密码保护:Deep fake video scam using entrepreneur Dick Smith and Treasurer Jim Chalmers targets Australians 2023.11.28……【Press】【Australia】Facebook has been condemned by one of the nation’s most prominent business figures for failing to stop a new generation of scam ads that use deep fake videos of him and other high-profile Australians “endorsing” fraudulent investments.
Electronics entrepreneur Dick Smith, who has been trying for more than two years to stop Facebook running scam ads with his identity, said it was the first time he was aware of being used in deep fake videos.
One fraudulent video purports to be a news segment on A Current Affair and includes “interviews” between host Allison Langdon and Jim Chalmers, Mr Smith and billionaires Gina Rinehart and Andrew Forrest.
Mr Smith said even he was fooled while watching himself spruik the scam investment.
“When I first saw myself, I thought ‘Oh, they’ve got some other interview that they have cut apart and it’s me talking’,” he said.
“But then I realised that they’ve actually lip-synched completely new text, new voice in it.
“I’ve never said any of that stuff. They are incredibly well done. I think it’s very worrying.”
➤【澳大利亚】澳大利亚多名「具代表性」人物被利用诈骗,Dick Smith抨击Meta不力
澳大利亚电子企业巨头史密斯(Dick Smith)、财长查默斯(Jim Chalmers)及亿万富翁Andrew Forrest及澳大利亚女首富Gina Rinehart的肖像均被利用以制作深伪视频。
在周一(11月27日)下午,在史密斯的个人站点上发布了一条视频,该视频被设计成类似电视节目《A Current Affair》的一部份,在片段内主持人兰登(Ally Langdon)显然在访问他、Gina Rinehart及Andrew Forrest。
据报,Gina Rinehart已经去信META总裁扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg),抨击未能制止在其平台Facebook和Instagram上出现的诈骗行为。而史密斯亦表示已经去信Meta以阻止在Facebook及Instagram上再推广虚假广告。
史密斯表示,他正在与Gina Rinehart联系,探讨他们可以采取甚么进一步的措施,以防止他们的身份被用来诈骗澳大利亚人。