分类: U.S.
Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office: GIFT CARD SCAM AND ARREST 2023.12.7……【Press】【U.S.】During our recent retail theft Operation Bad Elf, detectives observed an individual, later identified as Ningning Sun, acting suspiciously near the gift cards in the payment aisles in a Sacramento Target store. Detectives observed him placing all the gift cards inside his jacket, then replacing the gift cards on the rack with another set of seemingly identical ones. After Sun was stopped trying to exit the store with the stolen gift cards, detectives discovered over 5000 gift cards from Target and Apple in his possession.
Their investigation revealed Sun was part of a scam that tampered with gift cards, scanned the bar code, and stole money from the gift card as money was loaded on them. Victims are completely unaware it is happening, and the money is often siphoned to an off-shore account within seconds. Their investigation revealed that the operation spanned across California and several regions nationwide.
The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office urges residents to be cautious when purchasing physical gift cards from any retailer. Be observant of any signs of tampering, especially scuff marks or scratches near the bar code on the back of the card. These operations are very sophisticated and modifications to the gift cards are often virtually undetectable, even to the trained eye. Detectives suspect Sun has done this at many stores and are requesting the public’s help to potentially link him to other crimes.
➤【美国】萨克拉门托县治安官办公室称,一名男子因在 Target 商店篡改礼品卡而在加利福尼亚州被捕。
周三,孙宁宁在治安官为期一周的“坏精灵行动”中被捕,该行动的目标是整个萨克拉门托县的零售盗窃案。警方称,孙宁宁拥有超过 5,000 张 Target 和 Apple 礼品卡。
据哥伦比亚广播公司新闻报道,这些卡片被追踪到全州 12 个县的 54 家 Target 商店。调查人员认为,从洛杉矶到湾区和中央谷,全州塔吉特百货的货架上可能仍存有数千张欺诈性礼品卡。
萨克拉门托治安官办公室表示,孙被捕前曾在萨克拉门托 Target 商店的支付通道中的礼品卡附近行为可疑。“侦探们观察到他将所有礼品卡放在夹克内的架子上,然后用另一套看似相同的礼品卡替换了礼品卡。” 孙在带着偷来的礼品卡试图离开商店时遇到了质问。
治安官办公室表示,他们的调查显示,Sun 参与了横跨加州和全国其他几个地区的礼品卡诈骗。该骗局涉及篡改扫描礼品卡上的条形码并窃取其中的金额
与此同时,塔吉特在一份声明中表示,他们已经意识到这些骗局,并非常严肃地对待它们。 -
密码保护:Binance,Changpeng Zhao(“CZ”) 2023.12.8……【Press】【U.S.】Binance founder Changpeng Zhao is too rich to leave the U.S. before criminal sentencing, judge says
Billionaire Binance founder Changpeng Zhao cannot leave the United States ahead of his criminal sentencing, a federal judge ruled.
The ruling reverses a previous decision allowing Zhao, the cryptocurrency titan also known as CZ, to travel to his home in the United Arab Emirates before he is sentenced on Feb. 23.
“The defendant has enormous wealth and property abroad, and no ties to the United States,” the judge wrote.
➤【美国】币安加密货币交易所、创始人赵长鹏 ( CZ )。
理查德·琼斯法官支持司法部,并命令 CZ 留在美国。
美国地区法官理查德·琼斯站在司法部一边,要求全球最大加密货币交易所币安 CZ 的创始人兼前首席执行官赵长鹏(更广为人知的名字是“CZ”)留在美国,而不是在开庭前返回海外。
CZ 请求处理他的刑事案件的法院允许他飞往他的家人居住的阿布扎比,与他们在一起,直到他被要求返回美国接受判决。然而,琼斯法官驳回了上诉。
检察官辩称,尽管 CZ 同意缴纳 1.75 亿美元的保释金,但他未能在宣判前提供足够的保证不会逃跑。
琼斯法官在周四的法庭文件中表示:“虽然保释方案规模巨大,甚至史无前例,但该方案似乎主要由政府无法控制的资产组成。” “被告在国外拥有巨额财富和财产,与美国没有联系。他的家人居住在阿联酋,看来他在阿联酋享有有利的地位,”琼斯周四在华盛顿西雅图联邦法院发布的一份长达六页的命令中写道。琼斯写道:“在这种情况下,法院认为被告没有提供明确且令人信服的证据证明他如果返回阿联酋就不太可能逃跑。”
该裁决推翻了之前的决定,一名治安法官最初裁定,赵在等待 2 月 23 日宣判期间可以返回迪拜,与他的伴侣和三个孩子住在一起。 -
Binance, Changpeng Zhao(CZ) 2023.11.21……【Press】【U.S.】Binance Admits It Engaged in Anti-Money Laundering, Unlicensed Money Transmitting, and Sanctions Violations in Largest Corporate Resolution to Include Criminal Charges for an Executive
Binance Holdings Limited (Binance), the entity that operates the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance.com, pleaded guilty today and has agreed to pay over $4 billion to resolve the Justice Department’s investigation into violations related to the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), failure to register as a money transmitting business, and the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA).
Binance’s founder and chief executive officer (CEO), Changpeng Zhao, a Canadian national, also pleaded guilty to failing to maintain an effective anti-money laundering (AML) program, in violation of the BSA and has resigned as CEO of Binance.
Binance’s guilty plea is part of coordinated resolutions with the Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).
币安周二表示,该公司区域市场全球主管Richard Teng将接替赵长鹏,成为币安的首席执行官。据LinkedIn资料显示,今年52岁的新加玻人Richard Teng曾在新加坡金融管理局工作长达13年。
赵已以 1500 万美元现金担保的 1.75 亿美元个人担保保证金获释,量刑听证会定于 2 月 23 日举行。
在其他方面,投资者也在权衡另一个主要加密货币交易所 Kraken 的消息。周一晚上,美国证券交易委员会声称该公司一直作为未注册的经纪人、清算机构和交易商运营,并将客户的加密资产与自己的加密资产混合在一起。这是 SEC 今年第二次起诉 Kraken。今年 2 月,该机构表示 Kraken未能登记其加密资产质押即服务计划的发售和销售。
与此同时,司法部周二赞扬了最大稳定币的争议运营商 Tether 因其在加密货币生态系统中冻结了与东南亚人口贩运集团有关的 2.25 亿美元资产而闻名。