密码保护:SEC says it did not yet approve bitcoin ETF, X account was compromised 2024.1.10 ☑Press ☑Gov ☑U.S.,美国
“The SEC’s @SECGov X/Twitter account has been compromised. The unauthorized tweet regarding bitcoin ETFs was not made by the SEC or its staff,” an SEC spokesperson told CNBC.
The false social media post said that the SEC had approved bitcoin ETFs for trading.
The price of bitcoin briefly spiked after the initial post, but then quickly slid below $46,000.
X said late Tuesday it has completed a preliminary probe into the compromised account of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that displayed a false post.
“Based on our investigation, the compromise was not due to any breach of X’s systems, but rather due to an unidentified individual obtaining control over a phone number associated with the @SECGov account through a third party,” said X in a post .
“美国证券交易委员会的 @SECGov X/Twitter 帐户已被盗用,有关比特币 ETF 的未经授权的推文不是由 SEC 或其工作人员发布的。”SEC 发言人告诉 CNBC。
该虚假社交媒体帖子称,美国证券交易委员会已批准比特币 ETF 进行交易。比特币价格在最初发布后短暂飙升,但随后迅速跌破46,000 美元。
➤社交媒体 X 周二晚间表示,已完成对美国证券交易委员会受损账户的初步调查,该账户发布了虚假帖子,声称 SEC 已批准比特币 ETF 交易。
X 在帖子中确认 SEC 的账户遭到泄露:“根据我们的调查,此次泄露并非由于 X 系统遭到破坏,而是由于身份不明的个人通过 第三方获得了对与@SECGov帐户相关的电话号码的控制权”。
X 在帖子中表示:“我们还可以确认该帐户在被盗时并未启用双因素身份验证。”
密码保护:Exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui hit with new RICO conspiracy charge 2024.1.4 ☑Press ☑U.S.,美国
Federal prosecutors in New York on Thursday added an expansive racketeering count against Chinese financier Guo Wengui, who is accused of orchestrating a $1 billion fraud conspiracy.
Wengui, an associate of American conservative media strategist Steve Bannon, was arrested in March 2023 at his apartment in the Sherry-Netherland Hotel in Manhattan, where a fire subsequently broke out later that day as FBI agents were still searching it.
Prosecutors in the Southern District of New York have accused Wengui — also known as Miles Guo and Ho Wan Kwok — of carrying out a complex conspiracy to defraud thousands of his online followers out of over $1 billion dollars by lying to prospective investors and promising them outsized returns if they invested, or provided money to his Chinese media platform GTV, and other companies, including Himalaya Farm Alliance, G CLUBS, and the Himalaya Exchange.
Wengui’s first indictment included criminal counts of conspiracy, wire fraud, securities fraud, international money laundering and obstruction of justice.
The superseding indictment unsealed Thursday morning adds an additional count of racketeering conspiracy under Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute, which carries a 20 year maximum sentence and forfeiture of any ill-gotten gains from the criminal activity.
➤周四,纽约联邦检察官对郭文贵增加了一项敲诈勒索罪名,郭文贵被指控策划了一场 10 亿美元的欺诈计划。
纽约南区检察官指控文贵(又名文贵先生和何万国)实施了一项复杂的阴谋,通过向潜在投资者撒谎并向他们承诺巨额资金,诈骗了数千名在线粉丝超过 10 亿美元。
周四上午公布的替代起诉书根据诈骗影响和腐败组织 (RICO) 法规增加了一项共谋敲诈勒索罪名,该法规最高可判处 20 年徒刑,并没收犯罪活动中的任何不义之财。
检察官表示,从 2018 年到至少 2023 年 3 月,文贵及其同谋“通过一系列复杂的欺诈和虚构业务和投资机会,将数十个相互关联的实体联系起来,实施了一项犯罪活动,这使得被告及其同谋共谋索取、洗钱和挪用受害者资金。”
据检察官称,他误导了一种名为“H-Coin”、“Himalaya Coin”或“HCN”的加密资产证券的潜在投资者,错误地声称 H-Coin 的 20% 价值是由黄金支持的,并且他将亲自赔偿投资者的任何潜在损失。
联邦 RICO 法案起源于 1970 年,作为打击有组织犯罪的工具。该法律使检察官能够针对犯罪组织内的高层人士,而不仅仅是处理肮脏工作的低层人员。
a/k/a “Miles Guo,”
a/k/a “Miles Kwok,”
a/k/a “Guo Wengui,”
a/k/a “Brother Seven,”
a/k/a “The Principal,”
a/k/a “Boss,”
a/k/a “William Je,”
a/k/a “Yu Jianming,” and
a/k/a “Yvette,”
a/k/a “Y,”
Gary Gensler: Some things to keep in mind if you’re considering investing in crypto assets 2024.1.8 ☑Gov ☑U.S.,美国
Those offering crypto asset investments/services may not be complying w/ applicable law, including federal securities laws. Investors in crypto asset securities should understand they may be deprived of key info & other important protections in connection w/ their investment.
