India! 15-year-old Hindu girl abducted and raped by Samjad in Bhadohi: victim rescued by the police from West Bengal, Malad school horror: 3-year-old girl says ‘monster’ hurt her, Second Fight Carrying Indian Deportees Set To Land In Punjab, Gujarat: 11 Arrested for Using Fake Aadhaar Cards to Open Bank Accounts for Cyber Fraud, Another Ragging Case In Kerala, Class 11 Student’s Hand Broken, Three held for stealing Metro cables on Pink line, Three arrested for killing two youths in Mayiladuthurai, A video of a husky attacking a man inside a clinic went viral, Andhra man tries to rape his aunts mother kills him dismembers body, UP woman injected with HIV-infected needle by in-laws over unmet dowry demand, JDU leader accuses RJD MLA of assault claims ‘forced to drink urine’, Delhi cops say similar train names caused confusion led to deadly stampede, Bank robbery: Chalakudy native trapped by cops after two days extravagant lifestyle blamed for crime, घर पर छह वर्षीय मासूम अकेली थी। तभी रिश्ते का मामा चुपके से पहुंच गया। उसके साथ गंदा काम किया। मां के लाैटने पर बेटी ने घटना की जानकारी दी।, घर में घुसकर प्रेमिका का कत्ल… प्रेमी को युवती के परिवार ने मार डाला तीन साल से चल रहा था प्रेम प्रसंग 2025.2.14-2.18

Banda Double murder – युवक व युवती की फाइल फोटो – फोटो : अमर उजाला
2025.2.18 घर में घुसकर प्रेमिका का कत्ल… प्रेमी को युवती के परिवार ने मार डाला, तीन साल से चल रहा था प्रेम प्रसंग
यूपी के बांदा जिले में प्रेमी ने चाकू घोंपकर युवती की हत्या कर दी। प्रेमिका के परिजनों ने युवक को पीटकर मार डाला। युवक के पिता ने प्रेमिका की मां, बहन और चाचा के खिलाफ हत्या की रिपोर्ट दर्ज कराई है। तीन साल से प्रेम प्रसंग चल रहा था।
उत्तर प्रदेश के बांदा जिले से सनसनीखेज खबर सामने आई है। धर्म परिवर्तन कराने के बाद भी प्रेमिका के परिवार वालों ने युवक से विवाह नहीं कराया। युवती का दूसरी जगह निकाह कर दिया गया। इससे नाराज युवक ने रविवार की रात प्रेमिका के घर में घुसकर चाकू घोंपकर उसकी हत्या कर दी।
बेटी की चीख सुनकर जागे परिवार वालों ने युवक को लाठियों से पीटकर मार डाला। पैलानी थाना क्षेत्र के महावरा गांव की जकरीन (23) की मां हाजरा ने बताया कि रविवार की रात उनकी अपने कमरे में सो रही थी। उसी समय सबादा गांव निवासी राहुल वाल्मीकि उर्फ मुर्शीद (27) रात करीब डेढ़ बजे छत का जाल हटाकर उसके कमरे में घुस गया।
बातचीत और विवाद के बाद उसने जकरीन के सीने और हाथ में चाकू मार दिया। बेटी के चीखने पर वह जाग गईं। बेटी को लहूलुहान देखकर उन्होंने शोर मचाया। इस पर घर के अन्य लोग आ गए। आक्रोशित परिजनों ने उसे लाठियों से पीटकर मरणासन्न कर दिया।
प्रधान की सूचना पर रात करीब तीन बजे पुलिस ने युवक और युवती को जसपुरा सीएचसी पहुंचाया। जहां से डॉक्टरों ने दोनों को जिला अस्पताल रेफर कर दिया। रास्ते में युवती ने दम तोड़ दिया। राहुल को जिला अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया। करीब आधे घंटे बाद ही उसकी भी मौत हो गई। हाजरा ने बताया कि रविवार को ही बेटी ससुराल से मायके आई थी।
घटना की जानकारी पर डीआईजी अजय कुमार सिंह, पुलिस अधीक्षक अंकुर अग्रवाल, अपर पुलिस अधीक्षक शिवराज समेत कई थानों की फोर्स पहुंची। घटनास्थल का मौका मुआयना किया। एहतियात के तौर पर सबादा गांव में आरोपी राहुल और महावरा गांव में युवती के घर पर पुलिस तैनात की है।
जकरीन की मां, बहन और चाचा के खिलाफ हत्या की रिपोर्ट
राहुल के पिता गया प्रसाद वाल्मीकि ने बताया कि रात करीब नौ बजे बेटा राहुल और वह खाना खाकर सो गए थे। रात में किस समय राहुल महावरा पहुंचा, उन्हें नहीं पता। उन्होंने जकरीन की मां, बहन और चाचा के खिलाफ पैलानी थाने में राहुल की हत्या की रिपोर्ट दर्ज कराई है।
तीन साल से चल रहा था प्रेम प्रसंग
बताया जाता है कि दोनों में तीन साल से प्रेम-प्रसंग था। राहुल को युवती और उसकी मां ने निकाह का आश्वासन दिया था। इस पर उसने धर्म परिर्वतन भी कर लिया था। इसके बाद भी जकरीन का निकाह राहुल से न कराकर शहर कोतवाली के परशुराम तालाब निवासी युवक से करा दिया गया। इसी से राहुल आक्रोशित था।
महावरा गांव में युवक ने युवती को चाकू मार दिया। आक्रोश में युवती के परिजनों ने युवक की पिटाई कर दी। दोनों की मौत हो गई है। दोनों पक्षों की रिपोर्ट दर्ज कर युवती के परिजनों को हिरासत में लेकर पूछताछ की जा रही है।-अंकुर अग्रवाल, पुलिस अधीक्षक, बांदा

