2024.12.10 Mangione graduated in 2016 as valedictorian from Gilman School, an all-boys high school in Baltimore, Maryland. He went on to the University of Pennsylvania, a spokesperson confirmed, and received a bachelor of science in engineering degree in May 2020, and also a master of science engineering degree. His focus was computer science and math.
Mangione graduated in 2016 from the Gilman School, an all-boys private school in Baltimore, according to his LinkedIn account. He was valedictorian for achieving the highest cumulative GPA over four years, according to his LinkedIn page.
Luigi Mangione was taken into custody at a McDonald’s in the town of Altoona, Pennsylvania, about 280 miles (450km) west of New York City on Monday after a customer at the fast-food outlet recognised him.
Tisch added that officers “recovered a handwritten document that speaks to both his motivation and mindset.” The New York Times previously reported that, at the time of his apprehension, Mangione was carrying a manifesto criticizing health care companies for putting profits above care.
2016 年,曼吉奥内以优异成绩从马里兰州巴尔的摩市的一所私立男子高中吉尔曼高中(Gilman School)毕业。根据他的 LinkedIn 页面,他因四年内累计 GPA 最高而成为毕业生代表。据一位发言人证实,他后来进入宾夕法尼亚大学学习,并于 2020 年 5 月获得工程学理学士学位,同时还获得理学工程硕士学位。他的专业是计算机科学和数学。
周一,路易吉·曼吉奥内 (Luigi Mangione) 在位于宾夕法尼亚州阿尔图纳镇的一家麦当劳店内被一名顾客认出后被拘留。阿尔图纳镇位于纽约市以西约 280 英里(450 公里)。

The Altoona Police Department

PA Dept. of Corrections
2024.12.9 Luigi Mangione began shaking when cops approached him at McDonald’s
Luigi Mangione began shaking when cops approached him at McDonald’s, asked suspected UnitedHealthcare CEO shooter if he recently visited NYC
Luigi Mangione, the suspect in the UnitedHealthcare CEO murder, began shaking when cops approached him at a McDonald’s restaurant in Altoona, Pa. Monday morning and asked him if he had been to New York City recently, according to the newly released criminal complaint.
Another customer recognized Mangione — who was wearing a face mask and a beanie — from surveillance footage released by the media of Brian Thompson’s suspected assassin and alerted a McDonald’s employee who called police just before 9:15 a.m, according to the complaint and police officials.
Local Altoona cops arrived at the fast food chain to find the 26-year-old Ivy League grad sitting at a table and looking at a laptop with a backpack on the floor near him.
They asked him to pull down his medical mask to see his face and “immediately recognized him as the suspect,” the complaint states.
One of the officers then asked Mangione if he had been to New York recently and the alleged killer “became quiet and started to shake,” according to the document.
“[The question] invoked a physical reaction from the suspect,” Altoona Deputy Chief of Police Derek Swope said during a press conference Monday evening.
“He became visibly nervous — kind of shaking at that question — and he didn’t really answer it directly so that state of alarm really said a lot.”
The officers also asked for Mangione’s ID and he handed them a fake New Jersey ID believed to be the same one he used to check into a Manhattan hostel before targeting Thompson.
The officers ran the ID and found no one by the name provided and asked Mangione why he lied about his name.

“I clearly shouldn’t have,” Mangione replied and provided his real name, according to the complaint
He was then handcuffed and placed in custody.
Investigators searched his backpack and discovered a black 3D-printed pistol and a black 3D-printed silencer inside. The pistol had one loaded Glock magazine with six 9-mm full metal jacket rounds, according to the document.
Mangione has been charged with forgery, carrying firearms without a license, tampering with records or identification, possessing an instrument of crime and providing false identification to law enforcement, the complaint states.
He was ordered to be held without bail following his arraignment in a Pennsylvania court Monday night.
根据最新发布的刑事起诉书,周一早上,当警察在宾夕法尼亚州阿尔图纳的一家麦当劳餐厅接近联合健康保险公司首席执行官谋杀案的嫌疑人路易吉·曼吉奥内 (Luigi Mangione)并询问他最近是否去过纽约市时,他 开始 颤抖。
据投诉和警方官员称,另一名顾客从媒体公布的 布莱恩·汤普森刺杀嫌疑人的监控录像中认出了戴着面罩和无檐小帽的曼吉奥内 ,并向一名麦当劳员工报警,该员工于上午 9 点 15 分之前报警。
阿尔图纳当地警察抵达这家快餐连锁店时,发现这位 26 岁的常春藤盟校毕业生正坐在桌边,看着一台笔记本电脑,旁边的地板上放着一个背包。
阿尔图纳市副警察局长德里克·斯沃普 (Derek Swope) 在周一晚上的新闻发布会上表示:“(这个问题)引起了嫌疑人的身体反应。”
据诉状称,Mangione 回答说:“我显然不应该这么做。”并提供了他的真实姓名
2024.12.8 The New York City Police Department released two new images of the person of interest wanted for questioning in the deadly shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson outside the Hilton Midtown hotel in Manhattan.
One picture released Saturday shows the person of interest in the back of a taxi, and another shows him walking on a sidewalk outside a vehicle. In both, he is wearing a mask and has a hood up.
Mayor Eric Adams, who spoke to reporters at a Police Athletic League event in Harlem on Saturday, said “the net is tightening” as police are closing in on finding the person of interest who had been staying at an Upper West Side hostel and was caught on camera without his mask on during what sources say was a flirtatious moment with an employee.

