密码保护:Singapore! Couple abused 4-year-old girl for more than a year burned her body after she died, Jail for former NTU research fellow found with 90 images of child abuse material, 涉及2023年乌节路凯煌酒店外致命群殴案 对在此案中丢命的青年拳打脚踢 五名男子被判入狱两年至三年 以及挨鞭二至六下不等 乌节路这起斗殴案发生在2023年8月20日清晨约6时许 地点是凯煌酒店(Concorde Hotel)外 酿成一人死亡 控方指出 死者被11人围殴长达六分钟 每当死者想要逃离时 被告这群人都不放弃 直到死者最后被刺伤倒在血泊之中 虽然他的死不能直接归咎于五名被告 但死者身上除了刀伤 还有大量淤伤 法官下判时说 这起斗殴是由死者和其友人引发 也是两人决定持刀, 马来西亚籍的被告钟辰雄(34岁 译音)案发时是一名材料搬运工 他在新加坡打工的当儿 为收集虐童材料和色情影片加入聊天群组 后来更创建自己的群组 在三个群组拥有逾800名成员 犯案长达五年 被判入狱六年及鞭打九下, 新加坡历来规模最大的30亿元洗钱案截至2024年12月 与30亿元洗钱案相关的资产已移交国家 金额约27亿9000万元 其中15亿4000元为现金或金融资产 其余为非现金资产 包括房地产 车辆和奢侈品, 男子侵入前女友的四个社交媒体和电邮账户 窜改密码之余 还在账户发布前女友与其他男子的露骨聊天记录 并发电邮骚扰女友父亲 威胁上载女子裸照 被判坐牢25周和罚款4000元 案情显示 被告和受害者2024年1月发展恋情 同年7月分手 但仍维持性关系直到9月 在这期间 被告收集了受害者的裸照和性爱视频 不久后 受害者怀孕 被告认为自己是“经手人” 付钱让受害者堕胎 11月16日 被告偷偷查看受害者账户和访问记录 发现多封来自约会软件的通知 从中得知受害者曾于9月告诉朋友 称自己想与网上认识的人发生性关系 此后 被告开始怀疑受害者怀孕一事与他无关, Jail caning for man who had over 3300 videos 943 pictures of child pornography, 公司董事伪造官方文件 欺骗前男友支付1万4122元 被判坐牢八周, Wang Shuiming who was deported to Japan after completing his jail term in Singapore was arrested by border police at Montenegro’s Tivat Airport, a 25-year-old male Indian national arrested for his suspected involvement in a case of shop theft at Changi Airport Terminal 2, Singapore hangs ex-cop found guilty of 2013 Kovan double murder, Jail for scammer who claimed he developed AI investment software and cheated 14 victims of over $122k, Taylor Swift concert ticket scam: Woman jailed 36 months for cheating victims of more than $110k, 14 months’ jail for man who killed cats by throwing them off HDB blocks, a 22-year-old Singaporean Chinese man allegedly assaulted a priest at the church after church service during dispersal, 比达达利公园野狗遭居民投诉 国家公园局要将野狗带走却遭蔡珍珍(53岁退休者)等爱狗人士在网上请愿阻止, woman who hit neighbour with mop threatened to kill husband in his sleep, Taking stock of physical crime cases in 2024, The total number of physical crime cases reported remained stable in 2024 Nonetheless shop theft outrage of modesty and voyeurism remain of concern, Man raped then girlfriend’s daughter sex abuse led teen to drop out from school, Two women charged over cheating offences involving $100k in govt support subsidies for IT firm, Nearly 10 years’ jail for woman who committed cheating linked to over $5.7m of mostly crypto funds, case of shop theft which occurred at Bugis Junction on 19 November 2024, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Lan participated in a challenge to perform sex acts in public while skimpily dressed while her husband Adrian Ching Kah Siang acted as a lookout 2025.2.3-2.28



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