2025.2.18 ‘मामा बहुत गंदे हैं मम्मी…’, 6 वर्षीय मासूम से दरिंदगी की हद पार, चीखों पर भी नहीं आया रहम; हर कोई सन्न
एटा के थाना जैथरा पुलिस ने बालिका के साथ दुष्कर्म करने के आरोपी रिश्ते के मामा को गिरफ्तार किया है। आरोपी घर छोड़कर बाहर भागने की फिराक में था, उसी समय पुलिस ने सोमवार की देर रात नगरिया बंबा मोड़ के पास से इसको पकड़ लिया।
पीड़िता की उम्र मात्र छह वर्ष है। उसकी मां ने बताया कि 12 फरवरी को पति एक रिश्तेदारी में बाहर गए हुए थे। वह भी किसी काम से घर से बाहर थी। उसी समय गांव का भीमसेन घर में घुसकर आया और कमरे में ले जाकर बालिका के साथ घिनौनी हरकत करते हुए दुष्कर्म की घटना को अंजाम दिया।
घिनाैना काम करने के बाद मामा फरार हो गया। जब वह बाहर से लौटकर घर पहुंची, तो पुत्री ने अपने साथ हुई घटना के बारे में बताया। पति के वापस लौटने पर उनको बेटी के साथ हुई घटना की जानकारी दी। इसके बाद थाने पहुंचकर आरोपी के खिलाफ रिपोर्ट दर्ज कराई।
सीओ अलीगंज सुधांशु शेखर ने बताया कि पुलिस टीम ने रात को ही आरोपी की तलाश शुरू कर दी। सोमवार की देर रात भीमसेन को नगरिया मोड़ बंबा के पास से गिरफ्तार कर लिया। बताया कि आरोपी सबमर्सिबल मिस्त्री है और नशा भी करता है। इसके खिलाफ कार्रवाई की जा रही है।

2025.2.16 Bank robbery: Chalakudy native trapped by cops after two days, extravagant lifestyle blamed for crime
CHALAKUDY: The accused who robbed Rs 15 lakh from a bank in Chalakudy was arrested on Sunday evening. Rijo Antony, a native of Asharipara, was arrested and it is reported that he confessed to the crime. Rijo is reported to have told police to have committed the crime to pay off his debts. Police seized Rs 10 lakh from the accused.
Last day, the employees were held hostage at the Federal Bank branch in Chalakudy Potta as the accused barged into the bank during noon hours. The robbery was carried out without any use of force even though there were seven employees in the bank.
The accused smashed the glass barrier at the counter but failed to take the money. He then broke the cupboard nearby and filled his bags with cash. The fact that the robbery took place during noon hours, exactly when the employees went for lunch, piqued the curiosity of the police. It was thus assumed that the accused was someone with a clear understanding of the working pattern of this bank.
The accused arrived on a TVS Ntorq scooter. Despite having Rs 45 lakh in the cash counter, he only took only Rs 15 lakh. In the investigation, it was found that the robbery took place within just two minutes. According to the CCTV footage, the thief came wearing a helmet, jacket and gloves on a scooter with the number plate kept hidden.
Preliminary reports suggest that the extravagant lifestyle of Rijo paved the way for his debts. Rijo’s wife, who works abroad, makes a decent payment to his account every month. On the other hand, Rijo will indulge in extravagance and exhaust the whole sum in just days.
2025.2.16 Delhi cops say similar train names caused confusion, led to deadly stampede
Hundreds of passengers jostle to catch a train for Prayagraj at the New Delhi railway station on Saturday. (Photo: PTI)

