a children’s court at a later date.
A 14-year-old Hampton Park boy was also charged with burglary, aggravated burglary and three counts of theft of motor vehicle.
He has been remanded to appear at a children’s court at a later date.
Caitlin Knight
Media Unit
(维多利亚警察局 新闻发布)
已发布: 2024 年 9 月 16 日星期一凌晨 2:40
本周早些时候,威廉斯敦发生一起恶性入室盗窃案,穆拉宾犯罪调查组侦探已对 7 人提出指控。
据称,罪犯于 9 月 12 日晚上 11 点左右驾驶一辆偷来的起亚嘉年华前往埃尔斯特恩威克里彭街的一家健身房,并偷了一辆马自达 3,然后驾驶两辆车逃离现场。
据称,进入屋内后,他们偷走了现金、珠宝和一辆奔驰 GT。
警方随后在南墨尔本银行街追回了被盗的马自达 3,并于凌晨 3 点左右在现场逮捕了 4 人。
一名 15 岁的布莱顿女孩被指控犯有入室盗窃、严重入室盗窃和三项机动车盗窃罪。
一名 14 岁的惠勒斯山男孩、一名 15 岁的利昂加塔男孩和一名 15 岁的考斯男孩被指控犯有入室盗窃、严重入室盗窃和三项机动车盗窃罪。
9 月 13 日,警察在威廉斯敦的多佛街追回了一辆起亚嘉年华。
一天后,侦探们据称在 Burwood East 的一处房产内找到了三人,并从地下停车场找到了那辆奔驰 GT。
一名 15 岁的帕肯汉姆女孩和一名 15 岁的特拉拉尔贡男孩被控盗窃机动车。
一名 14 岁的汉普顿公园男孩还被指控犯有入室盗窃、严重入室盗窃和三项机动车盗窃罪。
2024.9.6 AFP warning over rise of sadistic sextortion online
(The Australian Federal Police News Centre – Media release)
AFP warning over rise of sadistic sextortion online
06 September 2024, 7:11am
The AFP is warning parents and guardians over a concerning online trend emerging in Australia involving young victims who are being coerced into producing extreme sexual and violent content over the internet.
Sadistic sextortion is a rising online crime type that involves extreme online groups targeting children as young as twelve years old on social media and messaging platforms to coerce them to self-produce explicit material to gain acceptance into extreme online communities.
These online communities use different names and monikers to operate on social media or messaging platforms, and consist of members from all around the world. To gain access to a majority of these groups, prospective members are coerced by group members to produce or live-stream explicit content online.
In some cases, the offenders are the same age as the victims being targeted.
AFP intelligence has identified that sadistic sextortion offenders will initiate an online relationship with a victim on social media or messaging platform before encouraging them to produce an image or video performing an explicit sexual or violent act.
The offender will then share the content with other members in the online group, who will attempt to extort the victim by threatening to share the material with their family or friends, unless the victim produces more videos and extreme content.
The offender will relentlessly demand more content from victims that often continues to escalate in its seriousness including specific live sex acts, animal cruelty, serious self-harm, and live online suicide.
The Western Australia Joint Anti-Child Exploitation Team (WA JACET) commenced an investigation into reports of an alleged serious sadistic sextortion offender in WA, 14, accused of targeting victims around the world in 2022.
Police seized the offender’s phone and later identified child abuse material (CAM) and videos of animal cruelty.
The offender was charged and received a juvenile caution in relation to the matter.
AFP Commander of Human Exploitation and the AFP-led Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) Helen Schneider said intelligence received by the ACCCE suggested most offenders in extreme online groups were not motivated by money, but were instead focused on obtaining status or notoriety within the group.
“Unlike sextortion, these offenders are not motivated by financial gain. Instead, they are driven by exploiting vulnerable victims into producing abhorrent content for their deranged amusement,” Commander Schneider said.
“Unfortunately, some victims in these groups, do not see themselves as victims. They do not believe they are being coerced into performing these extremely horrific acts and therefore are unlikely to report it to the authorities.
“Without information or assistance from victims and members of the public, it can be extremely difficult for police to identify offenders and shutdown these dangerous groups.”
Commander Schneider said the AFP urged parents and guardians to be aware of the warning signs of young people being groomed by coercive groups online.
‘If parents believe their child is engaging in harmful activity online, it’s important to have a conversation with them to understand the situation and provide appropriate support,” Commander Schneider said.