Investments in crypto assets also can be exceptionally risky & are often volatile. A number of major platforms & crypto assets have become insolvent and/or lost value. Investments in crypto assets continue to be subject to significant risk.
Fraudsters continue to exploit the rising popularity of crypto assets to lure retail investors into scams. These investments continue to be replete w/ fraud- bogus coin offerings, Ponzi & pyramid schemes, & outright theft where a project promoter disappears w/ investors’ money.
加里·盖斯勒(Gary Gensler),现任美国证券交易委员会主席。
密码保护:Bitconned Is a Cryptocurrency Cautionary Tale 2024.1.1 ☑Press ☑U.S.,美国
Inexperienced co-founders, a non-existent product, and a mysterious CEO who seems to be MIA — what could possibly go wrong? Bitconned, the new documentary from director Bryan Storkel (The Pez Outlaw), goesinside the cryptocurrency craze of the late 2010s and unravels the story of Centra Tech, a crypto company dreamt up by a couple of South Florida hustlers with a knack for Photoshop and a penchant for living large.
“Crypto [was] just this new unfound territory, completely unregulated by the SEC,” explains Centra co-founder Ray Trapani in the doc. “Anytime you find a market like that, you just have to figure out how to exploit [it].”
Trapani and his cohorts managed to successfully do just that for a time, raising millions of unregulated fundraising dollars along the way. But when a New York Times reporter — and eventually, the authorities — dared to start asking questions, Centra’s web of lies unraveled. Using original interviews with Trapani, his family, and his co-conspirators, as well as a victim who poured money into Centra and the investigators who eventually brought the company’s malfeasance to light, Bitconned shines a light on just how easy it can be to create the illusion of a legitimate enterprise. After all, what is a scam if not an entrepreneurial venture situated firmly on the wrong side of the law?
继2022年的《别信任何人:虚拟货币悬案》之后,Netflix 2日又推出了一部有关加密货币诈骗案的纪录片《加密货币大骗局》(Bitconned)。该片深入探讨了2017年ICO(首次代币发行)热潮背后的故事,揭露了「假签帐卡公司」Centra Tech如何诈骗超过2,500万美元。
纪录片特别聚焦于共同创办人Ray Trapani的特殊性格,展示他如何偷取客户的虚拟货币帐户资金,甚至对被害者进行嘲讽。
Netflix介绍,《加密货币大骗局》主要通过对Centra Tech成员和《纽约时报》记者的采访,追溯了该公司从2017年创立到事迹败露的整个过程。
密码保护:2 Indicted in $8.5 Million Nationwide Airbnb/Vrbo Scam that Allegedly Defrauded 1000s of Victims and Discriminated Against Renters 2024.1.4 ☑Attorney ☑U.S.,美国
LOS ANGELES – A federal grand jury has indicted two men on federal fraud charges that allege a double-booking, bait-and-switch scam run through online property rental platforms – primarily Airbnb – that brought in more than $8.5 million through misleading listings and fraudulently canceling reservations, which included discrimination against Black people, the Justice Department announced today.
Shray Goel, 35, of Miami, and Shaunik Raheja, 34, of Denver, were charged Wednesday in a superseding indictment that accuses them of fraud in connection with more than 10,000 reservations linked to nearly 100 properties across 10 states.
Goel was initially charged in an indictment returned on December 13. He was arrested in Florida on December 27 and was released on bond the following day. Raheja was added as a defendant in the superseding indictment. Both defendants are expected to be arraigned in United States District Court in Los Angeles in the coming weeks.