2024.12.7 Three teens arrested after alleged ambush robbery attempt fails, leaving 2 shot in Raceland
Three teens arrested after alleged ambush robbery attempt fails, leaving 2 shot in Raceland

RACELAND, La. (WVUE) – Three teenagers were arrested and a fourth is hospitalized in critical condition following what Lafourche Parish authorities described as a failed attempt at an ambush armed robbery.
The incident occurred Thursday night (Dec. 5) in Raceland. The Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office says four people conspired on a plan to rob a 17-year-old boy at a residence in the 100 block of Brooklyn Lane.
According to the LPSO, 19-year-old Kayleigh Gregoire of Houma and a second female (whose identity has not been disclosed) allegedly lured the targeted victim to the residence with the promise of a sexual encounter. Once he arrived, 18-year-old Payton Scott of Bayou Blue and a 16-year-old boy attempted to rob him at gunpoint.
But the plan fell apart when the 17-year-old victim also was armed and a shootout erupted during the robbery attempt.
The sheriff’s office said the targeted 17-year-old was grazed on the hand by a gunshot. The female yet to be identified was shot twice and had to be airlifted to University Medical Center in New Orleans for emergency treatment. The agency said she is stable but remains in critical condition.
The LPSO said Scott and the 16-year-old juvenile were booked with attempted armed robbery and use of a firearm in an attempted armed robbery.
Scott was booked into the Lafourche Parish Correctional Complex in Thibodaux and his bond was set at $150,000. The 16-year-old was booked into the Juvenile Justice Facility in Thibodaux.
Gregoire was booked with principal to attempted armed robbery and principal to attempted armed robbery with the use of a firearm. She also was booked into the Correctional Complex with bond set at $150,000.
The LPSO said the investigation is ongoing, and that additional charges “are possible,” though that determination will be made by the district attorney’s office.
三名青少年在 Raceland 涉嫌伏击抢劫未遂后被捕,造成两人中枪
事件于周四(12 月 5 日)晚上发生在雷斯兰。拉福什教区警长办公室(LPSO)称,四人合谋在布鲁克林巷 100 号街区的一处住宅内抢劫一名 17 岁男孩。
据 LPSO 称,19 岁的霍马人凯莉·格雷瓜尔 (Kayleigh Gregoire) 和另一名女性 (其身份尚未披露) 涉嫌以发生性关系为由将目标受害者引诱到住所。受害者到达后,18 岁的巴尤布鲁人佩顿·斯科特 (Payton Scott) 和一名 16 岁的男孩持枪试图抢劫他。
但当 17 岁的受害者也持有武器并在抢劫过程中爆发枪战时,该计划失败了。
治安官办公室表示,17 岁受害者的手被枪击擦伤,那名尚未确定身份的女性被枪击中两次,不得不被空运到新奥尔良大学医学中心接受紧急治疗。该机构表示,她目前情况稳定,但仍处于危急状态。
Sheriff: 3 arrested in attempted robbery and shooting that injured 2 people in Raceland
Authorities say the victim was lured to a Raceland residence with the promise of a sexual encounter but was ambushed in an armed robbery attempt.