The Delhi Police said that two trains – Prayagraj Express and Prayagraj Special, and the announcement of the latter arriving at platform 16 caused confusion. This is because Prayagraj Express was already standing at platform 14.

The Delhi Police said two trains having a similar name of ‘Prayagraj’ and the announcement of one of them arriving at platform 16 at the New Delhi railway station led to confusion which later caused a stampede killing 18 people. Police said the announcement of Prayagraj Special arriving at platform 16 led to confusion among people as another train with a similar name, Prayagraj Express, was already at platform 14.

Passengers who couldn’t reach their train at platform 14 thought it was arriving at platform 16. The last-minute panic and movement of the people burdened with heavy luggage from one platform to another led to the stampede, police said.

Additionally, there were four trains heading to Prayagraj, out of which three were delayed, leading to an unprecedented crowding from Platforms 12 to 16, according to the Delhi Police.
The Delhi Police’s statement came after the Northern Railways said no platforms were changed, and a passenger fell on the footover bridge between platforms 14 and 15, causing others behind him to stumble, leading to the tragic incident.

Platform 14: Prayagraj Express 2418 (Scheduled for departure at 10.10 pm)
Platform 12: Magadh Express (Runs via Kumbh) (Was slightly delayed)
Platform 13: Swatantrata Senani (Runs via Kumbh) (Delay)
Platform 15: Bhubaneswar Rajdhani (Runs via Kumbh) (Delay)

Himanshu Shekhar Upadhyay, the Chief Public Relations Officer (CPRO) of Northern Railways, disputed the police’s version of the stampede, asserting that a passenger slipped on the foot over bridge over Platforms 14 and 15, following which others behind him fell, triggering the tragic incident.

Calling it a “normal rush”, Upadhyay said no trains were cancelled and the timings of them were not changed. He clarified that additional special trains to cater to the burgeoning crowd of Maha Kumbh devotees were run and that no platforms were changed.

He asserted that the situation was under control and train operations were running smoothly.

On Saturday, 18 people died and dozens of others were injured in a stampede triggered by a sudden rush of passengers heading towards Prayagraj for the Maha Kumbh Mela. Those who died comprised nine women, five children and four men. As per information, the eldest victim was 79 years old, while the youngest was a seven-year-old girl.

According to an inquiry report, hundreds of passengers were waiting on Platform 14 of the New Delhi railway station to board a train for Prayagraj. A large number of travellers also gathered at the adjacent Platform 13 to board the Swatantrata Senani Express, which runs from New Delhi to Darbhanga.

However, the Swatantrata Senani Express was delayed and rescheduled to depart at midnight, due to which the passengers remained on the platform.

As a result of the additional ticket sales, the number of travellers started to increase on Platform 14, leading to overcrowding, with hardly any empty space for people to even stand on, the report said.

On Sunday, Delhi Police said it would launch a probe into the stampede and said it would analyse CCTV footage to ascertain what exactly happened before the tragedy unfolded.

The Railways announced a Rs 10 lakh compensation for families of the victims; Rs 2.5 lakh for the seriously injured; and Rs 1 lakh for those with minor injuries.

