密码保护:2 Indicted in $8.5 Million Nationwide Airbnb/Vrbo Scam that Allegedly Defrauded 1000s of Victims and Discriminated Against Renters 2024.1.4 ☑Attorney ☑U.S.,美国
LOS ANGELES – A federal grand jury has indicted two men on federal fraud charges that allege a double-booking, bait-and-switch scam run through online property rental platforms – primarily Airbnb – that brought in more than $8.5 million through misleading listings and fraudulently canceling reservations, which included discrimination against Black people, the Justice Department announced today.
Shray Goel, 35, of Miami, and Shaunik Raheja, 34, of Denver, were charged Wednesday in a superseding indictment that accuses them of fraud in connection with more than 10,000 reservations linked to nearly 100 properties across 10 states.
Goel was initially charged in an indictment returned on December 13. He was arrested in Florida on December 27 and was released on bond the following day. Raheja was added as a defendant in the superseding indictment. Both defendants are expected to be arraigned in United States District Court in Los Angeles in the coming weeks.
➤当局周四表示,一名迈阿密男子是因大规模短期租赁诈骗案被起诉的两人之一,该诈骗案诈骗了 10 个州的数千名受害者,骗取了超过 850 万美元。
据美国加州中区检察官办公室称,35 岁的迈阿密人 Shray Goel(戈埃尔) 和 34 岁的丹佛人 Shaunik Raheja(拉赫贾) 周三被指控犯有多项欺诈罪,涉及近 100 处房产的 10,000 多个预订。
检察官称,这两人及其员工通过在线房产租赁平台实施了“双重预订、诱饵和转换”骗局。他们通过误导性列表和欺诈性取消预订,其中包括对“被认为是黑人的客人”的歧视,在 Airbnb 上获得了约 700 万美元的付款,并通过 Vrbo 获得了约 150 万美元的预订。
据称,Goel 和 Raheja 通过 Airbnb 和 Vrbo 上同一房屋的多个列表重复预订了房屋,然后“在最后一刻发明了虚假的借口 – 通常声称管道问题 – 取消超额预订的客人或诱骗他们搬到劣质的替代住宿,”美国检察官的声明称。

