一對居住在泰國曼谷豪宅區的中國籍夫妻(Mingjian Su、Yixi Li)疑涉嫌加密幣詐騙而遭到泰國警方逮捕 2023.5.31……【媒体报道】Cyber police yesterday raided a lavish home in the Bang Na district of Bangkok and arrested a Chinese couple involved in an international cryptocurrency scam. The operation, ‘Trust No One,’ seized valuable assets worth millions and investigated other linked locations across the city.
Cyber police officers recently launched the ‘Trust No One’ operation, targeting an international cryptocurrency scam operated by a Chinese couple. The primary focus was on the Bang Na district, where a luxurious house valued at 60 million baht was searched. Among the five targeted locations in the area, authorities arrested two suspects: 31 year old Mingjian Su, and his 25 year old wife Yixi Li. Both faced charges of jointly defrauding the public and laundering money.
During the operation, police confiscated over 1.5 million baht in cash, a land title deed for a property worth more than 60 million baht, and four upscale condo units in Sukhumvit worth 128 million baht. Other seized assets included 14 Barbie dolls, six iPhones, an iPad, a MacBook computer, and numerous designer handbags, such as Hermès and Chanel.
The investigation continued with 16 other locations within the same village and a lavish residence in the Bangkok Krita area, where further evidence was gathered reports Khaosod.
The operation stemmed from multiple complaints by victims who had fallen for the scam via fake online profiles and social media campaigns luring them to invest in fraudulent digital currency and asset trading platforms. Initial losses were estimated to be around 35 million baht from victims in several areas.

據泰國當地媒體5月 31 日報導,一對居住在泰國曼谷豪宅區的中國夫妻被泰國警方逮捕,據稱是涉嫌加密貨幣詐騙,受騙人達數萬,金額超過 100 億泰銖。

泰國國家員警總署署長當隆薩下令多名下屬官員與泰國反洗錢辦、移民局等多個部門人員,一同執行「Trust No One」行動,旨在清掃加密貨幣犯罪人員,並對曼谷詩那卡隆路及 Kritha 等地多個地點進行搜查。

據瞭解,曼谷 Prawet 豪宅別墅區有多達 5 個目標搜查點,大多為 2 層獨棟別墅。

警方在其中某處逮捕了 31 歲中國男子 Mingjian Su 和其 25 歲的妻子 Yixi Li,當場查獲現金超過 1,500 萬銖、價值超 6,000 萬銖房產地契、素坤逸 4 套豪華公寓房契 (約 1.28 億銖)。

警方表示,該團夥作案金額或超過 100 億泰銖,受害者數量已多達 20 多萬,但具體數字目前仍無法統計,因為仍存在其他受害者。

此外,工作人員還在該別墅區搜查了另外約 16 個與上述 2人有關的可疑點,初步繳獲豪車、證據資料、房產地契及若干現金,且 Kritha 區在搜查後也有所收穫。

據瞭解,此次搜查是由於泰國網絡犯罪調查局 ( CCIB ) 接到投訴,稱有不法分子利用虛假身份接近受害者,後誘騙其前往虛假平台進行加密貨幣及各種資產交易投資,涉案金額達 3,500 萬泰銖。




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