2025.2.16 JDU leader accuses RJD MLA of assault, claims ‘forced to drink urine’
The JDU leader alleged that he was taken to the MLA’s residence, where he was brutally beaten with motorcycle rods and sticks. When he asked for water, he was allegedly forced to drink urine.
A complaint has been filed against a RJD MLA in Bihar’s Purnea district in connection with a kidnapping and assault incident.
The case involves JDU’s Baisi block vice president, Mohd Rehan Fazal, who has accused the RJD MLA Rukanuddin of abducting and assaulting him over a land dispute involving a Dalit woman.
The JDU leader alleged that he was taken to the MLA’s residence, where he was brutally beaten with motorcycle rods and sticks. When he asked for water, he was allegedly forced to drink urine.
Speaking to India Today TV’s sister site, Aaj Tak, Purnea Superintendent of Police (SP) indicated that an arrest warrant may be issued against the RJD MLA over the issue.
The JDU leader sustained severe injuries and is currently undergoing treatment at Government Medical College and Hospital. A complaint has been filed against the MLA at Baisi police station.
Meanwhile, MLA Rukanuddin has dismissed the allegations, calling them politically motivated and baseless. He claimed that his side has also filed a complaint at the police station.
Purnia SP confirmed that the investigation has found evidence supporting the allegations of abduction and assault. He said that a warrant will be issued against the MLA after due legal procedures.

2025.2.16 UP woman injected with HIV-infected needle by in-laws over unmet dowry demand
The woman’s father alleged that his daughter had been subjected to constant torture by her in-laws over dowry demands.
A case has been registered on a local court’s order after a man in Uttar Pradesh alleged that his daughter was forcibly given an HIV-infected injection by her in-laws, who tortured her for not fulfilling their dowry demands, police said.
According to the report filed by the woman’s father, he married his daughter Sonal Saini to Abhishek alias Sachin son of Nathiram Saini, from Uttarakhand’s Haridwar on February 15, 2023. A car and Rs 15 lakh in cash were given as dowry to the groom’s family at the wedding. Despite this, the in-laws were not happy and after some time, they started demanding a Scorpio SUV car and Rs 25 lakh, the complaint said.
When the woman’s parents refused to give in to their hefty demands, the in-laws drove the married woman out of the house.
Later, with the intervention of the Panchayat in the Jaswawala village of Haridwar, the woman was sent back to her in-laws’ house. There, she again had to suffer physical and mental torture, her father said in the complaint. The girl’s family has alleged that her in-laws conspired to kill her by giving her HIV-infected injections.
After some time, when the woman’s health started deteriorating, her parents took her to the hospital. After the medical examination, the doctors said that she has been infected with HIV. What came as a shock to the girl’s family was that when her husband Abhishek was tested, he was found HIV negative.
Thereafter, the girl’s family complained to the police, but no action was taken against the accused.
The complainant then approached a local court. On the order of the court, the Gangoh Kotwali police registered a case against Abhishek alias Sachin, his parents and other family members under several serious sections including dowry harassment, assault, attempt to murder, among others.

2025.2.16 Andhra man tries to rape his aunts, mother kills him, dismembers body
Prakasam Superintendent of Police, AR Damodar, said K Lakshmi Devi (57) allegedly murdered her son, K Shyam Prasad (35), a cleaner, on February 13.
A 57-year-old woman in Andhra Pradesh’s Prakasam district, frustrated with her son’s misconduct, allegedly killed him and, with the assistance of relatives, dismembered his body into five pieces, police said on Saturday.
Prakasam Superintendent of Police, AR Damodar, said K Lakshmi Devi (57) allegedly murdered her son, K Shyam Prasad (35), a cleaner, on February 13.
Devi’s relatives allegedly helped her in killing Prasad.
“Unable to bear her son’s perverted and indecent behaviour, she (Lakshmi Devi) killed him,” Damodar told PTI, adding that Prasad had also behaved indecently with his aunts and other relatives in Bengaluru, Khammam, and Hyderabad.
Prasad, who was unmarried, had also allegedly attempted to rape his maternal aunts in Hyderabad and Narasaraopeta, police said.
According to the police, he was murdered using an axe or a sharp weapon.
Following the murder, his body was cut into five pieces, stuffed into three sacks, and dumped in the Nakalagandi canal in Cumbum village.
The accused, now on the run, have been booked under BNS Sections 103(1) and 238; police are searching for them.

