密码保护:『Macao,澳門,澳门』 10 警情新聞, 詐騙, 巨額詐騙, 盜竊, 加重盜竊罪, 換錢黨, 非法兌換金錢 2024.9.2-9.19
『China,中国』 10 信息登记核实, 损失登记核实, 补充登记, 涉众型非法集资类案件登记清退平台, 集资诈骗案件投资人信息登记核对平台, 善后处置工作专案组, 退赔款分配方案, 确权, 退赃, 退赔进展, 资金清退 2024.9.12-9.20
2024.9.20 浙江杭州市中级人民法院关于“黄金一号”案(石明旭等5人犯集资诈骗、非法吸收公众存款罪一案)受损集资参与人资金清退(二):对已执行到位的涉案资金进行第二轮清退,本次清退金额人民币50004317.56元。清退时间自2024年9月20日开始。
2024.9.19 重庆市两江新区关于“顺势”非法集资案投资、返利数据核查:在前期审计结论公示、反馈的基础上,“顺势”非法集资案投资人投资、损失审计情况将自本通告发出之日公布。(2023.6.27 老牌私募顺势创行涉嫌非法集资,重庆市公安局两江新区分局依法对重庆顺势创行股权投资基金管理有限公司涉嫌非法集资犯罪立案侦查)
2024.9.19 江苏扬州市法院敦促“联宝”案(被告人欧年宝、欧亚明犯集资诈骗罪,被告人曾萍、林爱民犯非法吸收公众存款罪一案)集资参与人尽快进行损失登记核实:江苏扬州市中级人民法院于2024年8月2日至2024年9月30日在“联宝案件损失登记核实系统”微信小程序中开展集资参与人损失登记核实工作。现因期限即将届满,请尚未注册登记的集资参与人及时登录微信小程序进行损失确认。
2024.9.18 安徽合肥市瑶海区法院关于张讲周、王金叶、陈太霞、胡国英、武萍犯集资诈骗罪一案(安徽冉鑫置业)案款发放:对已归集的涉案资金进行首次发放,本次所发放金额为本次发放人员经刑事判决书附件认定受损总额的10%。
2024.9.18 江苏苏州市法院关于刘强犯集资诈骗罪,何霜,张毅,倪继明犯非法吸收公众存款罪(“鑫宜富”等理财)一案集资参与人信息登记:信息登记期限:自2024年9月19日9时起至2024年9月24日17时止。(附:2018.9.4 苏州工业园区人民检察院:2018年9月3日,苏州工业园区人民检察院依法以非法吸收公众存款罪对苏州鑫宜富财富管理有限公司犯罪嫌疑人刘强、倪继明、何霜、张毅批准逮捕。)
2024.9.16 新疆昌吉州奇台县两起非法集资案件资金清退发还:本次资金清退发还自2024年8月30日至2024年9月30日。资金清退发还对象:1.奇台县信用易贷信息咨询服务有限公司(包括奇台县信用易贷信息咨询服务有限公司城南分公司、奇台县信用易贷信息咨询服务有限公司城北分公司、木垒县农丰信息咨询服务有限公司、吉木萨尔县钱来钱往商务信息咨询服务有限责任公司)非法吸收公众存款案,本次共计发放案款687.0671万元。2.汇丰典当非法吸收公众存款案,本次共计发放案款420.24122万元。附:法院判决书。
2024.9.14 上海市虹口区法院关于中润国盈投资(集团)有限公司集资诈骗案拼单投资受损人信息核对:针对该案中存在的大量拼单现象,上海虹口法院已于2024年7月19日发布案件公告(内容详见上海虹口法院微信公众号),要求拼单人员在2024年8月21日前,通过刑事案款核发平台进行申报。经查,刑事案款核发平台于2024年8月19日突发系统维护,致使部分拼单人员在公告截止日前无法完成材料上传。特此延长申报截止日至2024年9月20日。本次延长申报可以采用线下邮寄方式。
2024.9.13 江苏南京市鼓楼区法院关于赵天明、赵兵、周艳、周志红、张平华、赵天霞、赵敏、朱金华、郭超、阳邱燕、李胜忠、张美玉、罗勇、黄世亮非法吸收公众存款案(“爱融汇”案)退赔工作有关事项:信息采集工作自本公告发布之日起启动,2024年12月15日截止。本院将于2024年12月16日起进行首次退赔款发放,本次退赔发放总金额为已执行到位的人民币68,931,384.19元(此款项不包括其他地区执行款项)。
2024.9.12 广西桂林市七星区法院邹狄学、蔡俊军案(颐和老年公寓集资案)领款:张素琼等949名集资参与人 本院执行的被执行人邹狄学、蔡俊军罚金一案,本院将自本公告发布之日起对执行到的案款按比例进行退赔(退赔人员及退赔金额见附件),现特公告通知各集资参与人,自本公告发布之日起一年内,携带身份证到我院执行局404办公室填写收款账户确认书。
2024.9.12 贵州六盘水市钟山区关于吴庆华等人非法吸收公众存款案(中盛信合案)集资参与人信息登记核实:现依法开展吴庆华等人非法吸收公众存款案集资参与人线上信息登记核实工作,登记核实时间 2024年9月12日至2024年9月27日,为期15天。
『U.S.,美国』 郭文贵, HO WAN KWOK, Miles Guo, Guo Wengui 2024.9.19,5.24-7.16
2024.9.19 The Manhattan penthouse tied to convicted Chinese fraudster Guo Wengui is back on the market for $24 million, a staggering downfall from its initial $86 million asking price. He lived in this unit, with its breathtaking views of Central Park, which he purchased for $67.5 million in 2015, while he waited for political asylum that never came. Instead, by March of 2023, the FBI showed up at dawn to arrest him for orchestrating a billion-dollar fraud scheme. But while FBI agents where still at the penthouse, a mysterious blaze erupted.
