加密货币和外汇交易平台首席执行官因诈骗投资者 2.4 亿美元而被判处九年监禁(美国) 2023.7.18……【Attorney】【U.S.】➤CEO Of Cryptocurrency And Forex Trading Platform Sentenced To Nine Years In Prison For $240 Million Scheme To Defraud Investors
➤纽约南区美国检察官办公室 新闻稿
纽约南区美国检察官达米安·威廉姆斯 (Damian Williams) 今天宣布,美国地区法官约翰·P·克罗南 (John P. Cronan) 因商品欺诈罪判处 EDDY ALEXANDRE 九年监禁。ALEXANDRE 是一个名为 EminiFX 的所谓加密货币和外汇交易平台的领导者,他在 EminiFX 交易平台上诈骗了超过 25,000 名投资者,金额超过 2.48 亿美元。
美国检察官达米安·威廉姆斯 (Damian Williams) 表示:“埃迪·亚历山大 (Eddy Alexandre) 在他的加密货币投资骗局中诈骗了数万名普通投资者近 2.5 亿美元。Alexandre 的欺诈行为十分厚颜无耻,包括凭空捏造至少 5% 的每周投资回报率,并谎称使用了根本不存在的人工智能交易技术。最令人震惊的是,Alexandre 利用他在教会和海地社区中的信任地位,招募了许多投资者,甚至招募教会成员帮助招募 EminiFX 投资者。正如今天的判决所表明的那样,撒谎和欺骗客户的加密货币高管将被追究其罪行的责任。”
从 2021 年 9 月左右到 2022 年 5 月左右,ALEXANDRE 运营着 EminiFX, Inc.(“EminiFX”),这是一个据称是 ALEXANDRE 创立的投资平台,并为此从 25,000 多名个人投资者那里筹集了超过 2.48 亿美元的投资。ALEXANDRE 将 EminiFX 作为一个投资平台进行营销,投资者可以通过该平台通过加密货币和外汇交易的自动投资来赚取被动收入。亚历山大使用他声称是秘密的新技术向他的投资者“保证”高投资回报。具体来说,ALEXANDRE 向投资者虚假地表示,他们将通过使用“机器人顾问辅助账户”进行交易,每周赚取至少 5% 的投资回报,从而在投资后 5 个月内将资金翻倍。亚历山大将这项技术称为他的“商业秘密”,并拒绝告诉投资者这项技术是什么。每周,EminiFX 的网站都会向投资者错误地表示,他们的投资至少获得了 5% 的收益,可以提取或重新投资。
事实上,正如 ALEXANDRE 所熟知的那样,EminiFX 并未为其投资者赚取 5% 的周回报。亚历山大甚至没有投资委托给他的投资者资金的很大一部分,亚历山大在他投资的有限部分资金上蒙受了数百万美元的损失,但他没有向投资者透露这一点。亚历山大并没有像他所承诺的那样使用投资者的资金,而是将至少约 14,700,000 美元错误转入他的个人银行账户。例如,ALEXANDRE 使用 155,000 美元的投资者资金为自己购买了一辆宝马汽车,并另外花费了 13,000 美元的投资者资金用于汽车付款,包括支付给梅赛德斯奔驰。
此案由该办公室的证券和商品欺诈特别工作组处理。美国助理检察官尼古拉斯·福利(Nicholas Folly)和贾里德·莱诺(Jared Lenow)负责起诉。

CEO Of Cryptocurrency And Forex Trading Platform Sentenced To Nine Years In Prison For $240 Million Scheme To Defraud Investors
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney’s Office, Southern District of New York

Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that EDDY ALEXANDRE was sentenced by U.S. District Judge John P. Cronan to nine years in prison for engaging in commodities fraud. ALEXANDRE was the leader of a purported cryptocurrency and foreign exchange (“forex”) trading platform called EminiFX, and he defrauded over 25,000 investors in the EminiFX trading platform of more than $248 million.

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “Eddy Alexandre defrauded tens of thousands of ordinary investors of almost a quarter-billion dollars in his cryptocurrency investment scam. Alexandre’s fraud was brazen and included fabricating weekly investment returns of at least 5% out of thin air and falsely claiming to use artificial intelligence trading technology that did not even exist. Most egregiously, Alexandre recruited many of his investors by exploiting his position of trust within his church and the Haitian community, even going so far as to enlist members of the church to help recruit EminiFX investors. As today’s sentence demonstrates, cryptocurrency executives who lie and cheat their customers will be held to account for their crimes.”

According to the allegations in the Indictment and other filings and statements made in court:

From in or about September 2021, up to and including in or about May 2022, ALEXANDRE operated EminiFX, Inc. (“EminiFX”), a purported investment platform that ALEXANDRE founded, and for which he solicited more than $248 million in investments from over 25,000 individual investors. ALEXANDRE marketed EminiFX as an investment platform through which investors would earn passive income through automated investments in cryptocurrency and forex trading. ALEXANDRE offered his investors “guaranteed” high investment returns using new technology that he claimed was secret. Specifically, ALEXANDRE falsely represented to investors that they would double their money within five months of investing by earning at least 5% weekly returns on their investment using a “Robo-Advisor Assisted account” to conduct trading. ALEXANDRE referred to this technology as his “trade secret” and refused to tell investors what the technology was. Each week, EminiFX’s website falsely represented to investors that they had earned at least 5% on their investment, which they could withdraw or re-invest.

In truth and in fact, and as ALEXANDRE well knew, EminiFX did not earn 5% weekly returns for its investors. ALEXANDRE did not even invest a substantial portion of the investor funds entrusted to him, and ALEXANDRE sustained millions of dollars in losses on the limited portion of funds that he did invest, which he did not disclose to his investors. Instead of using investors’ funds as he had promised, ALEXANDRE also misdirected at least approximately $14,700,000 to his personal bank account. For example, ALEXANDRE used $155,000 in investor funds to purchase a BMW car for himself and spent an additional $13,000 of investor funds on car payments, including to Mercedes Benz.


In addition to his prison term, ALEXANDRE, 51, of Valley Stream, New York, was sentenced to three years of supervised release and ordered to pay forfeiture in the amount of $248,829,276.73 and restitution in the amount of $213,639,133.53.

Mr. Williams praised the investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and also thanked the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which brought a separate civil action.

This case is being handled by the Office’s Securities and Commodities Fraud Task Force. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Nicholas Folly and Jared Lenow are in charge of the prosecution.

Nicholas Biase
(212) 637-2600

Updated July 18, 2023



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