A video of a husky attacking a man inside a clinic went viral.(X/gharkekalesh)
2025.2.15 Husky turns aggressive, attacks man inside pet clinic. Shocking CCTV footage goes viral
A husky attacked a man inside a clinic after a playful interaction turned aggressive.
A disturbing video of a pet husky attacking a man inside a veterinary clinic has grabbed the attention of the internet. The CCTV footage, shared by X user @gharkekalesh (formerly Twitter), captures the unexpected turn of events when a seemingly friendly husky suddenly becomes aggressive. While the location of the incident remains undisclosed, the clip has left users divided over the dog’s behaviour.
Playful interaction turns into chaos
The CCTV video, dated 11 February 2025, shows two men sitting comfortably on a sofa inside the clinic. They appear to be casually interacting with the husky, petting and playing with it while recording the moment. Initially, the husky is seen moving excitedly around the room, enjoying the attention.
However, in a shocking twist, the husky abruptly turns aggressive and bites one of the men on his hand. Despite the unexpected attack, the man remains composed and attempts to restrain the dog by gently holding it down. For a brief moment, the husky appears to calm down, but just as quickly, it lunges again, this time with even more intensity.
Man struggles to escape as dog lunges again
The startled man desperately tries to fend off the husky as it continues to attack. He struggles before finally managing to push the dog outside the clinic. Visibly shaken, he clutches his injured hand and appears to be in pain while attempting to compose himself. The entire incident unfolds within seconds, turning a lighthearted moment into a distressing ordeal.
Viral video sparks debate online
The clip, which has amassed over three lakh views on X, has triggered a heated discussion among users. While some sympathise with the man and question the husky’s sudden aggression, others argue that the dog may have been provoked or experiencing discomfort.
One user commented, “This is why big dogs need proper training and socialisation. You never know when they might react unpredictably.”
Another user wrote, “Huskies are generally playful, but they can be very stubborn. Something must have triggered this behaviour.”
Meanwhile, a concerned pet owner remarked, “I hope the man is okay. This is why pet clinics should have trained professionals to handle such situations.”
Some users speculated whether the dog was unwell, with one stating, “It might have been in pain or feeling anxious. Sudden aggression like this isn’t normal.”
A few others criticised the handling of the situation, saying, “People need to understand canine body language. The dog was clearly overstimulated.”

2025.2.15 Three arrested for killing two youths in Mayiladuthurai
The police said investigations revealed that the victims had no direct enmity with the accused but were attacked while trying to prevent their friend from being assaulted
Two men were killed and another sustained injuries in a clash at Muttam village, under the Perambur police station limits, late Friday (February 14, 2025). Three persons have been arrested in connection with the double murder.
According to the police, M. Muventhan, 24, from North Street, Muttam, had an ongoing dispute with R. Dinesh, 28, from the same locality. On the evening of Thursday (February 13, 2025), the two had a verbal altercation that escalated into a fight before residents intervened and dispersed them.
However, the next day, at around 8.30 p.m., when Dinesh was talking to his friends — K. Harish, 25, from Muttam; B. Sakthi, 20, from Srinivasapuram; and K. Ajay ,19, from Muttam — three individuals, identified as M. Thangathurai, 28, R. Rajkumar, 34, and Muventhan, allegedly attacked them with knives.
Harish sustained severe abdominal injuries, while Sakthi was stabbed in the back. Ajay suffered injuries to his hand. The injured were rushed to the Mayiladuthurai Government Hospital, but Harish and Sakthi succumbed to their injuries on the way.
The police said investigations revealed that the deceased and the injured had no direct enmity with the accused but were attacked while trying to prevent Dinesh from being assaulted. Based on a complaint, the Perambur police registered a case and arrested Thangathurai, Muventhan, and Rajkumar. They have been remanded in judicial custody.
Meanwhile, the district police in a statement dismissed allegations linking the murders to illicit liquor sales, clarifying that the clash arose from a verbal dispute among the men from the same locality. Further investigations are underway.
Relatives of the deceased resorted to a protest demonstration refusing to accept the bodies alleging police inaction.