➤当局周四表示,一名迈阿密男子是因大规模短期租赁诈骗案被起诉的两人之一,该诈骗案诈骗了 10 个州的数千名受害者,骗取了超过 850 万美元。
据美国加州中区检察官办公室称,35 岁的迈阿密人 Shray Goel(戈埃尔) 和 34 岁的丹佛人 Shaunik Raheja(拉赫贾) 周三被指控犯有多项欺诈罪,涉及近 100 处房产的 10,000 多个预订。
检察官称,这两人及其员工通过在线房产租赁平台实施了“双重预订、诱饵和转换”骗局。他们通过误导性列表和欺诈性取消预订,其中包括对“被认为是黑人的客人”的歧视,在 Airbnb 上获得了约 700 万美元的付款,并通过 Vrbo 获得了约 150 万美元的预订。
据称,Goel 和 Raheja 通过 Airbnb 和 Vrbo 上同一房屋的多个列表重复预订了房屋,然后“在最后一刻发明了虚假的借口 – 通常声称管道问题 – 取消超额预订的客人或诱骗他们搬到劣质的替代住宿,”美国检察官的声明称。
密码保护:Transcript: Office Of Public Safety Holds Briefing On Public Safety In New York City 2024.1.4 ☑Gov ☑U.S.,美国
Assistant Deputy Mayor Louis Molina, Public Safety: Good evening, everyone. My name is Louis Molina, the assistant deputy mayor for Public Safety. For those of you joining us for the first time, this discussion is a part of a series of briefings we hold about public safety in New York City to let you hear information directly from the source, the leaders working behind the scenes to keep our city safe.
Protecting public safety is a team effort, so each briefing brings features from different agencies, speakers and topics. But that team also includes you, the public. My ask of you if you are tuning in this evening is to take something you learn here today and share it with a friend, a family member, a neighbor. We stay safe by staying informed. If each of us passes along the information we learn about what the city is doing to increase safety, we, in turn, help to protect ourselves and our loved ones.
Today, I’m joined by New York City Sheriff Anthony Miranda, and members of his team: Lieutenant Kenneth Matos, Sergeant Richard Lois and Sergeant Francesca Rosa. The sheriff’s office is a critical arm of the public safety apparatus when it comes to enforcing laws in New York City.
负责公共安全的助理副市长路易斯·莫利纳(Louis Molina): 大家晚上好。我叫路易斯·莫利纳,负责公共安全的助理副市长。对于那些第一次加入我们的人来说,这次讨论是我们举办的有关纽约市公共安全的一系列简报的一部分,让您直接从消息来源听到信息,即在幕后工作以维护我们城市安全的领导人。
今天,纽约市警长安东尼·米兰达 (Anthony Miranda) 和他的团队成员:肯尼斯·马托斯 (Kenneth Matos) 副警监、理查德·路易斯 (Richard Lois) 警佐和弗朗西斯卡·罗莎 (Francesca Rosa) 警佐也加入了我的行列。在纽约市执行法律时,治安官办公室是公共安全机构的重要组成部分。
➤除了打击非法大麻店有成,治安官办公室的犯罪调查组在打击契约欺诈(deed fraud)方面也有成效。自2014年开始,纽约市治安官便着手调查契约欺诈,并于2019年正式成立工作组。
纽约市治安官办公室警官罗莎(Francesca Rosa)指出,纽约市在2014年时共有450件契约欺诈投诉,目前全市的投诉数量已经降至51件。
密码保护:Bernie Madoff Ponzi Scheme king, Madoff investment scandal, Bernard L. Madoff for operating what investigators have called the largest Ponzi scheme in history 2008 ☑Judge ☑U.S.,美国
Text Of Bernard Madoff’s Court Statement
The text of Bernard Madoff’s prepared plea allocution statement, delivered Thursday in U.S. District Court in New York.
Bernard Madoff and His Accomplices
This is the first detailed study of how Bernard L. Madoff and his accomplices perpetrated a Ponzi scheme of epic proportions—what has been referred to as the “con of the century.”
This is a collection of some of the court documents from the trial and sentencing of Bernard L. Madoff for operating what investigators have called the largest Ponzi scheme in history.
