密码保护:Bitconned Is a Cryptocurrency Cautionary Tale 2024.1.1 ☑Press ☑U.S.,美国
Inexperienced co-founders, a non-existent product, and a mysterious CEO who seems to be MIA — what could possibly go wrong? Bitconned, the new documentary from director Bryan Storkel (The Pez Outlaw), goesinside the cryptocurrency craze of the late 2010s and unravels the story of Centra Tech, a crypto company dreamt up by a couple of South Florida hustlers with a knack for Photoshop and a penchant for living large.
“Crypto [was] just this new unfound territory, completely unregulated by the SEC,” explains Centra co-founder Ray Trapani in the doc. “Anytime you find a market like that, you just have to figure out how to exploit [it].”
Trapani and his cohorts managed to successfully do just that for a time, raising millions of unregulated fundraising dollars along the way. But when a New York Times reporter — and eventually, the authorities — dared to start asking questions, Centra’s web of lies unraveled. Using original interviews with Trapani, his family, and his co-conspirators, as well as a victim who poured money into Centra and the investigators who eventually brought the company’s malfeasance to light, Bitconned shines a light on just how easy it can be to create the illusion of a legitimate enterprise. After all, what is a scam if not an entrepreneurial venture situated firmly on the wrong side of the law?
继2022年的《别信任何人:虚拟货币悬案》之后,Netflix 2日又推出了一部有关加密货币诈骗案的纪录片《加密货币大骗局》(Bitconned)。该片深入探讨了2017年ICO(首次代币发行)热潮背后的故事,揭露了「假签帐卡公司」Centra Tech如何诈骗超过2,500万美元。
纪录片特别聚焦于共同创办人Ray Trapani的特殊性格,展示他如何偷取客户的虚拟货币帐户资金,甚至对被害者进行嘲讽。
Netflix介绍,《加密货币大骗局》主要通过对Centra Tech成员和《纽约时报》记者的采访,追溯了该公司从2017年创立到事迹败露的整个过程。