2024.7.16 Guo Wengui, the exiled Chinese billionaire, was convicted in a US federal court on Tuesday for defrauding thousands of his followers of more than $1 billion. Guilty of nine out of 12 counts involving racketeering conspiracy and securities fraud, wire fraud and money laundering, Guo, who is also known as Miles Guo, “faces decades in prison” when the judge hands down a sentence on November 19, according to the prosecutor. After the verdict, Guo smiled at his lawyers and dozens of staunch supporters, who stuffed the courtroom throughout the seven-week trial in New York.
2024.7.10 ‘The real Miles Guo’: Prosecutors lead with expletive-laden tape in close of $1 billion fraud case. “Fuck off, fuck off,” Guo yelled at a subordinate on a 2021 phone call, played to the court on Wednesday during the prosecution’s summation. The trial, now in its seventh week, culminated with roughly six hours of summations Wednesday.
2024.7.9 Guo Wengui rests $1 billion fraud case with testimony from ex-DOJ employee. The case could be in the jury’s hands by the end of the week.
2024.7.3 A defense witness testified Wednesday at the trial of Guo Wengui.
2024.7.2 Federal prosecutors on Tuesday rested their case against Guo Wengui
2024.6.21 ‘I was never in control’: Former Himalaya Exchange CEO testifies in case over H-Coin cryptocurrency
2024.6.18 Former CEO of G CLUBS testifies against mogul Guo Wengui
2024.6.13 The list of Guo Wengui’s purported fraud victims continues to grow as the trial of the exiled Chinese businessman extends into its third week of testimony. Minran Ru said Guo’s schemes cost her $15,000. “He’s just a liar,”“He’s very good at acting and cheating.”
2024.6.6, Ya Li(李娅) was once a part of the “Iron Blood Group,”Li said she passionately helped Guo raise millions of dollars for his projects. “The whole movement is a scam,” Li said Thursday. “He cheated us.”
2024.6.4, Jenny Li said she first heard about Guo Wengui on a radio station in 2017.“I believed whatever he said,” Li told a Manhattan courtroom on Tuesday. Li, a middle-aged woman who testified in Mandarin through a translator, told the court she invested more than $100,000 total in Guo’s businesses thinking she was getting stocks in return. In reality, Li said she got “nothing.”“Miles Guo stole my money,” she testified.
2024.5.28, A former supporter of Guo Wengui said Tuesday he spent over $100,000 investing in the exiled Chinese billionaire’s ventures, but was blacklisted after asking for a refund.
2024.5.25, A self-exiled wealthy Chinese businessman became an internet sensation and conned thousands of people worldwide into sending him $1 billion, enabling him to spend lavishly on a mansion, two yachts and even a $35,000 mattress, a prosecutor told a New York jury Friday at the start of his fraud trial. Guo Wengui, 57, promised his online followers that they’d get rich before he blew their investments on a lavish lifestyle and risky investments, Assistant U.S. Attorney Micah Fergenson said. He said Guo “ran a simple con on a grand scale.” “He lived a billionaire’s lifestyle from money he stole from people he tricked and cheated,” Fergenson said.
2024.5.24, Trial of Steve Bannon-Linked Chinese Mogul Set to Begin With Anonymous Jury. When Torres ruled last month that the jury would be partially anonymous, she noted that she had already concluded that Guo had demonstrated a willingness to tamper with judicial proceedings by posting videos and releasing social media encouraging followers to “persevere” with protests at homes and offices of a bankruptcy trustee and his lawyer. On Wednesday and Thursday, about 20 Guo supporters assembled in an overflow room to watch the proceedings.
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