Taiwan! 北所過年, 竹東槍擊案1犯嫌投案聲押, 詐團躲峇里島行騙 宣判, 10元電鍍成金色當50元花 魚丸店遭騙, 除夕驚傳汐止兄弟互砍 弟幾乎斷掌 兄頭部受創, 趁正宮不在到人夫家過夜 造成正宮精神痛苦 破壞婚姻生活圓滿安全與幸福 法官斥女業務員鳩佔鵲巢判賠25萬, 全台最大黃牛夫妻幕後搶票工程師 逃泰國3個月返台過年落網, 竹東槍擊案(竹東三環幫內鬥) 5逃逸槍手今晚投案 記者vs.嫌犯:「是誰指使你們殺人的?為甚麼要逃出國?誰安排你們去日本?你們有發生內鬥嗎?」 警方vs.嫌犯:「我現在告訴你三項權利,你可以保持沉默,無須違背自己的意思,可以選任辯護人,可請求調查對自己有利的證據,我現在依法將你逮捕。」 嫌犯親友:「他是自首回來的,他不是押解回來的。」, 往事新聞 一位資優少女走上絕路轟動全台|首仙仙事件 2025.1.27-1.31
U.S.! transit attacks, woman shoved into moving NYC subway train by homeless man, fentanyl, Possession of Fentanyl with Intent to Distribute, federal charges of child sex trafficking, state charges of child rape, FBI’s Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list, Arrests, Gaston County Mugshots, Texas mass shooting, shots fired on Munger Lane, an abandoned baby, A woman was taken into custody after her pit bull ripped off portions of a 43-year-old man’s face, northeast Fresno home invasion 2025.1.27-1.31
India! a police volunteer convicted of the rape and murder of a junior doctor, Abduction with intent to commit murder, atm fraudsters, sextortion, fake advertisement, ILLICIT LIQUOR, BOTTLEGGER, major stampedes, A tragic stampede Wednesday as tens of thousands of Hindus rushed to bathe in a sacred river at the massive Maha Kumbh festival in India, the world’s largest religious gathering, After 20 Years On The Run Fugitive Banker In Indian Custody, Dalit Student Death, Payment Gateway Scam 2025.1.20-1.31
Brazil! furto, roubo, Defraudações, Criminosos invadem, roubo a banco, roubo de motocicleta, assalto a uma loja de roupas, por furto mediante fraude, uso de documento falso, receptação e adulteração de sinal identificador de veículo, máfia chinesa Lin Xianbin, crimes sexuais, furto fugir morre, furto de armas, Presa por tráfico, roubo do gado 2025.1.13-1.30
UK! London Murder, Serial Killer London, Jack the Ripper, theft, fraud by false representation, production of class B drugs(cannabis), Southport attacker Southport killer Axel Rudakubana, robbery of an off-licence in Halewood, multi-million-pound Class A B and C drugs conspiracy, a gang of people operating a sophisticated drug distribution business, Burglary duo that befriended vulnerable victims for profit, Man climbed through ex-girlfriend’s window in south London then murdered her 2025.1.13-1.30