密码保护:H.E. Justin Sun, 孙宇晨, TRONDAO, Tron, 火币HTX, 加密货币交易所, 虚拟资产 2024.1.16, 4.19 ✓Press ✓Judge ✓U.S.,美国
2024.4.19, 在波场创始人孙宇晨上个月试图驳回诉讼后,美国证券交易委员会重新调整了对 Tron 创始人孙宇晨的诉讼,声称他“广泛前往”美国,从而赋予了该委员会管辖权。该监管机构在 4 月 17 日向曼哈顿联邦法院提交的修改后的起诉书中写道,它对 Sun、Tron 以及他控制的另外两家企业拥有“管辖权”,SEC 称,2017 年至 2019 年间,孙在美国总共呆了 380 多天,出差地点包括纽约市、波士顿和旧金山。
2024.1.16, Justin Sun’s Legal Chess: TRON Foundation Revived Amidst SEC Trial Turmoil. In a recent filing with the Southern District of New York courts, Justin Sun’s legal team has successfully postponed his fraud and market manipulation trial for the third time. Simultaneously, they’ve resurrected the dissolved TRON Foundation based in Singapore.
密码保护:FTX(FTX加密货币交易所), Sam Bankman-Fried(萨姆·班克曼·弗里德) 2024.3-4 ✓Press ✓Judge ✓U.S.,美国
2024.4.20, A group of FTX investors and customers has agreed to drop their claims against co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried in exchange for his cooperation against other defendants in a sprawling set of lawsuits over the cryptocurrency exchange’s collapse.
2024.4.12, Sam Bankman-Fried Appeals 25-Year Jail Term In Crypto Fraud Conviction
2024.3.28, 塞缪尔·班克曼·弗里德 (Samuel Bankman-Fried),又名 SBF,32 岁,来自加利福尼亚州斯坦福市,今天因策划多项欺诈计划而被判处 25 年监禁,3 年监督释放,并被责令支付 110 亿美元没收金。
网络犯罪投诉中心(IC3)年度报告,Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) Annual Reports 2024.3.6 ☑Gov ☑U.S.,美国
Binance(币安加密货币交易所), Changpeng Zhao(“CZ”, 币安创始人赵长鹏) 2024.2.12 ✓Press ✓Judge ✓U.S.,美国
2024.2.12, The sentencing of former Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao on a money laundering rule charge has been postponed until April 30, a notice in Seattle federal court shows.(币安创始人 CZ 刑事宣判推迟至 4 月底)
Ming Xue, of Hunan, Fujian 2024.1.22 ☑Press ☑U.S.,美国
科肖克顿县检察官本·霍尔 (Ben Hall) 表示:“虽然我不会透露未决案件的事实,但我将表明这是科肖克顿县历史上规模最大的起诉书之一。”
@SECGov X account was compromised 2024.1.22 ☑Gov ☑U.S.,美国
We are providing the following update on the January 9, 2024, unauthorized access and activity (the “incident”) on the @SECGov X account
今天,美国证监会(SEC)公布“SECGov X 账户”被黑客攻击事件调查进展:本月9号,在其X官方账号发布的比特币现货ETF获批的信息,是有黑客控制了一名SEC机构员工的电话号码后,更改了该机构账户的密码,于 1 月 9 日发布了虚假帖子。执法部门目前正在调查未经授权的一方如何让运营商更改该帐户的 SIM 卡,以及该方如何知道哪个电话号码与该帐户关联。
密码保护:FTX,Sam Bankman-Fried 2022.12.9-2024.1.10 ☑Judge ☑U.S.,美国
Assigned To: Lewis A. Kaplan
Citation: United States v. BANKMAN-FRIED, 1:22-cr-00673, (S.D.N.Y.)
Date Filed: Dec. 9, 2022
Date of Last Known Filing: Jan. 10, 2024
➤FTX加密货币交易所。萨姆·班克曼·弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried)。
法庭案卷(Docket Entries)。
SEC gives bitcoin ETFs the green light 2024.1.10 ☑Press ☑Gov ☑U.S.,美国
Today, the Commission approved the listing and trading of a number of spot bitcoin exchange-traded product (ETP) shares.
The regulator has for years opposed a so-called spot bitcoin fund, with several firms filing and then withdrawing applications for ETFs in the past. SEC Chair Gary Gensler has been an outspoken critic of crypto during his tenure.