NEW ORLEANS — Lafourche Parish Sheriff Craig Webre announced Friday that three individuals, including a 16-year-old, have been charged in connection with a shooting last Thursday night in Raceland that left two people injured.
Authorities responded to reports of a shooting in the 100 block of Brooklyn Lane around 9:30 p.m. on December 5. Detectives determined that Kayleigh Gregoire, 19, of Houma, and another woman allegedly lured a 17-year-old male to the scene under the pretense of a sexual encounter. However, investigators say Payton Scott, 18, of Bayou Blue, and a 16-year-old male had planned to rob him.
When the victim arrived, Scott and the juvenile confronted him, both armed. Gunfire was exchanged, leaving the 17-year-old grazed on his hand. He received treatment at a local hospital and was later released. The other female involved was struck twice and was airlifted to a New Orleans hospital, where she remains in critical but stable condition.
Scott and the 16-year-old were charged with attempted armed robbery and use of a firearm in an attempted armed robbery. Scott was booked into the Lafourche Parish Correctional Complex in Thibodaux, with bail set at $150,000. The juvenile was placed in the Juvenile Justice Facility in Thibodaux.
Gregoire faces charges of principal to attempted armed robbery and principal to attempted armed robbery with the use of a firearm. Her bail is also set at $150,000.
The investigation is ongoing, and additional charges may be filed, authorities said.
2024.12.7 Varios cubanos arrestados en caso de fraude de licencias de seguros en Miami-Dade
Varios cubanos arrestados en caso de fraude de licencias de seguros en Miami-Dade
Las autoridades detienen a implicados en un esquema de exámenes manipulados

Las autoridades de Florida realizaron dos nuevos arrestos vinculados a una organización delictiva de cubanos, que facilitaba la obtención de licencias de seguros fraudulentas a través de exámenes manipulados, informó Local 10.
Investigadores del Departamento de Servicios Financieros de Florida arrestaron a los agentes de seguros Darwin José Ayala, de 39 años, de Doral, y Zurisadairis Salazar Salazar, de 36 años, de Miramar, ambos acusados de múltiples cargos graves, incluidos extorsión y fraude organizado.
El pasado martes, Diana Nodarse Cruz, de 36 años, de Miami Lakes, también fue arrestada bajo cargos de crimen organizado, mientras que su esposo, Rainier Miguel Salas, de 59 años, y su hijo, Rainier Alexander Salas, de 27 años, ambos de Miami, ya se encontraban en custodia por su implicación en el esquema.
A ellos se les unió Karla Lit Peralta, de 26 años, de Miami Gardens, y Jaroslav Verner, de 32 años, de Alpharetta, Georgia, quienes también fueron detenidos por el mismo tema, pero a la residente en Florida se le retiraron los cargos por convertirse en testigo colaborada.
La investigación se centra en una empresa de pruebas operada por Nodarse y Salas en la Academia D&R, ubicada en 6405 NW 36th St., en Virginia Gardens. A través de este negocio, cientos de personas pagaban entre 400 y 2.000 dólares para obtener licencias fraudulentas al realizar exámenes “subvertidos”.
Según los informes, Ayala y Salazar fueron parte de un grupo de individuos que lograron obtener sus licencias de seguros de manera ilegal gracias a este esquema.
Las autoridades detallaron que el hombre trabajó junto a Nelson Erwin Delpiani, quien, según los informes, tomaba los exámenes por Ayala y por otros individuos involucrados en el fraude.
Erwin se sentaba junto al arrestado durante el examen en línea, manipulando el mouse inalámbrico para completar el examen de forma remota mientras Ayala permanecía fuera del campo visual de la cámara. Posteriormente, Delpiani repitió este procedimiento con Maryuri Frontado, quien también fue reclutada por Ayala.
Por su parte, Salazar está acusada de actuar como agente de seguros dentro de la organización de Salas, facilitando que otros subagentes obtuvieran licencias fraudulentas. Las investigaciones han revelado que Salas, un delincuente convicto, no tenía permitido legalmente ser agente de seguros, lo que añade una capa de complejidad al caso.
Hasta el momento, Ayala y Salazar permanecen detenidos en el Centro Correccional Turner Guilford Knight, enfrentando las mencionadas acusaciones. Además, el hombre tiene dos cargos menores adicionales por proporcionar información falsa a la policía tras afirmar inicialmente que había obtenido su licencia legalmente, pero luego confesó su participación en el esquema.
La fianza de Ayala fue fijada en 21.000 dólares, mientras que la de Salazar se estableció en 20.000 dólares. La investigación continúa, y las autoridades advierten que el caso podría implicar a más personas en el futuro, mientras se analizan más detalles del funcionamiento interno de la empresa ilícita.
2024.12.7 Four suspects wanted for stealing over $316,000 in check fraud scheme: police
4 suspects wanted for stealing over $316,000 in check fraud scheme: police
Police are searching for four suspects who are wanted for stealing over $316,000 through a check fraud scheme in Orange County.
The men are accused of intercepting a FedEx package containing two cashier’s checks that did not belong to them, according to the Irvine Police Department.
They took the checks out and replaced them with fraudulent ones, police said.
They brought the stolen checks to an Irvine bank and using fake identification cards printed with the victim’s name, cashed them out to receive a total of $316,499.
Images of the four men entering the bank were captured on security cameras. They remain at large.