2025.2.15 Gujarat: 11 Arrested for Using Fake Aadhaar Cards to Open Bank Accounts for Cyber Fraud
Ahmedabad’s Cyber Crime Cell on Thursday arrested 11 individuals in a major crackdown on cybercrime, with nine suspects caught in Gujarat and two in Rajasthan. Three key suspects, Snil Derani, Abhishek Bishnoi, and CP Gadhara, remain at large.
According to authorities, four of those arrested were students who admitted to opening bank accounts for Rs 25,000 each, along with additional incentives for recruiting others. These accounts were used for fraudulent activities, funding a lavish lifestyle.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Lavina Sinha said that the accused were involved in digital arrest, investment, and task-based fraud schemes.
“Over 109 FIRs have been registered against them across 21 states, including Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Karnataka. The gang operated in border areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat, using fake addresses to open bank accounts. Authorities also seized a pistol and seven live cartridges from the accused. The suspects have been produced in court and remanded to police custody,” she said.
Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Hardik Makadiya revealed that the arrested individuals, identified as Suresh Bishnoi (19), Anil Bishnoi (20), Kuldeep Bishnoi, and Lalitkumar, were either graduate or post-graduate students.
“They were recruited by the gang’s kingpins, who provided multi-level incentives for bringing in more bank accounts for fraudulent activities. However, the key persons running the racket are based in China,” he said.
The accused reportedly used fake address proofs to open bank accounts in Gujarat’s border regions, particularly in Deesa, Banaskantha. These accounts were used to funnel stolen funds while evading law enforcement. In one instance, a bank account was opened using a local hotel’s address in Lal Darwaja.
ACP Makadiya stressed the need for banks to implement stricter verification procedures to curb such fraudulent practices.
During the operation, the Cyber Crime Cell recovered several items, including 10 passbooks, 43 ATM and debit cards, 12 PAN cards, 20 Aadhar cards—three of which belonged to women—15 SIM cards, 21 cheque books, and one rental agreement. A pistol and seven live cartridges were also confiscated.
Authorities plan to petition the High Court for UIDAI Aadhar card details, verify the seized PAN cards through banks, take legal action against landlords who failed to conduct police verification, collaborate with other states for joint operations, and advise banks on enhancing their account opening procedures.

2025.2.15 Second Fight Carrying Indian Deportees Set To Land In Punjab
The mass deportation of 104 undocumented Indian immigrants from the United States had sparked outrage, especially on account of how it was executed, with disregard for the dignity of those involved.
Eyewitness accounts and mind-numbing images show the deportees— which included women and children—handcuffed and bound at the feet with ropes.
Their arrival in Amritsar aboard an American military aircraft raised serious questions about the ethics of immigration enforcement practices and the human rights implications of such actions.
Now, according to the latest update, a second flight carrying more undocumented Indian immigrants, including eight from Gujarat, is set to land in Punjab. The situation invites a myriad of unsettling questions. Will this new group endure similar dehumanising treatment? Or will the US government adopt a more compassionate approach in light of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to the White House?
The report also indicates that approximately 50 Gujaratis are currently held at a US detention facility, adding to the growing concerns over their conditions.
The deportees have disclosed that other Indian nationals, who are still under US custody, are being held in the very same detention facility where they were processed before being subject to deportation.
The report mentions that the C-17 Globemaster could only accommodate 12 security personnel and 104 deportees when it flew from the US to India in early February. Apparently, the remaining people held in the detention camp, including at least 50 Gujaratis, were likely to be deported in the coming days.
Adding to the complexity, a relative of a deportee from Mehsana revealed that another family member had been held at the US-Mexico border by the United States Customs and Border Patrol (USCBP) and would not be granted a hearing. Those detained after January 20, when Donald Trump assumed office as US President, would likely not receive a hearing. Instead, they will be sent directly to the detention camp and eventually flown to India.
Furthermore, it has come to light that three of the 33 Gujaratis deported earlier this month had previously attempted to enter the US illegally. Smuggled through Dubai and Mexico in 2023, they lost their way when the human trafficking network they relied on fell apart. Ultimately, the Gujaratis were captured at the US border.
They were part of a larger group of 20 who were part of the journey, fraught with high risks, around the same period. The operations were masterminded by an agent from Punjab and another from Andhra Pradesh, who arranged their initial travel from Delhi.

2025.2.15 Malad school horror: 3-year-old girl says ‘monster’ hurt her
Police probe sexual assault claim, but CCTV shows no suspicious activity; despite reviewing CCTV footage from cameras inside and outside the school, police have found no evidence of the incident
The Bangur Nagar police are searching for an unidentified suspect accused of sexually assaulting a three-and-a-half-year-old girl at a school in Malad on Wednesday (February 12). Despite reviewing CCTV footage from cameras inside and outside the school, police have found no evidence of the incident. When the girl’s mother asked who had harmed her, the child said it was a “monster.”
According to police sources, the child, a nursery student at a well-known international school in Malad West, complained of pain in her private parts after returning home from school on Wednesday evening. She was taken to a doctor, who initially suggested that the rash was likely due to an infection.
Later, when the mother questioned the child again, she reiterated that a “monster” had touched her private parts. Alarmed, the mother took her back to the doctor and narrated the entire incident. A gynaecologist then examined the child and expressed concerns, prompting the doctor to inform the Bangur Nagar police.
“We registered a case based on the mother’s complaint. Following instructions from senior officers, a police team visited the school and thoroughly examined the CCTV footage. However, no suspicious activity was found. The girl was seen going to the bathroom with a female caretaker and later returning with seven to eight other classmates,” said an officer.
Police then presented the caretaker and other staff members before the girl, asking if any of them had harmed her. However, she denied their involvement and insisted that a “monster” had touched her. The child was then taken to Cooper Hospital for a medical check-up. According to the doctors, the rashes on her private parts were likely caused by an infection, which subsided after medication.
“Considering the sensitivity of the case, we are investigating every angle. The girl’s clothes have been sent for forensic examination, and we are awaiting the report,” the officer added. “We have registered a case under the relevant sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. Further investigation is underway,” said Senior Inspector Anil Thakarey, Bangur Nagar police station.

