Karnataka govt orders CBI probe into Guru Raghavendra bank scam 2023.12.3……【Press】【India,भारत,】The Congress government in Karnataka Saturday ordered a CBI inquiry into the Sri Guru Raghavendra Sahakara Bank Niyamitha (SGRSBN) scam in Basavanagudi.
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said, “Thousands of depositors invested their lifetime savings in the bank with dreams like marriage, owning a house, etc. Because of the bank fraud, all the depositors are worried about their future. Even when I was the Opposition leader earlier, I had raised my voice against the bank fraud and demanded a CBI probe to deliver justice to the depositors. I have seen the frustration and the agony of those who lost their deposit money. Hence, to ensure justice for all, we decided to hand over the investigation to the CBI.”
In 2020, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) imposed withdrawal restrictions on the SGRSBN. Investigation revealed that more than Rs 2,500 crore was misappropriated by the bank management. So far, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has attached assets worth Rs 159 crore as part of its probe into the alleged scam.
➤【印度】卡纳塔克邦政府下令 CBI 调查 Guru Raghavendra 银行诈骗案
卡纳塔克邦首席部长 Siddaramaiah 于 2023 年 11 月 29 日星期三在班加罗尔班加罗尔宫举行的 2023 年班加罗尔科技峰会 (BTS) 上发表讲话。
卡纳塔克邦国大党政府周六下令对 Basavanagudi 的 Sri Guru Raghavendra Sahakara Bank Niyamitha (SGRSBN) 骗局进行调查。
首席部长西达拉玛雅表示:“成千上万的储户将毕生的积蓄投入银行,怀着结婚、拥有房子等梦想。由于银行欺诈,所有储户都对自己的未来感到担忧。” 早在我担任反对党领袖时,我就曾大声疾呼反对银行欺诈行为,并要求印度中央调查局进行调查,为储户伸张正义。我看到了那些失去存款的人的沮丧和痛苦。因此,为了确保所有人的正义,我们决定将调查交给印度中央调查局(CBI)。”
2020年,印度储备银行(RBI)对SGRSBN实施了提款限制。调查显示,银行管理层挪用了超过 250 亿卢比。到目前为止,执法局 (ED) 已扣押了价值 15.9 亿卢比的资产,作为对涉嫌诈骗的调查的一部分。
在45,000名储户中,大多数人从存款保险和信用担保公司(DICGC)获得了50万卢比的保险金额。然而,超过 15,000 名存款超过 60 万卢比的储户尚未获得全额救济。
今年二月,执法局 (ED)逮捕了一名涉嫌银行诈骗的主要受益人。据 ED 称,被告 Rajesh VR 据称在银行管理层的纵容下从银行挪用了大量资金。根据印度储备银行的检查报告,他从银行获得了 4.04 亿卢比的贷款,但尚未偿还。