Anyone who recognizes the men or has information on the case is urged to email tcovarru@cityofirvine.org.
警方通缉 4 名嫌疑人,他们涉嫌以支票诈骗手段窃取超过 316,000 美元
警方正在搜捕四名嫌疑人,他们因在奥兰治县通过支票欺诈手段窃取超过 316,000 美元而被通缉。
他们把偷来的支票带到尔湾的一家银行,使用印有受害者姓名的假身份证将支票兑现,共计获得 316,499 美元。
2024.12.7 Two suspects identified in connection to Randall County recent burglaries
2 suspects identified in connection to Randall County recent burglaries

AMARILLO, Texas (KFDA) – Two suspects have been identified in connection to several recent burglaries in Randall County.
The Randall County Sheriff’s Office says the two men have been identified as 23-year-old Tyler Padilla and 25-year-old Emmanuel Marquez.
Officials say on Aug. 5, Randall County deputies were dispatched to a burglary near I-27 and W McCormick Rd.
That same evening, another burglary occurred near W McCormick.
Officials say on Aug. 19, the Amarillo Police Department responded to a burglary near South Osage.
On Oct. 16, Randall County deputies were dispatched again to another burglary near W McCormick.
According to officials, these incidents culminated in a final burglary on Oct. 24 at 34th and Osage where police made contact with a possible burglary suspect.
Padilla is charged with multiple charges of burglary of a building and evading arrest/detention with a vehicle.
Marquez is charged with possession of a controlled substance and organized retail theft.
According to officials, Padilla and Marquez were indicted on Wednesday, Dec. 4.
This investigation is ongoing.
兰德尔县警长办公室称,这两名男子已被确定为 23 岁的泰勒·帕迪拉 (Tyler Padilla) 和 25 岁的伊曼纽尔·马克斯 (Emmanuel Marquez)。
2024.12.5 Teen arrested for vehicle theft at Circle K in east El Paso, found sleeping in stolen car
Teen arrested for vehicle theft at Circle K in east El Paso, found sleeping in stolen car

EL PASO, Texas (KFOX14/CBS4) — A 17-year-old was arrested and accused of stealing a vehicle in far east El Paso last Saturday.
Officers arrested Andres Antonio Alas.
The incident happened at the Circle K on 12681 Montana Avenue.
The police report stated the victim said his vehicle had been stolen as he went inside the store to pay for gas and a drink.
The victim told police he left his vehicle running at the gas pump with the keys inside the vehicle and the vehicle unlocked.
The victim said he was inside the store when he saw through the window a person getting inside his car.
The victim ran outside to try to stop Alas but the suspect had sped off, the report stated. The victim called police but was told no unit was available to make the report at a police station.
The victim called OnStar to try to track his vehicle and was advised his car location was at 7124 Stiles.
Officers went to 7121 Stiles where they found the vehicle and found Alas sleeping on the driver’s side.
Alas at first told police he did not know who owned the vehicle but later admitted he stole it from the gas station as it was left running, the police report stated.
He also said he had stolen another vehicle the day prior.
17 岁少年安德烈斯·安东尼奥·阿拉斯在德克萨斯州埃尔帕索东部 Circle K 因盗窃车辆被捕,被发现时躺在驾驶座上睡觉。
2024.12.5 Man faces identity theft charge, petit larceny charges
Man faces identity theft charge, petit larceny charges

