密码保护:Binance(币安加密货币交易所), Changpeng Zhao(“CZ”, 币安创始人赵长鹏) 2024.4.30 ✓Press ✓Judge ✓U.S.,美国
2024.4.30, 币安亿万富翁创始人赵长鹏周二被判处四个月监禁,此前他承认了在其加密货币交易所进行洗钱的指控。
这位币安前总裁的刑期明显低于联邦检察官要求他判处的三年刑期。辩方要求五个月的缓刑。量刑指南要求判处 12 至 18 个月监禁。
据报道,赵在周二接受判决前告诉法庭“我在这里失败了,”“我对自己的失败深感遗憾,我很抱歉。”(“I failed here,” Zhao told the court Tuesday. “I deeply regret my failure, and I am sorry.”)
赵周二早些时候在法庭上表示:“我认为承担责任的第一步是充分认识到错误。” “在这里,我未能实施适当的反洗钱计划……我现在意识到这个错误的严重性。”
赵的律师表示,这完全是一个无意识的“错误”,赵对此深感遗憾。他做了很多思考和反思,并致力于慈善事业。(That was all an unwitting “mistake,” according to Zhao’s lawyers, which he regrets deeply. He’s done a lot of thinking and reflecting, he said, and dedicated himself to philanthropy.)
检察官称,赵的违反美国法律的规模“前所未有”,并且“故意无视”币安的法律责任。在 4 月 23 日的一份备忘录中,检察官表示,在赵的控制下,币安以“狂野西部”模式运营。备忘录称:“赵打赌他不会被抓住,而且如果他被抓住,后果也不会像犯罪那么严重。” “但赵被抓了,现在法院将决定赵应该为自己的罪行付出什么代价。”
47岁的赵在听到判决后没有明显反应。(Zhao, 47, did not visibly react upon hearing his sentence.)
他在法庭上穿着海军蓝色西装和领带,他的母亲和其他几名家庭成员出席了法庭。(He wore a navy blue suit and tie in the courtroom, with his mother and several other family members in attendance. )
赵及其法律团队和家人在周二的听证会后离开,没有接受记者采访。赵将报到服刑,具体日期尚未确定。(Zhao, his legal team and family members left after Tuesday’s hearing without speaking to reporters. Zhao will report to serve his sentence at a date yet to be determined.)
对赵的刑期比 Sam Bankman-Fried 在 3 月份因从现已破产的 FTX 交易所的客户那里窃取 80 亿美元而被判处 25 年监禁要轻得多。尽管如此,检察官对币安和赵先生进行了长达数年的调查后的(判决)结果感到高兴。“这是史诗般的一天,”美国检察官泰莎·戈尔曼在法院外对记者说,“在本案中,监禁至关重要,我们对结果感到满意。”(It was also much lighter than the 25 years behind bars that Sam Bankman-Fried received in March for stealing $8 billion from customers of his now-bankrupt FTX exchange. Still, prosecutors cheered the outcome of what had been a years-long investigation into Binance and Zhao. “This was an epic day,” US Attorney Tessa Gorman told reporters outside the courthouse. “Incarceration was critical in this case and we’re pleased with the result.”)
但加密货币怀疑论者往往对整个价值 2 万亿美元的行业持怀疑态度,并表示司法部在打击该行业方面做得还不够。“‘犯罪付出代价’是司法部今天发出的信息”,非营利组织 Better Markets 的首席执行官丹尼斯·凯莱赫 (Dennis Kelleher) 在周二的声明中表示,“它甚至没有指控 CZ 洗钱;他仅被指控没有制定反洗钱计划,这还不如打一巴掌呢。”(But crypto skeptics tend to view the entire $2 trillion industry with suspicion and say the DOJ hasn’t done nearly enough to combat it.“‘Crime pays’ is the message sent today” by the Justice Department, Dennis Kelleher, CEO of the nonprofit Better Markets, said in statement Tuesday. “It didn’t even charge CZ with money laundering; he was only charged with not having an anti-money laundering program. That’s less than a slap on the wrist.”)
尽管赵现在面临牢狱之灾,但接受采访的行业专家和律师表示,他巨大的个人财富将不会受到影响,甚至可能会增加。(Despite Zhao now facing time in prison, industry experts and lawyers who spoke with CNBC say his tremendous personal wealth will remain unaffected and, if anything, is likely to rise.)
无论他的罪行或案件的情况如何,联邦监狱的刑期都不容小觑,这是首席执行官第一次因这种特殊罪行入狱。(No matter the crime or the circumstance of his case, federal prison time is nothing to sniff at, and this is the first time a CEO has gone to prison for this particular crime. )