Eddy Alexandre(加密货币和外汇交易平台EminiFX创始人)(美国) 2023.7.17……【Press】【U.S.】Haiti’s disasters inspired EminiFX CEO to serve community, he tells judge
In a letter seeking leniency, Eddy Alexandre shares his motivations, how things went wrong
EminiFX 首席执行官告诉法官,海地的灾难激励他服务社区
EminiFX 首席执行官埃迪·亚历山大 (Eddy Alexandre) 在一封长达四页的信中请求量刑法官宽恕,他表示自己的本意是好的,但他的公司“犯了一些严重的错误”。
51 岁的 EminiFX 首席执行官埃迪·亚历山大 (Eddy Alexandre) 写信给将于 7 月 18 日做出判决的法官,称自己是一位忠诚的丈夫,也是三个儿子(年龄分别为 22、15 和 13 岁)的父亲,一想到要与他们分开就感到非常痛苦。
亚历山大承认了其投资业务中的商品欺诈罪,该业务从数万名投资者(其中大多数是海地投资者)那里筹集了近 2.5 亿美元。在7月4日的一封信中,即量刑听证会前两周,亚历山大向克罗南详细介绍了他的背景和动机,以及他在检察官描述的庞氏骗局行动中的失败,该骗局欺骗了亚历山大承诺将成为百万富翁的投资者。
亚历山大面临最高 10 年监禁,他写信寻求宽大处理。他分享了在海地长大并目睹该国自然灾害和人为灾害带来的“难以想象的痛苦和苦难”如何激励他帮助他人。亚历山大讲述了从小就帮助他人的故事,例如他用自己的公交车费为兄弟姐妹提供额外的食物,直到很久以后 1998 年移民到纽约并为当地社区做出贡献,亚历山大试图向法官展示回馈社会是如何驱动他的。
他说,正是他帮助社区改善的热情,以及技术作为财富创造工具的可能性,促使他创立了 EminiFX。
亚历山大写道:“没有什么比利用技术来解决我们日常生活中面临的问题更让我兴奋的了。” “每当我有幸帮助人们更多地了解技术以及技术如何改善他们的生活时,我都会感到非常高兴。”
Alexandre 表示,EminiFX 从第一天起就遇到了挫折,因为代码无法按想象工作。从那时起,公司发展得太快,无法跟上修复的步伐。亚历山大承认,技术——服务器、网站主机、协助交易的人工智能机器人——以及运营基础,例如在适当的机构或经纪公司注册——都没有到位。
亚历山大表示,自 2022 年 5 月被捕以来,他一直在通过与政府合作向投资者追回资金和资产来做出弥补。被捕后不久,他就被保释了。
现在,Alexandre 说:“我站在司法系统面前,为我和我的公司 EminiFX 的行为负责。作为它的首席执行官,责任由我承担;我对发生的一切承担全部责任。我谦卑地请求您的原谅,以便我能够以和平的方式开启我人生的新篇章,并知道正义已经得到了公平的伸张。”
“他只是贪图更多,”检察官建议对亚历山大判处 10 年监禁。“对于一个拥有如此多支持和成功的被告来说……却选择实施如此恶劣的计划,欺骗支持他的社区,这体现了一种罕见的厚颜无耻。这样一来,亚历山大的成功背景使他的罪行更应该受到惩罚,而不是更少。”

Haiti’s disasters inspired EminiFX CEO to serve community, he tells judge
In a letter seeking leniency, Eddy Alexandre shares his motivations, how things went wrong
JUL. 17, 2023

Eddy Alexandre standing outside the Maranatha Seventh-day Adventist Church in Queens, New York, where he is a chaplain on July 8, 2023.

EminiFX CEO Eddy Alexandre asks the sentencing judge for mercy in a four-page letter sharing that he meant well, but “made some serious mistakes” with his company.

NEW YORK — EminiFX CEO Eddy Alexandre, 51, wrote to the judge who will decide his sentence July 18, describing himself as a devoted husband and father of three sons – ages 22, 15 and 13 – who feels much pain at the thought of being separated from them.

“I have dedicated my life to serving others,” Alexandre writes in the letter to District Judge John P. Cronan. “The thought of losing everything I hold dear is devastating, and I will do everything in my power to prevent that from happening.”

Alexandre pled guilty to commodities fraud stemming from his investment operation that amassed nearly $250 million from tens of thousands of investors, most of them Haitian. In a letter dated July 4, two weeks before his sentencing hearing, Alexandre shared with Cronan details about his background and motivations as well as his failures in the operation prosecutors have described as a Ponzi-like scheme that defrauded investors Alexandre had promised would become millionaires.

Facing a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison, Alexandre wrote seeking leniency. He shared how growing up in Haiti, and witnessing “unimaginable pain and suffering” from the country’s natural and man-made disasters, inspired him to help others. With tales of helping others from an early age, such as when he used his bus fare toward extra food for his siblings, until well after he immigrated to New York in 1998 and contributed to local communities, Alexandre sought to show the judge how giving back compelled him.

It was his passion to help his community improve, he said, and the possibilities of technology as a wealth creation tool that prompted him to start EminiFX.

“Nothing excites me more than using technology to tackle the issues that we all face in our daily lives,” Alexandre wrote. “I am overjoyed every time I have the privilege to help someone learn more about technology and how it can better their lives.”

Read Alexandre’s letter in full below.

EminiFX faced setbacks from Day One with a code that did not work as imagined, Alexandre said. From there, the company simply grew too fast to catch up with fixes. The technology – servers, site hosts, the artificial intelligence robot to assist with trades – and the operational foundations, such as registering with the proper agencies or brokerage firms – were not in place, Alexandre admits.

By the time he realized the deficiencies and tried to address them, the banks had frozen the funds and he was being investigated.

Around the same time, as a licensed real estate agent, Alexandre said, he began buying up properties to “set EminiFx apart from our competitors.”

“Looking back, the company grew faster than anticipated, which could be an exceptionally good thing if everything goes smoothly. It did not,” Alexandre said. “I made some serious mistakes.”

Since his arrest in May 2022, Alexandre said he has been making amends by cooperating with the government to recover funds and assets in their efforts to investors. He was released on bond shortly after the arrest.

Now, Alexandre says, “I stand before the justice system to answer for my actions and those of EminiFX, my company. As its CEO, the back stopped with me; and I take full responsibility for everything that happened. I humbly ask for your forgiveness so that I may start a new chapter in my life with peace and the knowledge that justice has been served fairly.”

Prosecutors, in their rebuttal, said Alexandre’s success should be even more reason to impose the highest prison term available.

“​​He was simply greedy for more,” the prosecutors said in recommending 10 years in prison for Alexandre. “For a defendant with so much support and success … to nevertheless choose to commit such an egregious scheme that defrauded the very community that supported him reflects an uncommon brazenness. In that way, Alexandre’s successful background makes his crimes more deserving of punishment, not less.”



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