“Warning signs children may be engaging in harmful activity online may include increased screen-time on computers or phones, isolating themselves from friends and family or being secretive about who they are interacting with online.
“Whether a child is or has been a victim of sextortion online, please reassure them it’s not their fault and report it to the ACCCE.”
Note to media
The correct legal term is Child Abuse Material – the move to this wording was among amendments to Commonwealth legislation in 2019 to more accurately reflect the gravity of the crimes and the harm inflicted on victims.
Use of the phrase ‘child pornography’ is inaccurate and benefits child sex abusers because it:
indicates legitimacy and compliance on the part of the victim and therefore legality on the part of the abuser; and
conjures images of children posing in ‘provocative’ positions, rather than suffering horrific abuse.
Every photograph or video captures an actual situation where a child has been abused.
虐待性性勒索是一种日益严重的网络犯罪类型,极端网络团体在社交媒体和通讯平台上针对年仅 12 岁的儿童,强迫他们自行制作露骨内容,以获得极端网络社区的认可。
西澳大利亚州联合反儿童剥削小组 (WA JACET) 已开始对西澳大利亚州一名涉嫌严重虐待性勒索罪犯的报道进行调查,该罪犯现年 14 岁,被指控于 2022 年针对世界各地的受害者实施犯罪。
澳大利亚联邦警察人类剥削问题指挥官兼澳大利亚联邦警察领导的澳大利亚反儿童剥削中心 (ACCCE) 海伦施耐德表示,ACCCE 收到的情报表明,极端网络团体中的大多数罪犯并不是受金钱驱使,而是着眼于在团体中获得地位或名声。
“无论孩子是否是或曾经是网络性勒索的受害者,请向他们保证这不是他们的错,并向 ACCCE 报告。”
正确的法律术语是“虐待儿童材料”——这一措辞是 2019 年联邦立法的修正案之一,旨在更准确地反映罪行的严重性和对受害者造成的伤害。
2024.8.29 An investigation is underway after 17 memorial plaques were stolen from a cemetery.
(NSW Police Force News)
Memorial plaques stolen from cemetery – Murwillumbah
Thursday, 29 August 2024 03:09:26 PM
An investigation is underway after 17 memorial plaques were stolen from a cemetery.
Police have been told between Wednesday 21 August 2024 and Monday 26 August 2024, the 17 plaques were stolen from headstones at a cemetery on Tree Street, Murwillumbah.
Police are investigating links to a similar incident last week, where between Monday 19 August and Tuesday 20 August 2024, more than 100 plaques were stolen from a cemetery on Kirkwood Road, Tweed Heads South.
All 102 plaques stolen from the Tweed Heads South cemetery were later discovered nearby, along with a crowbar and set of screwdrivers, which are undergoing forensic examination.
Tweed/Byron Police District Crime Manager, Acting Inspector Russell Ewing, said the thefts had hurt local families still grieving loved ones.
“Stealing from a cemetery is not only a deeply disrespectful act, but is also incredibly hurtful to the families and friends who have lost loved ones,” A/Insp Ewing said.
“These plaques represent the memories of those who have passed, and their theft is a callous violation of a sacred space.”
Anyone who has seen anything suspicious in the area, or who has any information about the location of the stolen plaques, is urged to contact Tweed/Byron Police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
墓地纪念牌匾被盗 – Murwillumbah
17 块纪念牌匾从墓地被盗,目前案件正在调查中。
警方获悉,2024 年 8 月 21 日星期三至 2024 年 8 月 26 日星期一期间,位于 Murwillumbah 区 Tree Street 的一处墓地的墓碑上的 17 块墓碑被盗。
警方正在调查与上周类似事件的联系,2024 年 8 月 19 日星期一至 8 月 20 日星期二期间,特威德海兹南区柯克伍德路的一处墓地有 100 多块牌匾被盗。
后来,从特威德海兹南公墓被盗的全部 102 块墓碑都在附近被发现,同时发现的还有一根撬棍和一套螺丝刀,目前正在进行法医检验。
特威德/拜伦警区犯罪经理、代理督察拉塞尔·尤因 (Russell Ewing) 表示,这些盗窃案给当地家庭造成了巨大的伤害,他们至今仍在哀悼亲人。
“从墓地偷东西不仅是一种极其不尊重的行为,而且对失去亲人的家人和朋友也是一种极大的伤害,”督察 Ewing 说道。
任何人若在该地区发现任何可疑情况,或掌握被盗牌匾位置的信息,请联系特威德/拜伦警察局或犯罪热线 1800 333 000。