Binance, Changpeng Zhao(CZ) 2023.11.25……【Press】【U.S.】Lawyers for former Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao are urging a U.S. judge to reject the Justice Department’s request to bar him from returning to his home in the United Arab Emirates until he is sentenced for violating anti-money laundering requirements.
Zhao’s lawyers in a Thursday filing asked U.S. District Judge Richard Jones in Seattle not to reverse bail conditions set by a magistrate judge on Tuesday that would allow him to leave the U.S. while awaiting sentencing.
赵的律师在 周四提交的 一份文件中要求西雅图的美国地区法官理查德·琼斯不要推翻治安法官周二设定的保释条件,该条件允许他在等待判刑期间离开美国。
拥有阿联酋和加拿大国籍的赵先生于周二辞去币安首席执行官一职,此前他承认 故意 导致全球加密货币交易所未能维持有效的反洗钱计划。
美国当局表示,币安违反了美国反洗钱和制裁法律,并且未能报告与哈马斯、基地组织以及伊拉克和叙利亚伊斯兰国等美国称为恐怖组织的组织进行的超过 10 万笔可疑交易。
作为认罪协议的一部分,该公司同意支付超过 43 亿美元。赵同意向美国商品期货交易委员会支付 1.5 亿美元的罚款,检察官在 周三提交的文件中 表示,他将面临最高 18 个月的监禁。
司法部已要求琼斯在周一之前推翻美国治安法官布赖恩·土田 (Brian Tsuchida) 的决定,即允许赵在 2 月 23 日宣判之前返回阿联酋,此前他同意以 1.75 亿美元的保释金释放赵。

Ex-Binance CEO Zhao urges judge to allow him to leave the U.S. before sentencing

Lawyers for former Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao are urging a U.S. judge to reject the Justice Department’s request to bar him from returning to his home in the United Arab Emirates until he is sentenced for violating anti-money laundering requirements.

Zhao’s lawyers in a Thursday filing asked U.S. District Judge Richard Jones in Seattle not to reverse bail conditions set by a magistrate judge on Tuesday that would allow him to leave the U.S. while awaiting sentencing.

Zhao, a citizen of the UAE and Canada, stepped down as CEO of Binance on Tuesday after pleading guilty to willfully causing the global cryptocurrency exchange to fail to maintain an effective anti-money laundering program.

U.S. authorities said Binance broke U.S. anti-money laundering and sanctions laws and failed to report more than 100,000 suspicious transactions with organizations the U.S. described as terrorist groups including Hamas, al Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

The company as part of a plea deal agreed to pay more than $4.3 billion. Zhao has agreed to pay a $150 million penalty to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and prosecutors in a Wednesday filing said he faces up to 18 months in prison.

The Justice Department has asked Jones by Monday to reverse a decision by U.S. Magistrate Judge Brian Tsuchida to allow Zhao to return home to the UAE ahead of his Feb. 23 sentencing after he agreed to release him on a $175 million bail bond.

The government said it may be unable to secure his return if he chooses not to come back to the U.S. for sentencing, given that it has no extradition treaty with the UAE and Zhao is a multi-billionaire with significant assets.

But Zhao’s lawyers argued that the former CEO had demonstrated he was not a flight risk by agreeing to a “substantial” bail package and by voluntarily coming to the U.S. to accept responsibility for his actions.

Allowing Zhao to return to the UAE would allow him to take care of his partner and three children and prepare them for his sentencing, defense lawyers argued.

The Justice Department responded in a brief on Friday that its decision at Tuesday’s hearing to recommend Zhao remain free before sentencing was “exceptional” and was only because it believed the risk of flight he posed could be “managed” by restricting his travel.

“In the vast majority of cases, a multi-billionaire defendant who has pleaded guilty, faces possible prison time, and lives in a country that does not extradite its citizens to the United States would be detained,” Justice Department lawyers said.



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