2025.2.14 15-year-old Hindu girl abducted and raped by Samjad in Bhadohi: victim rescued by the police from West Bengal, accused arrested
The Bhadohi district police (Uttar Pradesh) rescued a 15-year-old girl who had been kidnapped from here after conducting a raid in West Bengal’s Murshidabad district and arrested a man for allegedly abducting and raping her, the police said on Wednesday (12 February 2025).
Police said that on January 8, a woman resident of a locality in the Surayawa police station area of ​​the district had lodged an FIR against Samjad alias Sanjay Bangali (25) regarding the kidnapping of her daughter.
Details of the case
According to Station House Officer Inspector (SHO) Arvind Kumar Gupta, in her complaint, the woman had alleged that Samjad, who worked as a mason and lived in a rented house here, had kidnapped her daughter. Gupta said the police team found out that the accused was in Murshidabad in West Bengal after which, with the help of the local police, they raided the Samjad’s hideout and recovered the girl.
He said that Samjad was also arrested and brought here, produced before the court and sent to jail after completing the legal procedures. Gupta said that the girl has also accused him of raping her.
According to reports, Samjad’s father, Abdul Qasim, was also an equal participant in the abduction. It took three months to the Uttar Pradesh Police to track them down in Murshidabad, the infamous Islamist dominated region of West Bengal.
In a daring attempt to rescue the girl from such an area, the Bhadohi Police went there, arrested both the father-son duo, and brought them back to Uttar Pradesh. Both have now been jailed, and the girl has been handed over to her family.

2025.2.14 Another Ragging Case In Kerala, Class 11 Student’s Hand Broken
Kerala ragging: In the case that has just surfaced, a Class 11 student suffered a fracture in his left hand
New Delhi: Another incident of ragging from Kerala has been reported, barely 24 hours after five students of a nursing college in Kottayam face expulsion over a horrific ragging case.
In the case that has just surfaced, a Class 11 student suffered a fracture in his left hand.
The police said he was brutally assaulted by senior students for not “respecting” them.
More details in the new case are awaited.
In the other ragging case that happened at Kottayam Government Nursing College, a viral video showed senior students laughing and making lewd comments after trying a junior student to a bed, and putting a heavy object on his genitals. They poked him with a compass too.
The five third-year students were arrested yesterday. They will also be expelled, the college said. Junior students alleged the viscous ragging has been going on for nearly three months.
The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has sought a report from the state police within 10 days.

2025.2.14 Three held for stealing Metro cables on Pink line
The Metro unit of the Delhi Police has apprehended three people for stealing the cable from the Metro premises on the Pink line, it said on Friday.
The Metro unit of the Delhi Police has apprehended three people for stealing the cable from the Metro premises on the Pink line, it said on Friday.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Metro) Hareshwar V Swami said a theft of copper cables from the tracks between the Majlis Park and Azadpur stations was reported on February 3 by the DMRC regarding that led to the disruption of the services on the line.
Swami said through meticulous analysis of CCTV footage, a team of the police identified the accused, tracked down the vehicle used in transporting the cables, and apprehended them. Thus the stolen cable was recovered from them.
Since the cables carry no electricity and are highly valuable due to the copper content and to steel, they used heaps of debris to access the metro tracks and cut through the barbed wire to steal them.
During interrogation, the culprits confessed to their involvement in multiple cable thefts, including an incident near Dwarka Metro Station. All three accused are illiterate, addicted to liquor and in order to earn money, they steal the cables.



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