➤2009 年 3 月 10 日,曼哈顿联邦法院收到一份刑事诉状,指控伯纳德·麦道夫 (Bernard L. Madoff) 犯有 11 项重罪,包括证券欺诈、投资顾问欺诈、邮件欺诈、电信欺诈、三项洗钱罪、虚假陈述、伪证罪、虚假陈述向美国证券交易委员会(“SEC”)提交的文件,以及从员工福利计划中盗窃。政府与被告之间没有达成认罪协议。2009 年 3 月 12 日,麦道夫承认了《诉状》中的全部 11 项罪名。2009年6月29日,麦道夫被Chin法官判处150年监禁。
伯纳德·麦道夫准备好的认罪陈述声明文本于周四在纽约地方法院发表。(2009 年 3 月 12 日)
法官大人,在我于 2008 年 12 月 11 日被捕之前的许多年里,我通过我的公司 Bernard L. Madoff Securities LLC 的投资咨询业务经营庞氏骗局,该公司位于纽约曼哈顿第三大道 885 号。我实际上很感激第一次有机会公开谈论我的罪行,对此我深感抱歉和羞愧。当我进行诈骗时,我知道我所做的事情是错误的,甚至是犯罪行为。当我开始庞氏骗局时,我相信它很快就会结束,我将能够将自己和我的客户从该骗局中解救出来。然而,事实证明这很困难,而且最终是不可能的,随着时间的流逝,我意识到我的被捕和这一天将不可避免地到来。我痛苦地意识到我深深地伤害了很多很多人,包括我的家人、我最亲密的朋友、商业伙伴和成千上万给我钱的客户。我无法充分表达我对自己所做的事情有多么抱歉。我今天在这里承认自己的罪行,并通过认罪陈述解释我实施和隐瞒欺诈行为的方式。
这是对伯纳德·L·麦道夫(Bernard L. Madoff)及其同伙如何实施规模宏大的庞氏骗局(被称为“世纪骗局”)的首次详细研究。
密码保护:T-Mobile Will Soon Fine Some Third-Party Messaging Vendors $2,000 If They Send Illegal Spam 2023.12.28 ☑Press ☑U.S.,美国
Spam has been a massive problem through text messages over the last few years. Now, T-Mobile has changed its terms of service to add fines as high as $2,000 to third-party messaging accounts that send spam, social engineering messages, or illegal content over the T-Mobile network. These new fines will take effect on January 1, 2024.
The good news is their regular accounts are not affected by these new rules, but third-party messaging vendors accounts will face new fines and termination if they continue to send spam, social engineering, or illegal content over the T-Mobile network.
“These changes only impact third-party messaging vendors that send unlawful or unallowed commercial mass messaging campaigns for other businesses. The vendors will be fined if the content they are sending does not meet the standards in our code of conduct, which is in place to protect consumers from illegal or illicit content and aligns to federal and state laws.” T-Mobile said in a statement sent to Cord Cutters News.
➤在过去的几年里,垃圾邮件已经成为短信中的一个大问题。现在,T-Mobile 更改了其服务条款,对通过 T-Mobile 网络发送垃圾邮件、社会工程消息或非法内容的第三方消息帐户处以高达 2,000 美元的罚款。这些新罚款将于 2024 年 1 月 1 日生效。
好消息是他们的常规帐户不受这些新规则的影响,但如果第三方消息供应商帐户继续通过 T-Mobile 网络发送垃圾邮件、社会工程或非法内容,他们将面临新的罚款和终止。
“这些变化只会影响为其他企业发送非法或不允许的商业群发消息活动的第三方消息供应商。如果供应商发送的内容不符合我们的行为准则标准,他们将被罚款,该行为准则旨在保护消费者免受非法内容的侵害,并符合联邦和州法律。” T-Mobile 在一份声明中表示。
对于最终 T-Mobile 用户来说,这是个好消息,T-Mobile 正在寻找新方法来阻止垃圾邮件发送者利用其网络向您发送非法内容。请务必记住,如果您使用 T-Mobile 进行日常通话、短信和数据传输,则无需担心这些罚款。
➤垃圾讯息和诈骗讯息肆虐,除了对我们构成滋扰,甚至会有人受骗并因此蒙受损失,为了对付这些通过电话讯息作出的不法行为,全球通讯机关和电讯商都尝试不同的手段,而美国电讯商T-Mobile 早前公布,会针对发布不当讯息的机构作惩处。
日前有报道指T-Mobile 会在2024 年1 月1 日起,执行新的罚款制度,任何第三方机构利用T-Mobile 网络发送诈骗、垃圾和非法讯息,将会按照不同讯息类别而作出不同处罚。第一类别的网络钓鱼和社会工程操纵人们泄露私人信息会被罚2,000 美元,第二类的违法内容(例如大麻和拉客)会罚款1,000 美元,第三类其他违规内容(例如,在未验证收件人年龄的情况下发送“SHAFT”(即性、仇恨、酒精、枪支和烟草的缩写)内容)则罚款500 美元。
部分协助客户发送文字讯息的公司,早前已经提醒不要发送违法或不当内容;有美国媒体认为T-Mobile 此举无法完全杜绝垃圾和诈骗讯息,但至少能够减少部分讯息散播,第三方公司在接受客户发送讯息的请求前,亦可能会更加审慎以避免遭到罚款。
密码保护:The department’s Madoff Victim Fund(MVF),Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC (BLMIS) fraud scheme 2023.12.11 ☑Gov ☑U.S.,美国
The Justice Department announced today that the Madoff Victim Fund (MVF) began its ninth distribution of over $158.9 million in funds forfeited to the U.S. government in connection with the Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC (BLMIS) fraud scheme.