NEW HARTFORD — New Hartford Police report that Jack E. Lizardo, 22, of Manhattan, was arrested and charged with identity theft in the second degree, a class E felony, and petit larceny, a class A misdemeanor, for illegally obtaining merchandise from Lowe’s valued at $999.18.
Police said an individual from Niagara County contacted the New Hartford Police Department after it was learned that her credit card was used unlawfully at several Lowe’s stores in the area. The victim provided details that were used to track down the time and date in which the suspect had committed offenses locally, with one crime in particular committed at the Lowe’s store on Middle Settlement Road.
With the assistance of Lowe’s Asset Protection, a suspect was developed and New Hartford Police investigators revealed a pattern of identity theft and credit card fraud affecting multiple victims across several Lowe’s stores in New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio, indicating a coordinated effort to commit theft of merchandise using stolen identities and financial information.
Lizardo surrendered himself to the New Hartford Police and was arraigned in town court. The New Hartford Police continue to collaborate with Lowe’s Regional Asset Protection and law enforcement agencies from the states of New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio on those cases that are still being investigated.
新哈特福德——新哈特福德警方报告称,22 岁的曼哈顿人Jack E. Lizardo因从 Lowe’s 非法获取价值 999.18 美元的商品而被捕并被指控犯有二级身份盗窃罪(E 级重罪)和轻盗窃罪(A 级轻罪)。
警方称,一名来自尼亚加拉县的女子在得知她的信用卡在该地区几家 Lowe’s 商店被非法使用后,联系了新哈特福德警察局。受害者提供了详细信息,用于追踪嫌疑人在当地犯罪的时间和日期,其中一起犯罪发生在 Middle Settlement Road 的 Lowe’s 商店。
在Lowe’s 资产保护部门的协助下,警方锁定了一名嫌疑人,新哈特福德警方的调查人员发现了一种身份盗窃和信用卡欺诈的模式,影响到纽约、宾夕法尼亚和俄亥俄多家Lowe’s商店的多名受害者,这表明有人协同犯罪分子利用窃取的身份和财务信息实施商品盗窃。
Lizardo 向新哈特福德警方自首,并在镇法院接受传讯。新哈特福德警方继续与 Lowe 地区资产保护部门以及纽约州、宾夕法尼亚州和俄亥俄州的执法机构合作,案件仍在调查。
2024.12.3 5th time’s the charm: Macy’s staff finally catches shoplifting suspect in repeated thefts
5th time’s the charm: Macy’s staff finally catches shoplifting suspect in repeated thefts

BOCA RATON, Fla. (CBS12) — An alleged notorious shoplifter was apprehended after filling her tote bag with nearly $1,000 worth of stolen merchandise from Macy’s, police say.
The Boca Raton Police Department (BRPD) reported that on Saturday at 8:44 p.m., officers responded to Macy’s, located at 5700 West Glades Road, in the Town Center Mall, regarding a repeat shoplifter who had been detained by the store’s Loss Prevention officer.
Upon arrival, BRPD officers spoke with the loss prevention officer, who informed them that their team immediately recognized 24-year-old Katherine Molina as a frequent shoplifter when she entered the store. The loss prevention officer shared that they had a flyer with screenshots from their surveillance cameras, which captured Molina stealing on four separate occasions.
According to the probable cause affidavit, Molina entered the store carrying what appeared to be an empty tote bag. Security footage showed her selecting items, going into the dressing room, and exiting with her tote bag filled with those items—an act that occurred twice. It was also noted that Molina changed into a shirt she had stolen before leaving Macy’s.
The loss prevention team apprehended Molina outside the store, where they discovered she had 17 items, including undergarments, hoodies, jeans, shirts, and pajamas, with a total value of $957.97.
In a conversation with officers, Molina stated that she did not understand why she was stealing, claimed it was a poor decision, and promised she would never do it again.
Molina has been accused of grand theft of $750 to $5,000.
佛罗里达州博卡拉顿——警方称,一名臭名昭著的商店扒窃犯在用手提袋装满从梅西百货偷来的价值近 1,000 美元的商品后被逮捕。

埃尔帕索县警长办公室 11 月 30 日“头号通缉犯”

得克萨斯州埃尔帕索警察局 12 月 1 日“头号通缉犯”
2024.11.28 A man allegedly caught tampering with gift cards at a grocery store was arrested with three outstanding warrants out-of-state
Man arrested at Hendersonville Publix also has three out-of-state warrants

A man allegedly caught tampering with gift cards at a grocery store was arrested with three outstanding warrants out-of-state.
Lin Jiang, 43, was taken into custody Monday at a Publix in Hendersonville. Authorities at Spring Hill Police Department were able to track Jiang’s outstanding warrants in Texas through his license plate number.
Upon further investigation, it was discovered that Jiang was allegedly involved in a large fraud scheme. Jiang had numerous items that authorities believe are linked to the scheme. They also suspect Jiang and other individuals have allegedly traveled across the U.S. from California committing these acts in other locations.
This investigation is still ongoing to identify the other places the scheme took place as well as other possible suspects or victims involved.
Jiang was charged with 10 counts of criminal simulation.
43 岁的蒋林 周一在亨德森维尔的一家 Publix 超市被拘留。斯普林希尔警察局的工作人员通过他的车牌号追踪到了林江在德克萨斯州尚未执行的逮捕令。