U.S.! FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried, Compensation, Bankruptcy, (FTX加密货币交易所破产,赔偿) 2024.11.21
2024.11.21 FTX to Begin Paying Creditors and Customers by Early 2025

2024.11.21 FTX to Begin Paying Creditors and Customers by Early 2025

FTX on track to rollout repayment plan in January 2025
The final arrangements will be concluded next month, with the repayments set to start as early as 2025 starts.

FTX and its affiliated debtors announced they are on track to implement their Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization by Jan. 2025, which will set distributions for creditors and customers.

According to the timeline shared in the firm’s announcement, the final arrangements with specialized distribution agents will be completed in December, allowing customers in supported jurisdictions to establish accounts through FTX’s customer portal.

Additionally, the firm will reveal the exact date for reimbursements during the same month once it has secured court approval for the Disputed Claims Reserve Amount.

The first round of distributions will start in January 2025, targeting holders in the Convenience Classes, and will be scheduled within 60 days of the effective date.

FTX CEO John J. Ray III stated:
“We are pleased to announce that we will begin distributing proceeds in early 2025. The timeline laid out reflects the experience and continued work of the team of professionals supporting the Debtors, who already have recovered billions of dollars on behalf of FTX’s creditors and customers.”

US Bankruptcy Judge John Dorsey approved the $16.5 billion recovery plan during a hearing in Wilmington, Delaware, on Oct. 7. The customer repayments rely on settlements made with FTX customers, creditors, US government agencies, and international liquidators.

The approved plan prioritizes FTX customers, enabling the exchange to repay their claims first, ahead of competing claims from government regulators.

The total value recovered could be as high as $16.5 billion, subject to falling to $14.7 billion after its cash conversion.

The FTX collapsed in Nov. 2022 after its founder, Sam Bankman-Fried, and other executives mismanaged customers’ funds and used them in other ventures. Authorities estimate the FTX collapse left around 9 million customers and investors facing substantial financial losses.

Reimbursement requirements

FTX emphasized that customers must establish approved accounts with distribution agents, complete Know Your Customer (KYC) verification, and submit tax forms before the distribution record date to qualify for the initial payout.

Claims traders were also cautioned that transfers made within 45 days of the distribution record date might not be reflected in the claims register in time, potentially redirecting distributions to the original claim holders.

FTX 有望在 2025 年 1 月推出还款计划
最终安排将于下个月完成,还款预计将于 2025 年开始。

FTX to Begin Paying Creditors and Customers by Early 2025

FTX has announced when it will start paying back its creditors and customers. The company’s Chapter 11 reorganization plan, approved in October 2024, is expected to become effective in January 2025.

According to the press release, the company will begin distributing proceeds to creditors within 60 days after the plan’s effective date.

FTX 将于 2025 年初开始向债权人和客户付款


已破產加密貨幣交易所 FTX 清算團昨日發布官方新聞稿表示,債權人預計將於明年 Q1 正式收到還款。本文補充債權人如何確認索賠 KYC 是否完成?以及必填報稅單的填寫教學。

1.請債權人完成相關 kyc 驗證
1.1.如何確認索賠 KYC 是否完成?
2.W-8 BEN 表格是什麼?

在歷經長達兩年的破產重組程序後,今年 10 月上旬,法官 John Dorsey 已正式批准了 FTX 重組團隊提交的破產還款計畫,一旦完成所有資產的出售,該公司預估將有多達 145 億至 163 億美元的現金可供分配。

而根破產團隊昨日最新發布的官方新聞稿,債權人預計將於明年 Q1 正式收到還款。相關分發時間表如下:
12 月初,債務人預計將與專業分銷代理達成最終安排,這些代理將協助 FTX 將追收款項分發給受支持司法管轄區的全球客戶。屆時,債務人將向客戶提供指示,以便在現有客戶入口網站上與經銷代理商建立核准的帳戶。
到 12 月底,債務人預計將在法院命令批准爭議索賠準備金後宣布確切的生效日期,這是根據確認令進行分配的先決條件。
債務人目前預計該計劃將於2025 年 1 月初生效。根據確認令,首次分配將在此後 60 天內向計劃便利類別中允許索賠的持有人(首次分配)進行。首次分配的分配記錄日期將與生效日期相同。

請債權人完成相關 kyc 驗證
另外要注意的是,官方表示為了有資格在初始分配日期接收還款,客戶必須在分配記錄日期之前與分配代理建立批准的帳戶,完成 KYC 驗證並提交所需的稅務表格。

如何確認索賠 KYC 是否完成?
關於 KYC 驗證部分,如果您尚未完成的話,請登入 FTX 客戶索賠入口網站 Claims.ftx.com 。如果不是如下圖顯示 On Hold 或是 Verified,請您依照動區此前撰寫的《FTX 索賠申請教學》,其中包括 10 個步驟教你填寫、KYC 上傳、最終領取 Kroll 正式證明。

正常登入客戶索賠網站,並選擇對應平台開始,填寫資料共分為 8 個步驟:
進行 KYC;
查詢帳戶餘額(View Account Balances);


1.點選「Generate Tax Form」;



4.最後填寫 W-8 BEN 表格,包括姓名、生日、國籍,

若您是台灣籍用戶,請在Foreign Tax Identification Numer(FTIN)填入台灣身份證號碼,若非個人實體則在此填寫統一編號。

W-8 BEN 表格是什麼?
對於很多非美國納稅者而言,可能並不熟悉 W-8 BEN 表格是什麼。實際上,美國的 W-8 BEN 英文翻譯過來就是美國預扣稅實益擁有人的外國身份證明,該表格是由非美國公民或居民(外國人)提交給美國扣繳代理人的稅務文件。這份表格主要用於以下幾個目的:

申請降低稅率或免除預扣稅:根據美國與某些國家之間的稅收協定(Tax Treaty),外國人可能有資格享受更低的預扣稅率(例如紅利、利息、版稅等收入)。提交 W-8 BEN 表格後,美國支付方可以適用協定規定的優惠稅率,而非標準的 30% 預扣稅率。
另外,W-8 BEN 表格適用於個人,而 W-8 BEN-E 則用於外國的實體,如公司或其他組織。



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