In this distribution, payments will be sent to 24,875 victims across the globe, bringing their total recoveries to 91% of their fraud losses. Through its nine distributions, MVF has paid over $4.22 billion to 40,843 victims as compensation for losses they suffered from the collapse of BLMIS.
➤P.S. 1.Bernie Madoff: Who He Was, How His Ponzi Scheme Worked 2.‘He’s a financial serial killer’: how Bernie Madoff became the monster of Wall Street 3.Bernie Madoff, mastermind of the nation’s biggest investment fraud, dies at 82
➤美国司法部今天宣布司法部麦道夫案受骗者基金开始第九次分配1.589 亿美元。
美国司法部周一(12.11)宣布,伯尼·麦道夫 (Bernie Madoff)因历史上最大的庞氏骗局被捕 15 年后,这位名誉扫地的金融家的近 25,000 名受害者将获得 1.589 亿美元,使他们的追偿总额达到损失资金的 91%。
至此,麦道夫受害者基金已向麦道夫的 40,843 名受害者发放了九笔总额超过 42.2 亿美元的款项,作为对他们因麦道夫投资证券业务倒闭而遭受的损失的补偿。
2023.12.20 伯尼·麦道夫:他是谁,他的庞氏骗局是如何运作的
2023.1.4 “他是金融连环杀手”:伯尼·麦道夫如何成为华尔街的怪物
2021.4.14 美国最大投资诈骗案主谋伯尼·麦道夫去世,享年 82 岁
➤伯尼·麦道夫在媒体和流行文化中被描绘成恶棍。例如,在 HBO 2009 年的《遏制你的热情》一集中,贾森·亚历山大(在《宋飞传》中扮演乔治)被麦道夫欺骗,失去了从他发明的虚构应用程序中赚到的所有钱。麦道夫(或类似的山寨品)也曾出现过其他虚构人物,例如伍迪·艾伦的电影《蓝色茉莉花》中的一对夫妇,以及埃莉诺·利普曼的小说《顶层公寓B 的风景》中的主角。
密码保护:FTX,Sam Bankman-Fried 2023.12.30 ☑Press ☑U.S.,美国
Prosecutors have decided against pursuing a second trial against disgraced FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried.
In a note to Judge Lewis Kaplan on Friday, the U.S. government said that much of the evidence that would have been presented had already been submitted during the first trial.
In November, following a month’s worth of testimony from nearly 20 witnesses, a jury found the former FTX chief executive guilty of all seven criminal counts against him.
➤FTX加密货币交易所。萨姆·班克曼·弗里德 (Sam Bankman-Fried)。
12 月 30 日,据媒体报道,美国联邦政府检察官在本周五的一封信中告知主审 班克曼-弗里德 (Bankman-Fried) 一案的法官 Lewis Kaplan,放弃对SBF进一步指控,SBF 将不会因额外指控而面临第二次审判。检察官表示,将在第二次审判中提出的大部分证据已经在 SBF 的初审中提出,法官可以在 3 月 28 日的量刑中考虑到这些证据,本次撤销指控旨在避免因二审而延误量刑,联邦政府认为这将有利于及时公正地解决此案。
检方表示,这起针对前亿万富翁案件的「强烈公众利益」超过二审的好处。检察官表示,鉴于SBF定于 3 月 28 日的量刑可能包括没收和归还其罪行受害者的命令,因此“这里的利益尤为重要”,因为受害者正急切地等待 FTX 账户在 2022 年 11 月倒闭后获得赔偿的详细信息。
据悉,本次撤销的「额外 6 项指控」包含 SBF 在政治竞选中的财务违规行为、串谋贿赂外国官员、串谋实施银行欺诈、串谋经营无牌汇款业务,以及实质性证券欺诈和商品欺诈。(政治捐款及贿赂官员涉案金额约为 1 亿美元)