Changjiang Currency Exchange(长江换汇) 2023.11.2……【Press】【Australia】Alleged money laundering syndicate ringleader Zhuo Chen granted bail week after arrest by AFP
The alleged ringleader of a money laundering syndicate owns a $10 million house outright and poses a risk of fleeing the country on a private jet, prosecutors say.
Federal Police allege 37-year-old Zhuo Chen, one of the co-founders of the Changjiang Currency Exchange, pocketed millions of illegally acquired funds and used other family members’ bank accounts to hide transactions.
Last week, seven people were arrested after officers swooped on Changjiang’s premises around the country. Police alleged the business helped criminals launder almost $230 million over the past three years.
On Thursday, prosecutors told the Melbourne Magistrates Court the currency exchange transferred more than $10 billion over the three-year period, of which about 2 per cent was illegitimate.
Prosecutors revealed some of the inner workings of the alleged crime syndicate, as they fought Mr Chen’s bid to be released on bail, arguing he could interfere with witnesses and posed a flight risk.
37 岁的陈卓周四在墨尔本地方法院出庭,一周前,他在全国范围内的扫荡行动中被捕。
检察官约翰·桑德斯(John Saunders)反对保释,他表示警方担心陈先生可能会在海外获得大量资金和网络。检察官称,涉嫌洗钱集团的头目拥有一栋价值 1000 万美元的房屋,并有乘坐私人飞机逃离该国的风险。
陈先生的律师德莫特·丹恩·KC (Dermot Dann KC) 告诉法庭,他的当事人打算不认罪,并否认这些指控。
地方法官马尔科姆·托马斯 (Malcolm Thomas) 批准陈先生保释,他认为虽然存在很大风险,但可以通过“繁重”的保释条件来缓解这些风险。在陈先生的父母提出用他们价值 130 万澳元的房子作为担保,并且陈先生同意了实际上限制他在家拘留并监控他的电话和互联网活动的条件后,地方法官马尔科姆·托马斯决定准予保释。
另外三名同案被告;陈先生的妻子 38 岁的卢洁 (Jie Lu)、35 岁的朱静 (Jing Zhu) 和 33 岁的王金 (Jin Wang) 在检察官约翰·桑德斯 (John Saunders) 承认他们拥有“表面上的权利”后获准保释。