监管机构多年来一直反对所谓的现货比特币基金,过去有几家公司提交过然后又撤回了 ETF 申请。SEC 主席加里·詹斯勒 (Gary Gensler) 在任职期间一直直言不讳地批评加密货币。
美国证券交易委员会主席加里·詹斯勒在美国证券交易委员会网站上的一份声明中明确表示,该机构仍然保持警惕。“虽然我们今天批准了某些现货比特币 ETP 基金的上市和交易,但我们并未批准或认可比特币,投资者应该对比特币与其价值以及加密货币产品相关的无数风险保持谨慎。”他写道。
密码保护:SEC says it did not yet approve bitcoin ETF, X account was compromised 2024.1.10 ☑Press ☑Gov ☑U.S.,美国
“The SEC’s @SECGov X/Twitter account has been compromised. The unauthorized tweet regarding bitcoin ETFs was not made by the SEC or its staff,” an SEC spokesperson told CNBC.
The false social media post said that the SEC had approved bitcoin ETFs for trading.
The price of bitcoin briefly spiked after the initial post, but then quickly slid below $46,000.
X said late Tuesday it has completed a preliminary probe into the compromised account of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that displayed a false post.
“Based on our investigation, the compromise was not due to any breach of X’s systems, but rather due to an unidentified individual obtaining control over a phone number associated with the @SECGov account through a third party,” said X in a post .
“美国证券交易委员会的 @SECGov X/Twitter 帐户已被盗用,有关比特币 ETF 的未经授权的推文不是由 SEC 或其工作人员发布的。”SEC 发言人告诉 CNBC。
该虚假社交媒体帖子称,美国证券交易委员会已批准比特币 ETF 进行交易。比特币价格在最初发布后短暂飙升,但随后迅速跌破46,000 美元。
➤社交媒体 X 周二晚间表示,已完成对美国证券交易委员会受损账户的初步调查,该账户发布了虚假帖子,声称 SEC 已批准比特币 ETF 交易。
X 在帖子中确认 SEC 的账户遭到泄露:“根据我们的调查,此次泄露并非由于 X 系统遭到破坏,而是由于身份不明的个人通过 第三方获得了对与@SECGov帐户相关的电话号码的控制权”。
X 在帖子中表示:“我们还可以确认该帐户在被盗时并未启用双因素身份验证。”
密码保护:Exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui hit with new RICO conspiracy charge 2024.1.4 ☑Press ☑U.S.,美国
Federal prosecutors in New York on Thursday added an expansive racketeering count against Chinese financier Guo Wengui, who is accused of orchestrating a $1 billion fraud conspiracy.
Wengui, an associate of American conservative media strategist Steve Bannon, was arrested in March 2023 at his apartment in the Sherry-Netherland Hotel in Manhattan, where a fire subsequently broke out later that day as FBI agents were still searching it.
Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York have accused Wengui — also known as Miles Guo and Ho Wan Kwok — of carrying out a complex conspiracy to defraud thousands of his online followers out of over $1 billion dollars by lying to prospective investors and promising them outsized returns if they invested, or provided money to his Chinese media platform GTV, and other companies, including Himalaya Farm Alliance, G CLUBS, and the Himalaya Exchange.
Wengui’s first indictment included criminal counts of conspiracy, wire fraud, securities fraud, international money laundering and obstruction of justice.
The superseding indictment unsealed Thursday morning adds an additional count of racketeering conspiracy under Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute, which carries a 20 year maximum sentence and forfeiture of any ill-gotten gains from the criminal activity.
➤周四,纽约联邦检察官对郭文贵增加了一项敲诈勒索罪名,郭文贵被指控策划了一场 10 亿美元的欺诈计划。
纽约南区检察官指控文贵(又名文贵先生和何万国)实施了一项复杂的阴谋,通过向潜在投资者撒谎并向他们承诺巨额资金,诈骗了数千名在线粉丝超过 10 亿美元。
周四上午公布的替代起诉书根据诈骗影响和腐败组织 (RICO) 法规增加了一项共谋敲诈勒索罪名,该法规最高可判处 20 年徒刑,并没收犯罪活动中的任何不义之财。
检察官表示,从 2018 年到至少 2023 年 3 月,文贵及其同谋“通过一系列复杂的欺诈和虚构业务和投资机会,将数十个相互关联的实体联系起来,实施了一项犯罪活动,这使得被告及其同谋共谋索取、洗钱和挪用受害者资金。”
据检察官称,他误导了一种名为“H-Coin”、“Himalaya Coin”或“HCN”的加密资产证券的潜在投资者,错误地声称 H-Coin 的 20% 价值是由黄金支持的,并且他将亲自赔偿投资者的任何潜在损失。
联邦 RICO 法案起源于 1970 年,作为打击有组织犯罪的工具。该法律使检察官能够针对犯罪组织内的高层人士,而不仅仅是处理肮脏工作的低层人员。
a/k/a “Miles Guo,”
a/k/a “Miles Kwok,”
a/k/a “Guo Wengui,”
a/k/a “Brother Seven,”
a/k/a “The Principal,”
a/k/a “Boss,”
a/k/a “William Je,”
a/k/a “Yu Jianming,” and
a/k/a “Yvette,”
a/k/a “Y,”